Bang bang bang!
Heavy footsteps came from the passage ahead.

It sounds like a very heavy person is running towards the secret room.

Yuan Zhisheng knew that it was Zhinv who had returned.

The other party also came back with his beloved prey.

It must be the most beautiful apprentice priestess captured by the boy in the big house of the shrine.

And from the eager footsteps, one could clearly feel the excitement and impatience in the childish girl's heart. The other party couldn't wait to bring the most beautiful girl to this storage room and eat it up.

It's like doing it to these girls in the back room.

Injection molding, gelling, makeup.

Finally became a member of this tyrant's concubine.

Yuan Zhisheng had no joy or sadness on his face, he held down the handle of the knife and got up, like a general about to kill the enemy.

There is nothing to hesitate!

The fateful opponent came with a bloodied prey, and what awaited him was Ling Ran's decisive blow.


The sound of footsteps is approaching!
The tent in the secret room was blown up by the dark wind, as if a vicious ghost would emerge from it in the next second.

Ling Lie chirped suddenly.

Yuan Zhisheng turned the spider cutter, protruding his ancient knife by an inch of the blade, and it was like a blue lightning flashing out of the dark secret room.

Although it is also a dream.

This dream brought Yuan Zhisheng back to when he was seventeen years old.

But his strength is no longer the state of seventeen years old.

He is the most powerful director in the history of the Japanese Branch Executive Bureau, and the most powerful ghost slayer, and he is also the current head of the Saki Hachi Family.

Whether it is strength or mentality, few people can become his opponent.

But the opponent he will face today is an evil ghost.

If you say you are the most powerful ghost slayer, then your upcoming opponent is the strongest evil ghost.

This is a fateful final battle.

Never die!

One of them must die, or both of them must die, to end this battle.

Yuan Zhisheng knew that he couldn't hide, and he didn't want to hide either.

In a way, he's been hiding for years.

During these years, he could have visited that small town and that dry well, but if he had been there once, he would have known that there was no Yuanzhinv's body in the cold bottom of the well.

It can be inferred from this that the younger brother did not really die.

But he didn't!

Over the years, Yuan Zhisheng has never visited it once.

Because he is afraid!
Afraid to face the rotting corpse of the girl at the bottom of the well, and that sad face.

The moment before the other party died, he was still calling for his brother, so it was clear that the real immature girl had returned.

But Yuan Zhisheng couldn't believe it.

There was always a nightmare in his mind, that is, the rotten child crawled out from the bottom of the well, crawled a little bit to Tokyo City, to Saki Hachiya, to his bedroom, and then stood in front of him.

He called out to himself with a sad face.

The other party was calling, "Brother, brother, here I come...Why did you throw me at the bottom of the well, it's really cold there, brother, can you hug me?"

And really when Yuan Zhisheng opened his arms to hug this younger brother.


The sad face of the other party will suddenly become hideous.

Then he took out a dagger from his hand and pierced his heart directly.

And not poking once, but poking all the time, constantly poking.

Until it pokes a hole in the bloody forest.

And Yuanzhinv sat in a pool of blood and laughed, both proudly and sadly, as if she were a real evil spirit.

So all along, Yuan Zhisheng's heart has become distorted.

All the while he wanted to escape.

So he never dared to go to that small town, and went to the bottom of the well to see the young girl.

Yes, it's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

That was where he was trying to escape, not just from that town, but from all of Tokyo, and go to a beach called Montalive to sell suntan lotion.

Does he really like sunscreen?Or do you really like to wipe the girls?
No, he seems to be researching various brands of sunscreen, just to distract himself.

It's like when a person is facing an extreme state of mind, he always has to do other things to disperse the pressure, otherwise if he keeps getting into it, he will only fall into collapse.

As for the so-called taking advantage.

Hehe, he is not that kind of person, otherwise with Sakura's charm, how could he turn a blind eye.

All in all, it was nothing more than a diversionary consolation.

But until this moment!
Yuan Zhisheng had escaped from his fate for many years, and this moment came like a raging beast, fierce and violent at any moment.

He couldn't hide, but he didn't want to hide anymore!

Come on girl!

Let us end this fate well!
Yuan Zhisheng drank in his heart.

He clenched the spider knife tightly, turned the handle, and waited for the ready-to-go lore cut.

Bang bang bang bang!
The footsteps became more and more frenzied and eager. It seemed that it was getting closer, but it seemed that there would never be an end.

It seemed that the surroundings were filled with footsteps.

At the same time, everything in the secret room began to twist violently.

The discarded old-fashioned record sang sharply and distortedly, and the voice was pulled up and down, like the high and low notes of a chorus, sometimes high and sharp, and sometimes low like crying.

Groups of scarlet blood seeped down from the top wall of the secret room. This secret room seemed to have become an organ of a living creature, with tendons and veins arranged intricately, covered with mucus and blood.

And the light in the secret room also became extremely distorted, like a scarlet eyeball, with layers of blood rings emanating from the core of the lamp tube.

The originally desolate music became more and more violent, and finally turned into laughter.

It's exactly the same as Yuan Zhisheng heard Zhinv's laughter in his nightmare.

Laughter is full of endless collapse, despair, pain and cruelty.

The surroundings became very illusory and distorted, as if the evil spirit lurking in the dark would come out at any moment, jump on the man's shoulder, and open its fangs to eat his face.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The entire secret room became precarious with blood, and the ground under his feet was no longer the ground, but turned into a long blood-colored river, and hideous faces emerged in the river.

These cheeks look beautiful, and they are all girls that Yuan Zhinv once killed.

They screamed hysterically in the blood river, as if they were venting their inner despair and unwillingness.

And as the blood rain continued to fall, the bloody river in the secret room became deeper and deeper, almost submerging to the man's knees.

Yuan Zhisheng's face was very calm.

Facing this crazy and twisted scene, there was no panic on that stern face.

Some are just endless emotions.

He knew that this was the real world inside the childish girl.

Crazy and sick.

He lit a Gentle Seven Star, and the white smoke swirled up.

A moment later, he murmured.

"It really is a hell..."

Dragon Clan: Returning from Rebirth, My God Lu Mingfei Tu preaches the Tao

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