Chapter 999
The stone gate opened, and a delicate and beautiful maid in a green skirt, with an unfathomable aura, suddenly walked out from behind the stone gate.

That maid had a smear on her face that seemed to be clear, but when she looked closely, she couldn't see it through.

Ye Luoxin became more and more vigilant.

Almost instinctively, Ye Luo felt that this maid seemed a little unusual.

"My lord, you are the son-in-law of Shangguan's family, Shangguan Yunbing's husband, Ye Shui?" The maid looked at Ye Luo with complex, curious, and surprised eyes.

"It's me, what's the matter? I broke the formation, can you, according to the previous promise, answer any of my requests?" Ye Luo seemed puzzled and looked stunned.

"Please come with me, my lord. My lady is already waiting in front." The maid took another deep look at Ye Luo, and led Ye Luo, step by step towards the back of the stone gate.


Lost in the depths of the restricted area.

"Meng'er has used the ancient and ultra-distance communication talisman to send news. Just now, the method to crack the Huangquan reincarnation formation has been found, but the way to break the formation..." A ghost with a human head and a terrifying breath Against the sky, the ancient existence against the sky held a cold white bone in his hand and opened his mouth. The aura on it was half-step emperor level. It seemed to be reporting something to a person.

"Who broke the formation?"

"Shangguan's family, that fool's son-in-law."

"It's too accidental. This idiot is not the person we are looking for. I have investigated that idiot. He is indeed Shangguan Tian. In order to protect the position of Patriarch, he forcibly formed a idiot with the flag array. However, his kind The way of breaking the formation may trigger a storm, and it will also be of great help to us entering that place.

Let Meng'er continue to set up the formation. To enter that place, one must have a very good understanding of the formation method, but the realm must be below the half-step emperor realm. "


On the west side of the ghost town, seven hundred miles away, in the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountain range in the forest of taboo monsters.

This restricted area is terrifying and unfathomable. Beside the beast god, Pixiu, who is even more mysterious than the beast god, brought the most terrifying alien races from the Shangguan family and the Tuoba family into the area.

Even, silently, last night, a heaven-defying ancient emperor of the Zhongzhou Dynasty in Zhongzhou was shocked!
"I care about your paralysis, you dead donkey, didn't you say that with your teleportation array, you can directly teleport us outside of the ghost town? Where is this? This is so weird, it seems to be a restricted area!" The fat man was terrified, Trying to curl up behind a stone, not daring to move, watching a strange creature in front of him, and leaving little by little.

They followed Ye Luo's aura and found the residence of Shangguan's family all the way. After that, the donkey deduced it again, saying that they might have found the wrong one, and the aura was in the swamp ghost town.

Then, the donkey took out a self-made teleportation array, and vowed that it could be directly teleported to the ghost city in one minute. They walked out of it, only to find that they were not in the ghost town at all.

Instead, it appeared in the depths of the forbidden monster forest, in the most terrifying forbidden area of ​​the dark mountain range.

"Wow, woof! Mistake, mistake, calm down." The donkey also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "Well, this is already here, cough, it's here to experience, you have to find a way to get out first."

"Donkey, donkey said, why, why go out, I, I heard that in the dark restricted area, before the taboo monster forest, it existed, and after the taboo monster forest appeared, the taboo monster forest developed At this point, I didn't go any further, but used this mountain range as a boundary.

Before the ancient times, the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains seemed to be more terrifying than the restricted area of ​​the ancient times. After the ancient times, due to the formation of the taboo monster forest and the isolation of the forest, very few people could enter the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains. "Yang Ying spoke in a low voice behind Chu Xiaohuan, the palms of her little hands were covered with cold sweat.

"The restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains is called the Emperor's Graveyard, isn't it? In the depths of the restricted area, even the Emperor's restricted area can't come out alive. Should we still be in the fringe area?" Zhou Xiaoyu also swallowed.

"I don't care about you, you fucking donkey, you're so damn stupid, you beat me to death!" The white-skinned pig's body also trembled violently.


Just as the few people were talking, there was a terrifying, heaven-defying sound that seemed to overturn the nine heavens and ten earths from the depths. Afterwards, a terrifying oppression and heaven-defying coercion swept across.


An ancient, vicissitudes, and ancient sound, as if coming from the deepest part of Jiuyou, also came again.

"Fa, what happened? I'm a bitch, what, what's wrong!" The bronze man was shocked, and his body backed away abruptly.

"My, my god, what the hell is this impact? It's snowing?" Under the terrifying pressure, the fat man has already crossed the Nascent Soul peak, and he, who has entered the initial stage of fusion, even felt a wave of blood boiling. Somewhat uncomfortable.

And the white-skinned pig forcibly cast a secret technique to protect Chu Xiaohuan and the three of them.

"It's really snowing, it's Hongmaoxue!" Chu Xiaohuan looked up in shock.

The snow covering half of Zhongzhou has just stopped today. The snow is red, like red hairs, falling finely. The red hair snow is completely different from the red hair rain. The red hair rain is liquid, while the red hair snow , is solid, exactly the same as snow.

Once the red fur snow appeared, it was extremely tight.

Thick and dense, overwhelming!
Blood red, falling in the white snow!
In the world wrapped in bright red, there is a dark red dripping with blood, cold!

"Bai, Bai Maoxue, too, too before, when an era collapsed, something that appeared?" The bronze man seemed to remember something, and his body shook again.

This snow started from the dark restricted zone, spread in the endless taboo monster forest, and the vast and endless Zhongzhou, and the red-haired snow fell all over the sky.

"Wow, woof, woof! What's wrong with this thing..." The donkey looked at the white snow all over the sky, and before he could finish the shocking words, his body stopped suddenly, because it suddenly saw that the snow was covered in fine and cold snow. In the strange and mysterious white snow, there is an embroidered shoe, which unexpectedly appeared in front of it at some time.

The bronze man turned his head, stared suddenly, his body shook, and he said, "You, why are you here?"


The swamp ghost city, Ye Luo's formation breaking, and the second strange way of breaking the formation, almost a few minutes later, through various methods, have suddenly spread.

The sensation had just begun, and someone felt something unusual in the sky.

"Hey! Is it snowing again?"

"No, no, why is this snow red?"

(End of this chapter)

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