The best mysterious doctor

Chapter 1288 Run, brother

Chapter 1288 Run, Brother ([-])

Three languages, one of which is actually Chinese.

Well, finally there is someone who can understand it, at least there is no need to foolishly guess it.

These words are not many, in fact there are only a few words, and they are easy to remember, so I don't quite understand why these people have to record in three languages, and remember them so carefully.

But these words don't seem to have much connection, that is to say, the sentences don't make sense!
A broken book, unintelligible words, and translations in three languages, this matter is so unusual no matter how you look at it.

I took a look at Wu Chen, saw him driving skillfully, and saw the villagers on the side of the road who heard the gunshots and rushed over suspiciously and wanted to take a look. A trace of doubt arose in my heart.

Immediately after I opened the book again, I realized something was wrong. It was not three languages, but four!

Because above the three languages, there is a row of Arabic numerals in disordered order.

I don't have much understanding of Arabic numerals. They are nothing more than 1 to 9 from childhood to adulthood, but it seems a bit unusual in this small book at the moment.

Because above these numbers, there are some small dots and very short dashes.

That is to say, one dot and one horizontal, one horizontal and one dot.

I glanced at Wu Chen, and tentatively asked, "Morse code?"

Wu Chen glanced at me in surprise: "You know Morse code? That's fine!"

I shrugged my shoulders: "Isn't this a spy movie too much? Who would have thought that it would be real. Unfortunately, I don't know this stuff either!"

Wu Chen turned his head and glanced: "This is all translated, you just read it in order from one to nine."

I started to read: "Tulos, Swapa, Honduka, damn it, where is it all?"

I have two big heads: "You just say it directly, what does this mean?"

Wu Chen said while driving: "Tulos is a mountain range, Swapa is a small town, Hongduka, it should be Hongdu, these three places are relatively famous places in Vietnam, you don't know, It really is terrible to have no culture!"

I was despised by Wu Chen, so I gave him a blank look: "This is not our own house, why do I know such details? Don't make a fool of yourself, just talk about the relationship here."

Wu Chen licked his lips and said, "Hongdu is the smallest of these three places. It is just a tourist attraction, similar to the Five Sacred Mountains. It is most famous for the fact that several emperors in the history of Vietnam once pardoned people here. Minister Feng, is known as the geomantic treasure of Vietnam, let's go here first."

"The geomantic treasure of Vietnam? Isn't that very lively?"

I rubbed my nose: "It's just the two of us who are as virtuous as we are now, and we won't be arrested if we go?"

Wu Chen raised his brows, and said indifferently: "We are gentle people, how can this show our magnanimity?"

I rolled my eyes: "Then what should I do?"

Wu Chen sighed and said, "We have to get to the place first, the key issue now is that I don't know the way!"

All problems have become the biggest problem in the four words "I don't know the way".

I pointed to a row of curving tadpole characters on the small book and asked, "Is this Vietnamese?"

Wu Chen tilted his head and glanced: "It's about the same."

I nodded: "It's about the same, you just go to the place where there are many people and stop."

Wu Chen gave me a strange look: "There are already quite a few people in front."

As he spoke, the guy suddenly yelled, "Get down!"

I immediately put my head down, the submachine gun in Wu Chen's hand stuck out of the car window, and a shuttle of bullets swept out.


'Da da da da...'

The shootout happened almost without our defenses. It was expected, but it was unexpected.

Because we didn't expect that the other party would actually block us on the way to escape. In fact, we should have reacted when the big truck drove over from the opposite side, but we didn't expect that things would develop so fast, and the other party's reaction was faster than ours. Also quickly.

Wu Chen's accelerator stepped to the bottom almost instantly, the two cars intersected, and countless bullets flew scattered and bounced around.

The length of the two cars was no more than five or six meters. They missed each other in such a short period of time. Our body seemed to be sieved. The windows of the car had been shattered into countless pieces. Chen's face was scratched with several bloodstains by the glass, looking extremely hideous.

I saw his body trembling slightly, he was still driving the car recklessly, stepping on the accelerator desperately, obviously already desperate.

I looked through the rear window and saw a dozen or so heavily armed mercenaries jumping out of the cart that passed by, shooting after them.

This damn country, the chaotic social system!

"Are you OK?"

The sweat on Wu Chen's forehead mixed with the blood on his face, it seemed that the muscles on his face twitched a little because of the pain stimulated by the sweat flowing through the wound.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

I shook off the glass shards on my body and asked him back.

"It's okay, we'll be leaving soon."

Wu Chen said confidently.


I frowned: "Why are you so sure?"

Wu Chen shook the mobile phone in his hand: "They also carry communication equipment, isn't it easy to make a call back? It's a pity, the signal is not very good."

I couldn't help but froze, why didn't I know when this guy made the call.

Wu Chen stepped on the gas pedal firmly, until he drove the car onto a road before saying: "If I can't hold on for a while, you just keep stepping on the gas pedal and drive along this road, don't make a turn , at the end, someone will meet you."

It's like leaving a last word.

I immediately became nervous: "What's wrong with you?"

Wu Chen smiled miserably: "It's nothing, it just seems to be hit by a stray bullet on the thigh!"

I rely on!I immediately looked down, and saw that his left thigh was continuously gushing out with blood, and the whole trousers had been stained red, while his right leg was still stepping on the gas pedal hard.

"Wu Chen!"

I'm at a loss and don't know how to deal with this situation.

But Wu Chen's voice became weaker and weaker: "Remember what I said, drive immediately, move forward, I can only take you here!"

After saying this, Wu Chen lay on the steering wheel, the car made a sharp braking sound, slid a long way, and stopped there.

"Wu Chen, Brother Chen!"

I bit my lip, tears flowed down the corners of my eyes, and reached out to touch Wu Chen's forehead, only to find that his whole body was hot, terribly hot, which seemed to be caused by excessive bleeding and excessive weakness.

Willpower is no longer enough to support his body that has lost too much vitality.

I gently picked Wu Chen up, put him in the co-pilot's seat, gritted my teeth and started the car.

What lies ahead is hope and a turning point.

(End of this chapter)

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