Dragon Clan: Returning from Rebirth, My God Lu Mingfei Tu preaches the Tao

Chapter 300 Love Saint Chu Zihang 【Subscribe! ! 】

Chapter 300 Love Saint Chu Zihang 【Subscribe! ! 】

"Brothers, I think we all owe Chu Zihang an apology, a sincere and solemn apology!"

Outside the ward, Fingel said sadly.

"Ah Le? Brother, do we want to apologize to Hazi?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head in some doubts. He didn't know why Finger made such a statement, and what was wrong with them?

"Of course I underestimated the opponent's strength in the past. After all, he can conquer even the dragon girl. It's almost useless. But we have always misunderstood that the opponent is facial paralyzed. Junior brother, you can't beat me in this regard." Fingel He explained with a serious face.

"That's right, I would also like to call President Chu the strongest." Caesar expressed his sympathy.

He even felt that Chu Zihang and Chu Zihang were not in the same rank. He had the feeling of facing the king with bronze, but he, the bronze, had repeatedly bounced back and forth in front of the king before. Thinking about it now, he was really ashamed.

He would have to put in a lot of effort to take down the little witch Nuonuo, and even spent the rest of his life in order to suppress her. Fa turned over.

Of course, this is what Caesar is happy with.

It's just that we can also see the skills of the two. Compared with Chu Zihang, he, Kaiser, is simply a small dish, and he can easily handle even the dragon girl.

After finishing speaking, Fingel and Caesar shook hands heavily, as if they had reached a strategic agreement.

Lu Mingfei covered his face while watching.

In other words, why are these two idiots so obsessed? It’s okay for Fingel to go crazy. You Caesar is the heir to the Gattuso family’s high hopes. In terms of mentality, strength and means, it is absolutely leveraged, but why not? Then it went crazy.

But Finger and Caesar didn't think so. They felt that Chu Zihang was definitely a strong man who kept his secrets hidden, especially in terms of feelings.

This impact is too strong, just like a classmate who usually doesn't look good, one day suddenly his chairman's father personally drives a Rolls-Royce to pick him up from school. It is stronger than knowing the identity of this classmate from the beginning.

Perhaps it was because Chu Zihang's iron-blooded and ruthless image was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so the things that happened between him and Xia Mi before can be described as accidents or coincidences, but now there are all witnesses and material evidences, which can be said to be iron-clad. !
Dare to love Chu Zihang, this guy used to play hard to get, so good at it.

Fingel and Caesar rushed in when they heard the noise coming from the ward at first, but almost ruined their good deed.

After all, a man and a woman were hugging each other, and they also heard what Chu Zihang said.

"Xia Mi, I like you."

On the other hand, Xia Mi who was in his arms had a moved expression on his face, and his ruddy mouth could hardly close together in a smile.

Listen, look, dare to say that they are the real younger brothers, and Chu Zihang has already reached the atmospheric level in this wave.

Now watching the two of them eating a bowl of wontons in the ward again, that kind of sweet atmosphere, even if there is no sugar in the wontons, it might have exploded.

Chu Zihang even finished the imported soup.

Now that you've had enough to eat and drink, it's time to get down to business.

"Let me tell you guys, let's stop watching it, if you read it any more, it's paid content."

Outside the ward, Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand to cover the unblinking eyes of the two senior brothers.

"Joke, brother, am I short of that money? No, Brother Caesar." Fingel responded disdainfully, and also pulled Caesar along the way.

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly prepared to pull away Lu Mingfei's hand blocking his sight.

"Of course... ahem, I don't think there is any need to read on." Caesar was about to echo, when he felt a cold breath blowing towards his face.

You don't need to guess to know that Lu Mingfei gave a reminder, and quickly reined in the precipice.

Although Caesar was very stubborn in his bones, he was also as strong as the Caesar, but there is an old saying in the East that if a man can bend and stretch, it is for a man.

Caesar now feels more and more that there is nothing wrong with this statement, because only when it can bend and stretch can there be many changes in the means, such as a knife that is easy to break when it is too soft, and has no strength if it is too soft. You need to grasp a moderate inch. Of course, these seem to be nonsense , being able to bend and stretch means that there is still body stretching, but if you really don't obey the other party, you will be turned into ashes directly, and you still stretch a woolen yarn!

And Finger is even more chicken thief, he is even faster than Caesar's reaction.

"Oh, junior brother, I suddenly thought of going to the river to fish for a diamond ring, so I won't accompany you for now."

As he said that, Fingel was about to take a step forward.

His rush was almost an instinctive reaction. At the moment when Lu Mingfei's reminder came out, before Caesar had time to speak, he was trembling and ready to run away.

"Wait a minute, what diamond ring?"

Lu Mingfei reached out and grabbed Finger by the back collar, lifted him up, and asked curiously.

"It's just a custom-made diamond ring." Fingel stepped on the ground and kept paddling. He thought that Lu Mingfei was going to settle accounts with him, so he couldn't speak well.

"Whose custom-made diamond ring?" Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows, as if he remembered something, then looked at Caesar, "Could it be..."

"That's right, it's the engagement ring that I'm going to propose to Nuonuo." Caesar was rarely embarrassed.

"Didn't you throw away that diamond ring in front of me? At the beginning, you were very brave, why are you thinking of getting it back now?" Lu Mingfei asked suspiciously.

He didn't forget Caesar's actions not long ago, he waved his hand, good guy, a few million flew away. At that time, he thought that Caesar had an epiphany.

"This... is hard to describe." Caesar was a little ashamed.

"Can I still get it?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"I'll start with Senior Fingal to search for it. If it doesn't work, I have to find a way." Caesar said.

"Oh, brother Caesar, don't worry, I'll take care of the diamond ring. It's a matter of your engagement. It's definitely not possible without the diamond ring." Fingel patted his chest with confidence. look.

"Then thank you, brother." Caesar was moved.

"It's a small matter, by the way, brother Caesar, what you said before, how much is the reward for getting the diamond ring." Fingel shook his eyebrows at Caesar, and he didn't seem to be surprised at all.

"It's easy to talk about, as long as you can get the diamond ring, in terms of remuneration... Brother, you can fill it out by yourself." Caesar took out a check from his body.

"This is so embarrassing." Fingel was not surprised, and put the check in his arms, as if he was afraid that Caesar would go back on his word.

"Then what are you waiting for, brother Caesar, get ready to get the diamond ring, junior brother, you don't want Caesar not to get engaged, do you?"

Fingel looked proud, as if the time to find the diamond ring had entered the countdown, no, more precisely, the time to fill out the check had entered the countdown.

But at this moment, Lu Mingfei was still holding onto his collar by the back, making it difficult for him to get out.

"Oh, then I wish you luck." Lu Mingfei let go of Fingel.

"Junior brother, wait, when I find the diamond ring, I will treat you to a feast." Fingel said excitedly.

Immediately rushed into the river with Caesar.

The crazy state of the two caused many patients to rush over and think that two idiots had jumped into the river.



Frost Gattuso sat on the office chair and rubbed the center of his brows. As the agent of the Gattuso family, he would sit here most of the time every day, and manage the Gattuso family's operations all over the world almost without leaving home. Huge business worldwide.

This seemingly inconspicuous desk is not so much a desk as a desk of power, on which tens of billions of funds and hundreds of thousands of employees flow every day.

However, Frost has managed this huge family business for decades and has rich experience, so no matter how complicated the business is, he can easily settle it with ease, and what he considers is nothing more than which aspect of the choice is more beneficial. That's all.

But now Frost was frowning deeply at a photo on the desktop, and was stunned. This is a very rare situation.

In the photo, Caesar hurriedly took off his suit jacket and ran towards the river in a bold manner, but the river didn't look clear, and the other party just took off his jacket and even wore leather shoes, obviously not Going to swim, according to intelligence, the heir of the Gattuso family is going to fish for a diamond ring in the river.

"Passy, ​​do you think Caesar has deep meaning in what he did?"

After a long silence, Frost couldn't help asking.

It was night at this time, the lights in the room were not bright, and it looked a little dim. It seemed that Frost was the only one in the huge office. Someone else.

The other party was tall and thin, like a ghost. He seemed to have no breath at all, and his whole body was icy cold. His long pale golden hair fell down, just blocking half of his face, and the exposed half of his face looked very handsome, like a marble sculpture. Especially that pupil, exuding a gorgeous golden light, like a spinning golden roulette.

But all mixed races will be terrified when they see this scene, because this person's golden pupils appear, it is obvious that their own dragon blood is about to reach the point of being uncontrollable, so this kind of golden pupils that cannot be extinguished will appear. The phenomenon.

This person is bound to bear all kinds of strong shocks in his body now, suffering pain all the time, but the other person is so quiet, like a person who has been dead for many years standing there, if Frost does not speak, there may never be anyone Know that there is still one person standing there.

Maybe more like standing with a ghost.

When the person turned his head when he heard the question, even Frost couldn't help but twitch his forehead, and subconsciously turned sideways to keep his gaze from looking at the other person.

"Not long ago, Caesar proposed to Ms. Chen Motong, but the other party finally wanted to ask for an engagement ring. The ring that Caesar had prepared in advance was thrown into the river by Caesar for some unknown reason, so he planned to seek it back." said the youth.

"So Caesar jumped into the river?" Frost was stunned.

"So Caesar jumped into the river." Percy said in a natural tone.


Frost slapped the table hard, and the globe on the table bounced up, then spun around, and then returned to the original inlaid buckle.

The gray-haired old man was obviously really angry.

"It's just unreasonable. As the future heir of the Gattuso family, how could Caesar do something funny and unreasonable? It's just a diamond ring. You can buy it again. Why did you throw it into the river in that ridiculous way?" Jump?"

"Because Miss Chen Motong wants Caesar to go to the river to retrieve the diamond ring."

"Chen Motong, it's Chen Motong again, who is she, who dares to point fingers at Caesar like this." Frost said angrily.

"Frost acts as the head of the house, no matter what Miss Chen Motong is, she is also Caesar's girlfriend, and even the future wife of the head of the house, so please pay attention to your words." Percy said in a low tone.

"What? Are you threatening me?" Frost looked at the young man in front of him coldly.

"No, this is just a piece of advice. You know Caesar's temper. If the other party finds out about your bad attitude towards Chen Motong, maybe he will take certain measures. I can guarantee this." Passy said .


The corners of Frost's eyes twitched a few times, but he couldn't say anything hard after all.

Because he knows that Caesar is indeed a ruthless person, and the other party will not respect him because he is an uncle. If he really annoys the other party, he may not even see the sun tomorrow. Plus a pompeii.

"Even if it is to find the ring, things have to be prioritized. Doesn't Caesar know that he is investigating the matter of the Dragon King? Once the real Dragon King can be found this time, and Caesar can find a chance to win the final victory, that will be the real meaning." Isn’t Caesar always eager to prove himself, and this is the best opportunity!”

Frost's chest heaved violently, feeling that Caesar was too childish.

The great cause of slaying the dragon is just around the corner, but this heir who has high hopes is in love with his children, which is simply ridiculous, just as ridiculous as his mother.

"Frost acts as the head of the family. With all due respect, Caesar has no chance in the strategic mission against the Dragon King during his trip to the east!" Percy said calmly.

"What did you say, Passy, ​​say it again if you have the ability!" Frost's face was full of anger. He felt that Passy was not only slapping him in the face, but also the face of Gattuso's family.

"Caesar's trip to the east this time, he has no chance in the strategic mission against the Dragon King!"

Patsy raised his head calmly, and said to Frost word by word.

And as he raised his head, the other half of his face covered by the long golden hair was completely revealed.

The sea-blue pupils are as magnificent as the eyes of a Persian cat, but if they are combined with the opponent's golden pupils, this face will be very terrifying, especially the opponent's face is cold, like a ghost, which makes people shudder .


Frost was shocked by the stare, but he didn't dare to say another word.

(End of this chapter)

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