Conan's Helping People

Chapter 386 The Red and Black Reversal Part 5

Chapter 386
The hot water is soggy.

After Hinata broke free from the hot water and solved the daily hardships, she dressed slowly while thinking about what happened today.

First, the pleasant stuff:
①Complete Miss Wynyard's task and get points.

② Obtained some clues from Mr. A who is enthusiastic and generous.

Second, the unpleasant things:

①Miss Wynyard was generous already, but no more.

②The warm-hearted and generous resident Mr. A cannot immediately and seamlessly give the task

③The old man made him feel unpleasant, for no reason, he just didn't like him very much.

④ Organization member 'Rye' invaded Miyano's house and was still a psycho.

⑤ Elena Miyano may be injured.

⑥ Something is wrong with Miyano Shiho.

⑦ Take a bath.

There were too many unpleasant things, and the pleasant things were crushed very simply and directly, Hinata shook his head rationally, and threw a string of water droplets in the steam-filled bathroom.

He reached for the towel, wanted to wipe it off as soon as possible before looking for the hairdryer, and then paused when he was only a little away from the towel.

Someone is invading Miyano's house.

The movement of the other party was very light, only the sole of the foot stepping on the wall, going up all the way, grabbing something, turning over and falling above the window.

Hinata turned his head rationally, and he precisely 'looked' at his window through the closed frosted glass door.

It was quiet outside for a few seconds, and then there was the sound of gently pushing the window.

The intruder had come straight for his room...fortunately, otherwise he would have to go out and find mice.

Hinata retracted his gaze rationally, he slowly picked up the towel, smeared it on his head a few times, then shook his head again, quickly removing 60% of the water droplets on his hair.

He heard the intruder enter the room through the window, and there was a relatively loud landing sound, which was a bit crisp, and it was the sound of high heels.

...Invasion still wears high heels?
Hinata reasonably changed a towel, wiped it a second time, and solved the water droplets on her hair again, while quietly observing the movement outside.

The female intruder outside stood still in the room for more than ten seconds before she started to move again. The other party must have seen the light in the bathroom, so she walked over with quiet steps like a cat.

The other party stood on the right side of the door, stuck against the wall and did not move.

Hinata's reasonable judgment: This is a novice invader who doesn't know what happened to the other senior invaders.

But it's good, knowing that it will be sent directly to his door for him to catch, so that he can reduce the probability of the dangerous event of "catching mice at night, being caught by Miyano Elena on the spot and not sleeping to play games".

He finished the second round slowly, took the last hair towel, wiped it on his head, and walked outside.

When he was only a few steps away from the door, he heard a very shallow breathing, and he was restrained immediately.

The other party also heard his footsteps towards the door, and should be waiting to open the door to kill now.

Then Hinata reasonably opened the door and killed him.

Hinata reasonably freed one hand and twisted the doorknob. He twisted it twice slowly, fully telling the other party 'the prey is hooked' before twisting the door and walking outside.

The moment he stepped out of the bathroom, a strong wind hit from the right.

At the same time as it hit, Hyuga rationally stretched out his hand to block the opponent's 'sudden attack' calmly. He relieved the strength on his arm, and while looking sideways at the opponent, he naturally turned his arm to hook the opponent's neck...

He looked at a pair of eyes with different pupils, saw the other's fluffy white hair, and paused for a while with the hand of "resolving unstable factors".

Five or fifty points? ! ? !

The fifty points for running away are back? !

Hyuga Ryo immediately let go of his own strength in a hurry, but did not block the opponent's second attack and the arm that hit his chest. He grabbed the opponent's arm and turned obediently along the opponent's strength. The opponent is against the wall on the right.

One hand of the other party was placed across his chest, trying to block the lifting of his shoulders, while the other hand was stuck between the back of his head and the wall, precisely grasping his fatal weakness, the head.

As expected of Miss Fifty Points!

Hinata rationally asked immediately: "You..."

You stopped running?
Then give points quickly!
"I'm here to warn you." Miss Fifty Points interrupted him, her eyes were cold, her expression was also icy, and even the words she said were cool, "Master 'Detective God'."

Rational Hinata: "..."

Hinata simply lost the desire to speak.

"I've heard of your name for a long time, and I didn't expect this to be the case when we met for the first time," Miss Fifty Points gritted the word "meeting for the first time" coldly, she sneered, raised her toes, and approached Hinata "Hello, my code name is 'Curacao'."

Hinata is reasonable again: "..."

He suddenly understood why Mr. Rye sent him so many strings of ellipses before, and now he really wanted to transfer all those ellipses to Miss Fifty Points in front of him.

...don't think you can 'meet for the first time' just because I don't remember your name!

The task has not been settled yet, how can you transfer to the camp without paying attention to martial arts? !

Have the contemporary cats turned their backs so badly, and even jumped back directly to avoid payment? !
Hinata didn't understand rationally, but was greatly shocked.

He turned his face to avoid the other party's staring eyes and close contact, and then confirmed, "... Curacao?"

Curacao paused for a moment before replying, "Yes."

She said coldly: "I am ordered by Bourbon to come and warn you."

Bourbon?This is not important.

Hinata continued rationally: "..."

He was at a loss for a moment, and didn't quite understand at first.

Why would someone blatantly turn their backs on him and run away after eating the overlord's meal, but still come to him with their tails up?
Do you think he won't take care of guys who dare to eat the king's meal?

He slowly changed the label, replacing the 'taken' on the opponent's head with 'enemy', and then slowly, slowly painted red.

"People from the organization," he said, "should have told you about me."

About "no mouse that enters Miyano's house, don't even try to leave" and "if the infiltrator disappears to the point where the organization can't find it, isn't it a perfect infiltration?" '.

Saying that, Hinata rationally turned his face to the side, and looked at Curacao calmly.

Curacao didn't speak at the first moment. Her first action was to look away subconsciously, and she immediately realized that her reaction was wrong. A real black person should take the initiative to face this "spiritual detective" who can read people's hearts Go for eye contact with him to confirm the other party's appreciation of your plan and 'work of art'.

She hurriedly said: "I heard that, I heard from Bourbon that you removed all the 'eyes' left by him."

Curacao gestured to the room with his eyes again, pretending that he was observing the room just now when he looked away.

Hyuga rationally looked at her quietly, seeing that she withdrew her gaze from scanning the room, then moved her gaze to look at her clean room, and then was puzzled.

The 'eyes' left by Bourbon?
Two people invaded Miyano's house during the day today?

No, only one person entered his room, and only one trace was left. The owner of the phone call is the owner of the 'eye'.

and many more.

Hinata reasonably put things together, and suddenly realized: No wonder 'Mr. Rye' was so angry, he hung up the phone directly, so he didn't guess right.

... It's not a big problem. Joyful prisoners who play tricks and don't talk about martial arts don't have the right to 'call the right name'.

He said nonchalantly, "Oh."

Mr. 'Bomai' did say in the message that a person whom Hinata reasonably didn't want to see would come to him soon, and this was punishment.

Ryo Hinata continued to put a silent question mark above her head.

The other party didn't say at all that the punishment was to let Miss Fifty Points, who fled with the money, dangle in front of him and shattered his heart cruelly. Didn't clear the task? ' thought, tell him directly and clearly: Wake up, this is fifty points, fly!

This is murder.

(End of this chapter)

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