Wu Rong knew very well that he was no match for Xiong Ba after the wheel battle, so he rolled his eyes and thought about it.

With a stabbing sword, Xiong Ba swung his giant ax to block without even thinking about it. Wu Rong suddenly raised his left arm, and after hearing a "click", an eight-inch long sleeve arrow shot out towards Xiong Ba. Ba's throat came.

The arrow of the Xiujian has a faint blue color, which is obviously poisonous. If it is shot, and it is a critical point in the throat, it will definitely die.

It was too late to dodge, Xiong Ba was quick-witted, and jumped up, the sleeve arrow shot at the collar of the breastplate, but failed to penetrate it.

so close!Xiong Ba was covered in cold sweat, this is a walk through the gate of hell!


It was another sleeve arrow, Xiong Ba was still in shock, this time he couldn't dodge it no matter what, the sleeve arrow was nailed to his right arm.

"Md, you actually used the indiscriminate sleeve arrow!" Xiong Ba scolded, the sleeve arrow is used by people in the Jianghu, and few people bring it to the battlefield.

"You can control it, don't you also secretly lie in ambush here, and suddenly surround us?" Wu Rong said with a sneer: "Since you can play dirty, why can't I! Tell you the truth, you You have been poisoned, and without my unique antidote, I promise you will bleed to death from your seven orifices within half an hour! If you are sensible, make way for me and let us go, maybe I will give you the antidote when I am happy!"

"You mlgbd, thought I believed your nonsense!" Xiong Ba yelled, he felt a tingling sensation in his right arm, he looked down, fuck, the blood that flowed out was black, it looked really poisonous .

"Hehe, I have plenty of time to spend with you, I'm afraid you're running out of time!" Wu Rong succeeded in his plot, looking as if he deserved a beating.

Xiong Ben shouted: "Wu Rong, if you don't hand over the antidote right away, all of you will die!"

"Then let's shoot the arrow!" Wu Rong is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. He sneered and said, "It's better to die than to surrender. It's worth it to have such a brave general buried with you! If you have the guts, you can shoot arrows." !"

Ji Jie saw it clearly in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth in hatred, how could he forget that this guy Wu Rong was born in the green forest, when the critical time comes, he won't talk to you morally.

Injuring two of my subordinates in a row, and using this as a threat, is tolerable or unbearable, Wurong, your end is here!

Ji Jie put on the scarf, called out the sun-shooting bow from the Sumeru ring, and drove the horse out of the woods while nodding the bow.

"Whoosh..." The feather arrow pierced the sky, forming a perfect parabola, and shot towards Wurong.

Wu Rong is complacent. It can be seen that these two "Generals of Qin" are brothers. How can the elder brother be poisoned and the younger brother ignore it? Half an hour is enough time for him to take the convoy to Xingcheng. It is said that there are three thousand Qin troops, even if there are three thousand more, they can only look at it and sigh.

what sound?

Before Wu Rong had time to turn his head, he felt a chill behind him, and looked down, a sharp feathered arrow had pierced his chest, and the triangular arrow was dripping blood.

How could this be?

Wu Rong only felt that his eyes went dark, and then he fell off his horse. It happened too fast.The arrow pierced through his heart, and even immortals could not save him.

Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben naturally knew that it was Ji Jie's arrow. They both raised their heads at the same time and saw a masked knight coming towards them. Who else could it be if it wasn't Ji Jie?

The six hundred court guards saw that Wu Rong was shot to death, and a few hot-tempered ones rushed up to fight, but they were stopped by the people around them. It doesn't matter if you want to die, but don't annoy the "Qin Jun". It's bad luck if they start killing It's us!

"Your Majesty!" Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben saluted Ji Jie together.

"Mianli, how are your injuries?" Ji Jie asked with concern.

Xiong Ben replied: "Mine is just a flesh injury, it doesn't matter! Big brother's is more serious, and he has to detoxify quickly!"

It's a trivial matter, with Zhao Qian here, any poison is a small problem.

"You all get out!" Ji Jie pointed at Ting Wei and the wedding attendants and said, "I'll count to three, whoever dares to stay here will die! Of course Princess Qian and the dowry must stay!"


A group of people looked at each other, and no one dared to leave first.


As soon as the words were uttered, a eunuch moved, and a large group of people immediately raised their legs and ran away, and then more and more!

When Ji Jie was about to shout "three", the few remaining strong-willed people collapsed instantly and joined the ranks of fleeing for their lives.

This is really the tree falling and the monkeys scattered. After everyone ran away, he walked towards the princess's car.

"Qian'er!" Ji Jie called out.

The next second, a petite and lovely girl jumped out of the carriage, and Ruyan threw herself into Ji Jie's arms.

"Brother Jie, Qian'er finally sees you!" Tears glistened in the little girl's big eyes.

To be honest, Ji Jie felt that he was sorry for Qian'er. At the beginning, he used "extraordinary" means to capture the little girl's heart. Later, when he was kind enough to save him, he used his own body instead.

"Qian'er is good, hehe, we will never be separated again!" Ji Jie hugged Zhao Qian and began to whisper those nasty love words.

With a few words, the little girl was very happy, and completely forgot about the previous unhappiness.

Xiong Ben poked Xiong Ba's stomach with his fingers, and said, "Brother, your lord is your lord, and the girls around you are prettier than each other! Princess Xue Ling, Miss Sima, here comes Princess Qian again, tsk tsk!"

"Why, you kid also want a woman?"

"Come on, I... I don't want it, but you and the second brother should marry me some sisters-in-law!"

"Ahem, forget it, your second brother and I are not as capable as the Lord! You said that Princess Qian looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, can you cure my arrow poison?"

"Your Majesty said there is no problem, it must be no problem!"

"I also feel that way!"

The cutest thing about these two brothers is that they are simple-minded. Ji Jie never doubts what Ji Jie said, and Ji Jie's orders are to be fulfilled even if they risk their lives.

The little girl threw herself into Ji Jie's arms and refused to let go. He smiled and said, "Qian'er, there is a troublesome matter right now, and you must come forward!"

"What's the matter?" Qianer asked, blinking her big eyes.

Ji Jie pouted behind him and said, "One of my brothers was hit by Wu Rong's poisonous arrow, and he looks very serious. Can you treat him first!"

"Wurong's sleeve arrow, right? Xiaocai!" Zhao Qian turned around and pulled out a small medicine box from the carriage, took out a delicate white jade bottle from it, poured out two pills, and said, "One for oral administration, one for chewing." Broken and applied externally, the medicine will cure your illness!"

So god?Ji Jie didn't quite believe it.

The little girl pouted and said: "I have studied Wurong's sleeve arrow, and the poison on it is a mixture of black scorpion, viper and centipede poison. It is very poisonous. But to me, it is nothing at all. Half a year I have researched the antidote before!"

Wow Kaka, awesome!Ji Jie stepped forward, hugged Qian'er and gave her a big kiss, really capable!

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