Conan's Helping People

Chapter 377 Trouble

This is intentional.

Hinata made a reasonable judgment. He glanced sideways at Miyano Akemi who was paying but his ears were straining back, and he naturally responded, "Good evening."

Miyano Akemi walked over holding a mask, she looked at Hyuga Ryo, then at Miyano Shiho, and finally looked at the time, "There is still some time before zero, I heard there is a great sandwich shop nearby, we Shall we go and have a look together?"

She turned to Hinata again, and added in a low voice, "Shiho likes to eat sandwiches."

And it's definitely warmer inside than outside.

Miyano Shiho heard this whisper, she glanced over, "There is also a Shiba Inu cafe nearby, we can go there too."

Miyano Akemi added in a low voice, "Shiho likes puppies."

She looked sideways at Miyano Shiho, bent her eyes, and whispered, "Shiho still remembers that Lily also likes puppies."

Hinata is reasonable: "."

He looked confirmingly at Akemi Miyano, focusing on the piece of air above the opponent's head, and confirmed that there was no line on the opponent's head 'Oops, it seems that we don't have a good time getting along, we won't fight! '.

I also confirmed that I didn't receive any pop-up tasks like 'Miss A doesn't want to call me brother, please don't be angry'.

It's normal to not have it, because these two have already been shown in Miyano Akemi's busy eyes looking left and right.

Hinata nodded indifferently, "It's all fine."

"Forget it, let's go to the sandwich shop," Miyano Shiho said, she turned and walked forward first, "in this direction."

Miyano Akemi immediately added again, "You don't look like you like Shiba Inu."

From the answer, Miyano Shiho realized that he didn't like Shiba Inu very much, so he gave up going to the Shiba Inu Cafe directly.

After Hinata reasonably translated, he kept up with Miyano Shiho, and explained in a low voice why he didn't like Shiba Inu, "It's golden."

Shiba Inu's coat is golden.

Moreover, he added: "I don't like puppies."

He doesn't particularly like dogs, at most he has a slight fondness for them, which is similar to the attitude of many humans towards cats. He doesn't like dogs too much, but he can touch them naturally when he sees them.

Such as Samoyed.

"Really?" Miyano Akemi smiled.

She adjusted her pace, sped up her pace a little, and caught up with Miyano Shiho who had silently lowered her pace, and then grabbed Miyano Shiho with one hand and Hinata Ryo with the other.

"By the way, it's in the safe," she paused, and asked with her eyes if she could tell me what's in the safe, but Hinata didn't respond, so she continued, "Shiho doesn't know about those capsules, does he? "

"What?" Miyano Shiho looked sideways.

So Miyano Akemi told about the safe and the red and white capsules, and added, "The capsules are in the refrigerator now."

She briefly mentioned, "I wanted to tell you right away, but you were in the laboratory."

The laboratory is organized, and these few capsules were obviously left by their parents behind the organization's back. They passed the phone call, and if they were intercepted, something might happen.

If you deliberately rush over to meet, it won't be long before the festival, so there is no need.

So it was only now that Miyano Akemi relayed the matter to her sister.

"'aptx4869'?" Miyano Shiho frowned, her expression was blocked by the mask, but her tone suddenly became serious.

"It's not 'aptx4869'," Hinata answered logically, "it's 'Silver Bullet'."

"She called the capsules 'Silver Bullets.'"

Miyano Shiho was more serious. She recalled for a while before confirming: "The project I am currently in charge of is the 'aptx4869 project', which is a special drug project inherited from them."

"During the fire in the laboratory, all the results of the special drug project were burned, and even most of the relevant materials were burned. The project I am currently in charge of is based on those residual data."

In essence, these two can be regarded as two directions of one research.

When he said this, Miyano Shiho paused for a moment, and looked sideways at Hinata Reasonable.

Coincidentally, those remaining materials are almost unimportant parts. All important and key materials were burned, leaving only basic materials and unimportant extensions.

The foundation of that special drug is mentioned in the basic information: ice wine.

It is the blood of ice wine.

There is a special ingredient in the blood of ice wine. Starting from that special ingredient, the Miyano couple did two important things.

One is to study special drugs and make great progress.

It was a coincidence that all important materials were destroyed. Miyano Shiho speculated that before the fire broke out, the special drug had actually achieved relatively stable results.

When the fire broke out, her parents should have been conscious and voluntarily destroyed the achievements and materials, so those things disappeared so cleanly.

However, this speculation points to a possibility: the fire was not an accident.

The second is to study how to make Hinata reasonable blood.

Hyuga Rational's blood has a certain special component, and that component causes the blood to change within a short period of time after it leaves his body.

This change is silent, and there is nothing wrong with the appearance of the blood, but if you study it, you will find that it is completely different.

Even in an anticoagulant tube and a low temperature environment, it is difficult for his blood cells and blood to maintain a normal state for two days, and it is also difficult to artificially produce blood.

And for some reason, the organization needs Hinata's reasonable blood, or a large amount of blood, the blood of the level that can make an adult exchange blood every day, so it needs fresh artificial blood with Hinata's reasonable special preparation.

The Miyano couple researched it out.

Miyano Shiho had vague guesses about the purpose of the blood.

She withdrew her subconscious gaze towards Hinata, and continued: "The name 'aptx4869' appeared in those remaining materials."

Therefore, Miyano Shiho's research project is called aptx4869.

She added: "I don't know what the name of their special drug project is. All the information has deleted the name."

It now appears that the special drug program is likely to be called the 'Silver Bullet'.

Hinata looked at her reasonably, and grasped the point, "Important data were destroyed in the fire? Are there no backups?"

as well as.

"That is to say, no one knows their specific research now?"

Miyano Shiho was able to deduce some guesses from her current progress, but she chose to nod, "Yes, the entire organization did not know their research progress and results at that time, nor did they know the specific research."

"There were police officers intruding into the organization," she said. "Other research members also died in the fighting."

This topic cannot be discussed in depth, Miyano Shiho paused, and then continued to talk about his situation in the laboratory naturally, "The laboratory building has always had real-time monitoring without dead ends, but other people don't understand my research progress, so just be careful. I can work on those few silver bullets while working on the project."

When Miyano Akemi relayed this incident to her, the meaning was already very clear, and she wanted her to study the status and function of those capsules.

She added: "But it will take some time."

Then look to the sun to make sense.

Hyuga rationally didn't respond or object, he didn't care much about those few silver bullets.

"Then trouble you," Miyano Akemi said, she bent her eyes again, "Is your vacation three days? Just right, we can live together for three days, and I have already packed the house in advance."

"It's rare to be able to spend the holidays together."

Prior to this, Miyano Shiho went to study abroad when he was very young, and Hinata Ryo disappeared. Every year during the festival, Miyano Akemi spends it alone, and also goes to worship her parents alone.

This year is the first time in the past ten years that she has reunited with her only relatives for the New Year.

Miyano Shiho turned his face to the side, and responded uncomfortably in a low voice, "Yes."

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that Hinata paused suddenly, so she went to look at him again, and found that his eyes had also moved away, but it didn't look like he was uncomfortable moving his eyes away, as if he was staring at someone.

Miyano Shiho followed his gaze and caught a touch of gold.

The crowd was made up of smiling faces. In the crowd rushing forward, there was a blond foreign woman wearing a thinner kimono, smiling and talking to the men around her.

The male appeared to be tall and burly, with a broad jaw, thick eyebrows, and a rather old-fashioned appearance, with a toothpick in his mouth.

Under Miyano Shiho's gaze, the burly man took the toothpick from his mouth, smiled and said something to the blonde woman, and the blonde woman's smile became even brighter.


Do these two people know each other reasonably?

Miyano Shiho shifted his gaze lightly, then looked at Hyuga Ryosuke again, and found that Hinata Ryosuke's gaze was already on Miyano Akemi.

He stared intently at Miyano Akemi, as if he was afraid that if he squinted, he would see some acquaintance who had to say hello.

Miyano Shiho: "?"

Those two people who looked like a relationship between a man and a woman walked opposite them.

They are on Hyuga's reasonable left, and Hinata's right is Miyano Akemi and the others. If you ignore the surrounding crowd, there is a clear view between him and those two people.

After hesitating for a while, Miyano Shiho whispered a few words quickly to Miyano Akemi, and then slowed down a few beats in the eyes of the other party who looked over in surprise, and turned from behind to the other side where Hinata was reasonable.

She stretched out her hand to embrace Hinata Reasonable's left arm, and whispered while he was still staring at Miyano Akemi, not even squinting from the corner of the eye: "What's the matter, those two..."

Various speculations flickered for a while, and Miyano Shiho tried to block Hinata's rationality as much as possible, while asking, "Are you from the police?"

She looked up at Ryo Hinata, from her angle, she could only see Ryo Hinata's half chin and tight mouth line.

Hinata rationally said without looking back: "Yes."

And it's not a simple police, it's a troublesome police.

The moment he saw the burly police officer and the blond woman, he belatedly realized why he felt familiar with each other for a moment when he was in the bar.

At the fireworks conference, he had seen this police officer before, and he was introduced to him by Matsuda Jinpei and Akihara Kenji.

... is trouble.

He could only think silently: Fortunately, he wore a mask on his face, otherwise, if he was recognized, an accident might happen.

"A policeman you know?" Miyano Shiho whispered, and she glanced at the couple who were getting closer, "Don't keep turning your head, it's too obvious to resist looking over there."

Moreover, most of the face will be exposed.

Hinata is reasonable and kind, he glanced at the couple from the corner of his eye, then looked down at Miyano Shiho, "Okay."

The distance decreased, and there were still five meters.

Miyano Shiho glanced over from the corner of his eye, and found that the other party was still talking and didn't look this way.

three meters.

The couple's laughter came through the lively crowd.

one meter.

The other party still didn't notice, and they were laughing and chatting with each other. Miyano Shiho heard some sporadic and unclear sentences, and judged that they were talking about what happened at the scene of arresting the robbers, saying that a man named 'Matsuda' jumped out and directly Afterimages popped up, he thought it was a 'police dog'.

But when he said it, that 'Matsuda' turned black.

Zero meters.

Miyano Shiho took Hinata Ryo's arm and passed them by without changing his face.

She breathed a sigh of relief: OK, safe passage.

Then, she caught the voice of the burly police officer who was originally eloquent and eloquent suddenly stagnating, and there was a slow and half-beat startled voice, "... Huh?"

They haven't separated completely yet, only two or three steps away, so Miyano Shiho keenly caught it.

She also noticed it from Hinata Reasonable's eyes that immediately turned cold by a degree.


Before the police officers behind could react, Miyano Shiho calmly bumped Hinata Reasonable with his shoulder, she softened her tone and raised her voice, "I hate it."

Then she leaned forward to look at Akemi Miyano, took Hyuga Ryo's arm and pressed down, and led him to lean forward, she said: "Sister, is this true? Wow, I didn't expect it at all. .”

Hinata rationally turned his head to look at Miyano Akemi.

Miyano Akemi blinked, smiled and said: "Really, I didn't expect it at all, right? I was also surprised at the time."

They kept going, talking nonsense with no real information at all.

Behind them, the burly police officer did not continue to talk, but he did not stop them either.

After walking a few steps away, Miyano Shiho looked back at Hinata's reasonable movements by looking up, and she saw that the burly police officer's posture was not looking back, but turned to face the blond woman, so Once again he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's safe for now."

Hinata said reasonably, "Thank you."

"It's nothing." After leaving the emergency situation just now, Miyano Shiho's impromptu girlish lively tone became cold again. "It will be very troublesome to be noticed by the police during the holidays."

She and Hinata stared at her reasonably, and added abruptly, "Even if the police are friends, it's very troublesome."

It can't be the enemy, Hinata Ryo is a famous detective.

If it's indifferent and neutral, Hyuga Ryo won't hide immediately.

Then they can only be friends.

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