Ask for collection, ask for votes.


I really don’t know if I don’t have a sale. I was startled by a sale. Several old shopkeepers were doing business with their heads depressed. In the past ten years, Suji’s shops and real estate have been decreasing year by year. The subtle decline is hard to detect, but the whole After taking an inventory, it turns out that the decline of Su Ji has reached a shocking level inadvertently.

Su Jin didn't wait for the old shopkeepers to wake up from their surprise, and asked his next question.

"I'm afraid you don't know the annual income of all Su Ji's properties. I just want to ask you about the store in hand. When my father was alive ten years ago, what was the annual profit of a grain store? What is your annual income now?"

Several storekeepers tried their best to recall, and Hou Shanrong replied: "Ten years ago, the annual income of a grain store was about [-] to [-] guan, but now...about [-] guan."

The other three also agreed with his data, and the income of the four companies was almost the same, and the data was almost the same; as soon as the data was exported, the old shopkeepers gasped again, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

Su Jin sighed and said: "Several big shopkeepers have noticed a problem. Not only the number of shops in my Suji manor is decreasing, but also the profit of each shop is also decreasing. The annual profit is [-] yuan. Taxes, wages, and consumption are excluded. The profit is less than [-] guan, and this is not counted as the cost of appearance. Although the appearance belongs to the family, it must be included in the cost; all signs remind us that Su Ji is on the verge of bankruptcy if we don't work hard. "

Hou Shanrong pondered for a while, then said dully: "Shaodong's family, with such an inventory, it is indeed as you said, Su Ji will be unsustainable if it continues like this."

Su Jin said: "It's good that you know that the grain, oil, cloth and ready-made clothing business that the Su family relies on for survival has reached an extremely dangerous point. My Su Ji accounted for less than [-]% of Luzhou City. This is the result of your good management on weekdays. All of them are regular customers, the rest are taken away by the chamber of commerce, and Buzhuang is directly at a loss, with a loss of [-] as of last month, do you think I can wait?"

Cloth and grain shops were originally run by Du Li. On weekdays, each family doesn’t care about their accounts. Only the owner knows this account. After Su Jin broke the news, the four of them couldn’t sit still. Ordinary owners, Stores that are continuously losing money will not be managed at all. If it is more complicated, we will find a way to save it, and if it is simple, we will directly dismiss the staff and close the business.

The young owner has put so much thought into Bu Zhuang. On the one hand, it is naturally for the rise and fall of Su Ji, and on the other hand, it is because of the benevolence of Zhai, who can't bear the disbandment of the staff and shopkeepers. There are very few such owners now.

The four of them were speechless. Everything Su Jin said was like placing a big stone in their hearts, which was heavy and could not be removed. Their feelings for Su Ji were incomprehensible to ordinary people. In their minds, it was like a home, and now the house was crumbling, and the top that sheltered from the wind and rain was riddled with holes, which made them unacceptable.

What the Young Master's family wants to do now is to try their best to repair the leaky roof, but some of them come here to accuse him, which is really shameful.

"Young master, I am so ashamed of myself!" Hou Shanrong looked gloomy, and carefully organized the reasonable words: "Young master, we can understand your eagerness to revitalize Suji, but if you treat a serious illness with a tiger or a wolf, it may backfire. Why not take a milder approach? As for the means, there is still room for maneuver.”

"Su Ji has no way out, can't you see it? The Chamber of Commerce has eroded our remaining poor share, and the suppression has gradually become stronger. Last time more than 40 shopkeepers came together to make trouble at our Buzhuang Caitai. Of course, they didn't do it spontaneously. It is the instruction of the owners of the chamber of commerce behind it; of course, there are also small merchants who want to survive and are forced to come here, but in general, Su Ji is already the enemy of the chamber of commerce, and the chamber of commerce will definitely try its best to kill us. straw."

Su Jin took a sip of tea, closed his eyes and twirled in his mouth, moistened his dry mouth and continued: "Su Ji's matter is no longer something that can be solved by gentle means, so I will take a strong medicine this time, and the house will be destroyed." All the savings have been used up. I invite you to come today to ask if you would like to help me with Su Jin. I have prepared a thousand guan pension for each of you. Even if Su Ji is destroyed, you can enjoy it in peace. In old age, don't worry about making a living."

"Shaodong's family..." The four old shopkeepers trembled all over, tears streaming down their faces. They could tell that Su Jin was arranging the last thing, and the Shaodong's family was determined to make a move. This time the win might not only be Su Ji, maybe I should fight for my life again.

They actually didn't know that Su Jin was totally different from his father, Su Moran. Su Moran could end up depressed after a single betrayal and defeat, but Su Jin would never; Xing character, if it sticks, it will not loosen. In this regard, the Xihua who smashed Su Jin's predecessor, Wang Feng, has the most say in this point. She just spent four years of college time and exhausted her efforts to get her, and became A good story in the school, and has become the spiritual idol of countless slutty men, and it is not without success that slutty men chase goddesses.

Su Jin is definitely not the fledgling novice they think, Su Jin is not a fool, he can eat [-] guan in his family for a lifetime, why should he take it out and fight to the death?Of course I saw the odds.

"I know that you are still worried about the feasibility of this move. If you talk about anti-chao, mold, moth, moth, and mice, I believe you are better than me. If you feel the need to ask me, I can also tell you. I have many ways; if you doubt whether there is a severe drought in the south, I think you will know soon, because I will send one or two of you to the south of the Yangtze River to purchase food, Wudi, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the two lakes will all go, If you want to receive the good Chen Gu, I also want to confirm whether there is a severe drought and the seedlings and crops are close to dying. If there is no such situation, you can return to the original place with the money. Just pretend that I didn’t say this, everyone how about?"

The four of them nodded again and again, seeing is believing, and what they were worried about was that the news was inaccurate and they acted rashly. If it was true as what Su Jin said, this would be a huge business opportunity.

"This matter is top-secret. When you go back, no matter who you are, don't reveal a word. The business opportunity that is revealed is not a business opportunity. And the sooner this matter is the better, we can realize that others can also realize it. I mean later. In the morning, select three of you to go south with old shopkeeper Zhang, leaving one person to take care of the four grain shops, and I will be at home, so everything can be assured."

"The Shaodong family is right. No one can be confused about this matter. In this way, Lao Hu and Ma and I will go there, and shopkeeper Min will take care of us at home." Hou Shanrong is indeed not the role of a mother-in-law. , Do things in a hurry and never procrastinate.

"Okay, let's do as you arranged. I have already found a courtyard in Luxi Manor. There are [-] main rooms at a time. It is very suitable for grain storage after a little renovation. After you come back from shopping, you can directly detour to the manor without going into it. The city is ostentatious, and at the same time, the place where a large amount of grain is stored needs to be cautious, the less people know about it, the better." Su Jin raised the tea cup to pay tribute to the four, and at the same time served tea to see off the guests.

The four of them stood up and said goodbye. They had completely changed their minds about this young master. They had already thought about how to transport the food back and where to store it. How could such a person be unreliable? Such details.


"The young master will never lose to the old master and the master. Perhaps the green is better than the blue." Shopkeeper Hu said.

"Sure enough, as shopkeeper Hu said, he is doing things. The old man seems to have found the energy to revitalize Suji with this owner. This feeling has not been seen for ten years." Shopkeeper Ma said.

"Old brothers, don't take it lightly. The Young Master has entrusted us with his wealth and life. The responsibility is heavy. Be careful and considerate is the best policy."

"Yes, yes, what the shopkeeper said is right, keep silent and don't reveal any news."

The four of them immediately left the Su residence in silence, boarded their cars and left.

Su Jin let out a long breath, dripping with sweat. There is actually one piece of most favorable news that Su Jin didn't disclose to them today. Today, he and Mr. Zhang talked about the war in the Northwest. The war between the Northwest and Xixia has continued. It has not stopped for several years. From this point, Su Jin quickly came to a conclusion: the amount of grain stored in the official warehouse is limited.

Insufficient grain storage in the official warehouse can lead to another result, that is, when the harvest is not ready next year, the imperial court will not have enough grain to stabilize the soaring grain price, and its own good days will come.

Su Jin knows that this matter must not be publicized, and losing business opportunities is a small matter, but 'hoarding and driving up prices' is a serious crime. Okay, it's inappropriate to sell grain entirely under Su Ji's name.

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