Light rain pattered down.

The whole town seemed to be shrouded in a misty mist, making it look extremely ethereal.

Yuan Zhisheng in a black windbreaker walked in the town.

The previous shock completely disrupted the peace and tranquility of this small town.

There were exclamations, yells, and cries from behind, and all kinds of noisy and chaotic voices raged through the town like a frenzy.

How ironic.

Because it was supposed to be protected by Shijizang, the prosperity and filth of the world would be shut out. This place was supposed to be a pure place that neither saw nor listened to, but now it has become the source of chaos.

And all of this is because of the appearance of that extremely evil ghost.

In the drizzle, Yuan Zhisheng's rain-drenched face looked extraordinarily stern.

Now revisiting this scene, his mind returned to the tragic incident, and justice rose in his heart.

The evil in this world is a cancer of a person's body, something that must be eradicated in order for this world to become beautiful, otherwise it can only continue to rot.

And Yuan Zhisheng obviously didn't want to see this scene.

If this is really a fate, then it's up to him to end it completely.


The school in the drizzle is still the same as before.

Basketball courts, auditoriums, and many teaching buildings are neatly arranged in rows, and there is even a sandy field where Yuan Zhisheng used to practice swinging knives.

He used to swing the bamboo knife over and over again, like a brave warrior.

On the grass not far away, messy footprints can be vaguely seen. It seems that someone ran over it not long ago, and the footprints are very deep, which seems to be a heavy object.

Yuan Zhisheng passed by the playground, and the dry well was still in its original position.

The iron manhole cover on it was rusted, and when the wind passed through the hole of the manhole cover, it let out a shrill cry, like the cry of a female ghost who had been abandoned in the dry well for many years.

Yuan Zhisheng came to the dry well.

This was the place where he buried his younger brother and childish daughter. At the beginning, he killed the other party with his own hands, smashed the heart of the evil spirit with a long knife, and abandoned his body in this deep well. Since then, he naively thought that This will bury everything in the past.

But the evil spirit finally came out.

There is no need to stay here, because Yuan Zhisheng knows that the real evil spirit is not here, but ahead.

He walked along the bamboo forest path again.

Until I came to the school gymnasium.

Yuan Zhisheng was deeply impressed by the arched gymnasium in front of him.

Because this is the most fashionable building in the whole town, every time the bell rang for the end of get out of class, many students would come here to play.

Yuan Zhisheng is also a frequent visitor here.

Whenever get out of class is over, he will come here to play basketball.

And whenever he was playing basketball, many girls in the class would come over to watch, and even girls from other grades would also come to watch. Yuan Zhisheng was treated like a star.

These girls are like enthusiastic fans. Whenever Yuan Zhisheng takes off and shoots a basketball handsomely, it will cause the girls to scream.

And among these audiences, there was also his younger brother Yuanzhinv.

However, because of her shy and even low self-esteem character, Yuanzhinv will not scream excitedly and eagerly like other girls, and he will only silently pay attention to her elder brother Yuanzhisheng.

Whenever the opponent scores a goal, the corners of his mouth can't help but rise.

There is joy, but no pride.

There are some bad voices in the school, saying that he has embarrassed Yuan Zhisheng. How could such a star figure have such an inconspicuous younger brother.

Yuanzhinv is even more unworthy of being the other party's younger brother.

The young girl without makeup actually looks plain, without that amazing sense of allure at all, coupled with the lingering low self-esteem and sensitivity, many students subconsciously dislike this boy.

He and Yuan Zhisheng are two extremes.

Yuanzhinv is ordinary, low self-esteem, sensitive, and likes to be silent.

Yuan Zhisheng is handsome, sunny, mature and stable.

But even so, Yuan Zhisheng cared about his brother's feelings very much. Whenever Yuan Zhinv was ridiculed, Yuan Zhisheng would naturally hold his brother's hand and play basketball with him.

This may also be the reason why people in the school don't like Yuan Zhinv.

Why is this ordinary guy able to win the favor of the male god Yuan Zhisheng, even if he is related by blood.

Below this school, there is a basement.

It was dark and damp, full of mold, and was used as a utility room by the school, filled with all kinds of discarded sundries, but at the same time, a chilling thing happened.

There was a student in the school who went down for fun once, and since then he has been ill, and he was cured after a long time. Since then, there has been a shadow over the deep basement.

Gradually, the other children were also very afraid of that place, feeling that there was a curse in the basement.

So over time it becomes inaccessible.

But because of this, it became a paradise for Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhinv.

Although Yuan Zhisheng was very popular at that time, he also had his own self-esteem.

The other children spend a lot of money and dare not say that they have good clothes and good food, but the food is not bad. They can travel to other places every winter and summer vacation, and they will bring a lot of new things every time they come back.

On the other hand, Yuan Zhisheng often wears the school uniform that is almost whitish, but this school uniform is still his best piece of clothing. Not only that, he also has to work in the homes of rich classmates during winter and summer vacations, and do some part-time jobs .

Because his adoptive father is an old alcoholic, he doesn't care about the two brothers at all, Yuan Zhisheng can only rely on himself.

Because of self-esteem, Yuan Zhisheng naturally became estranged from those classmates after a long time.

However, in the eyes of the students, this was regarded as the aloofness of a childish student.

That basement became the secret base of Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhinv, and the two of them could play however they wanted inside without any scruples at all.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you can find some video-watching equipment and CDs among those sundries.

It's like discovering a treasure.

The two would cheer and spread out a dilapidated cushion, lie directly on it and watch the video, and through the pictures in the video, they would fantasize about the prosperity outside.

Also because of self-esteem, Yuan Zhisheng at that time was very eager to go to the metropolis to live a life of upper-class people.

He felt that with his own strength, he shouldn't be trapped in this remote town in a remote mountain.

He has great ambitions, not only wanting to live a good life for himself in the future, but also for his younger brother Yuan Zhinv to live a prosperous life with him.

However, Yuanzhinv didn't have such big ambitions, the other party's idea was very simple.

I just want to be with Yuan Zhisheng every day. It doesn't matter if I'm poor, at least I can live a simple and happy life.

Looking back now, it turns out that the ideal of a childish girl is the most precious thing in this world...

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