The best mysterious doctor

Chapter 998 Prepare to leave the underworld

Chapter 998 Prepare to leave the underworld
The story of Tong Nan lingers in my mind, this failed love is a shadow in my life, but he is still a part of my life, an indelible part.

This is the difference between life and other things, cannot be copied, cannot be erased.

I keep searching along my own thoughts, looking for the origin and original intention of my original thought.

In the end, I was completely lost.

As Nobita said, I am a person with rich emotions, but there are many things that make me helpless. Everything seems to be conveyed to me around a bad message, which makes me unable to bear to think about it, but I have to admit it.

"Everything in life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten."

Yun Ruo appeared at the door and walked gently beside me.

Although I can't see my own expression, I think I must be very lonely at this time.

I stabilized my emotions and asked, "You heard everything?"

Yun Ruo nodded: "I heard it all."

I pursed my lips: "What do you think this is the situation?"

Yun Ruo tilted her head and looked at me: "Are you telling the truth?"

I sighed and said, "Of course I'm telling the truth. At this time, is it still necessary to tell lies?"

Yun Ruo looked at me very seriously: "I'm afraid you will be sad. Your inspiration is even stronger than mine. Can't you feel it yourself? You just don't want to admit it."

I couldn't understand what she meant, so I had to ask, "Just say it directly."

Yun Ruo stared at me for a long time, and finally sighed: "Tong Nan has a problem."

Hearing Yun Ruo say these words, I suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Yun Ruo looked at me strangely: "Your mood fluctuates so much, how do you know the answer, but it's easier than before?"

I shook my head, in addition to a wry smile, or a wry smile.

Yun Ruo stared outside the villa and said, "It seems that we are leaving early."

Like her, I looked outside the villa and said, "Yeah, I'm leaving, go and say goodbye to the children!"

Yun Ruo and I had the same idea again. If we guessed right, Tong Peiren's visit would definitely bring bad news, so Yun Ruo and I were ready to leave early.

Yun Ruo was chatting affectionately with the children in the garden outside the villa. She didn't seem to tell the children to leave, but kept telling them what to do.

I can see the reluctance on her face, but separation is always the most common thing in this world, whether it is in the world or the underworld.

Facts have proved that ghosts also have feelings, and feelings are the most easily overwhelmed thing in this world.

Even Yun Ruo, who has always been calm, couldn't hide her lonely look at this moment.

I also walked out slowly, and together with Yun Ruo, laughed and talked to the children about small things.

We didn't wait long, it seemed that it was only a few minutes before Tong Peiren returned nervously.

His expression was very complicated, and he almost trotted all the way into the villa.

When he saw me, he wanted to shout something, but suddenly realized that these children were on the side, and his years of teaching career made him quickly regain his composure, and winked at me.

Yun Ruo and I looked at each other and walked into the villa behind him.

"My son is not dead."

Tong Peiren's first words after entering the house were: "My son is not dead! His whereabouts are unknown now."

He was obviously a little excited, but also a little dejected: "My daughter-in-law died. Died a year ago."

This is his second sentence.

"I don't have a granddaughter, and there's no such person as Tong Nan on the underworld's registry. There isn't even an adoption."

This is his third sentence.

Yun Ruo and I really guessed right, Tong Nan, there really is a problem!

"We're leaving."

I nodded, suppressed the second excitement in my heart, and said humanely to Tong Pei.

Tong Peiren stretched out his hand and said, "I know you are leaving, and I wish you all a smooth journey. If you can see my son, if he is still a good person, remember to bring him a message. I am here with his father. very good.

If he has lost his conscience, then help me strangle him! "

After the old man finished speaking, he turned around, raised his hand and waved: "Let's go!"

Yun Ruo and I looked at each other and bowed deeply to Tong Peiren at the same time.

"Go through the back door, the ghost policeman at the back door has already been bought by me. My old man has never even given gifts when he was promoted to a senior teacher in his entire life. This is a ghost, and he has to bribe judicial officers once. Don't do it. Said, money is a good thing in the world, and it is also good in this underworld, and money can make a ghost grind a mill!"

Tong Peiren sighed.

Finally, taking a firm look at the back of this upright old man, Yun Ruo and I turned around at the same time and walked towards the back door of the villa.

For safety's sake, I still put on the human skin ghost face, while Yun Ruo directly put on a white shroud. The two of us quickly walked out of the residential area, and then walked towards the South City Gate on the street.

The further you go to the South Gate, the more ghosts there are. At the South Gate, there are two long, long lines in white clothes.

Most of the ghosts in this long line are queuing up to go to the reincarnation place, or they are unwilling to stay in Fengdu City, or they have lived for thousands of years and have no money to stay.

On the road on the right, there are some people who have not yet reached the end of their yang life and need to be sent to return yang.

In such a big underworld, it is impossible to count the ghosts alone, and catching the wrong soul often happens, so there are not many ghosts who are sent back to Yang.

As for the road in the middle, it goes to the eighteenth hell.

Therefore, on the road in the middle, every ghost is escorted by ghost soldiers. Those who can be sent to the eighteenth hell are like prisoners who commit crimes in the world. They are all thugs, so they must be strictly guarded.

Yun Ruo and I stood silently on the road of Huanyang Dao, walking slowly with the team.

I don't know how many ghost soldiers were guarding the south gate before this. Anyway, what I saw at this time, in addition to the large number of ghost soldiers, was an ugly sausage-mouthed ghost as tall as the north gate, wearing a pale yellow suit. His armor also carried a big flag with the word 'parade' written on the flag.

"How many cruises are there in this underworld?"

I couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Yun Ruo said softly: "It seems that there are two, divided into day tours and night tours, just like black and white impermanence, like ox head and horse noodles, they are both made of two materials."

I looked up at the fat sausage who was walking back and forth with a banner at the gate of the city and said, "How can I tell whether he is a night tour or a day tour?"

Yun Ruo pouted at the fat sausage's chest: "Look at the mark on his chest, isn't it written on it?"

I went for a walk, I looked up, and there was indeed a small circle mark on the chest of the sausage mouth, with the word 'Sun' written in it.

It seems that this big sausage mouth is the god of day travel.

"I'll lure him away in a while, you go first."

I said to Yun Ruo.

As soon as my voice fell, just behind us, a burst of crying suddenly sounded!
 as hemp

(End of this chapter)

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