Great Zhou Tianzi

112 2 Battle Bandits

Ji Jie was not in a good mood at all, and after hearing Xiong Ba's words, he immediately flew into a rage: "His grandma, I traveled hundreds of miles to study the situation of the epidemic, but met bandits, Xiong Ba, Xiong Ben, tell me Alright, as long as they dare to show up, I will kill all of them!"

"Decree!" Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben roared at the same time, and the guards around the carriage showed their steel crossbows, aiming at places where people might be hiding.

Grandma, what brother hates the most is robbers. They have no technical content at all, and they will bully the few because of the number of people!


With the sound of a gong, hundreds of robbers rushed from all directions, dressed in various clothes, with strange things in their hands, and they were shouting and drinking.

Xiong Ben and Xiong Ben looked at each other and said, "It's much better than our team back then, isn't it bro!"

"Well, it's much stronger!" Xiong Ba nodded and said, "Don't talk nonsense, your majesty has already ordered to shoot arrows, let these short-sighted guys have a taste of the strength of our Zhaocheng warriors!"

"Swish, swish..." The bowstring rang, and the crossbow arrows flew.

The shooting range of the fine steel crossbow is twice that of the composite bow, and six times that of the ordinary pure wooden bow. The robbers don't know this inside story. In their view, they are still far from the effective range of the opponent's archer, so they rushed forward recklessly. .


The people who were hit by the arrow fell to the ground one after another, the robbers were dumbfounded, how could they shoot so far and so accurately, could it be that they are all good archers who can shoot through Yang with a hundred steps?

Thanks to the accuracy of the fine steel crossbow, Ji Jie applied the scale rod of a modern rifle to the crossbow. He only needs to simply judge the distance of the target, and then lift the handle of the crossbow to the corresponding height according to the number on the scale. The thrown crossbow arrows can accurately shoot into the enemy's body.

The crossbows of the Qin Army also use this aiming method, but compared with the fine steel crossbows produced in Longcheng, there is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

A round of arrow rain was shot, and the guards skillfully drew and wound their bows, and then shot a second round. Dozens of robbers were shot to death on the spot each time, and quite a few were injured.

After all, the robbers were robbers. Seeing their companions being shot to death, they were all frightened. They couldn't help slowing down until they stopped completely. Some even turned around and ran back.

If this is a group of regular troops, they will definitely rush over regardless of the cost, and when the opponent's crossbow loses the ability to strike from a long distance, they can take advantage of their numbers and use close combat to consume them.

It's a pity that they are bandits who bully the weak and fear the hard. They are extremely brave when they encounter soft persimmons, but once they encounter hard ideas, they become a mess.

A leader-like guy waved a rusty bronze sword and shouted hysterically: "No retreat, I will kill anyone who dares to retreat, charge forward, charge!"

The retreating robbers reluctantly obeyed this guy's orders, but the forward speed was very slow.

"A bunch of idiots!" Ji Jie got out of the carriage, took out a sun-shooting bow and attached a feathered arrow, and said, "Go to hell, let you talk so much!"


The feather arrow shot precisely into the man's throat. He stared at Ji Jie who was standing on the carriage with wide eyes, and fell down unwillingly. Maybe he couldn't figure it out. Is there one that shoots farther?


The little morale that was finally aroused was wiped out in an instant, and the bandits began to flee again, this time on a larger scale than last time.

"Your Majesty, do you want to chase them down?" Xiong Ba asked.

"Don't chase after the poor, and we have more important things!" Ji Jie pointed to the tree trunk in the middle of the road and said: "Take it away, let's continue on our way!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Xiong Ba gestured to Xiong Ben to go up together, and the two brothers got off their horses and walked over together, each carrying one end, the tree trunk weighing more than a thousand catties and having a diameter of more than two feet was easily lifted by the two brothers, Throw it on the side of the road.

The girl Zhao Qian stuck her little head out of the car at some point, and exclaimed, "Wow, the two of them are so strong!"

"Hehe, that's right! Even the most important things, they can lift them up!" Ji Jie said with a sense of accomplishment, "I made this carefully. There is also Xiong Kui. I left him in Sima The city is closed, and when it stabilizes over there, transfer him back!"

The carriage continued to move forward, and Ji Jie told the two brothers to gather a thousand soldiers and horses to come here to suppress the bandits. Although this is the three-country border area, they have seriously endangered the peace of the Dazhou border. Absolutely not allowed.

After passing the small mountain in front, it is the border town of Qin State. Fortunately, the border between the two countries is sparsely populated, and there are almost no villages and towns. In a sense, the spread of the plague was blocked. Otherwise, the people of Dazhou would have been infected with the disease long ago. up.

As the convoy entered the col, a louder gong was suddenly heard.

Ji Jie's heart was broken. The bandits must have been unwilling to reconcile to the previous failure, and arranged a second ambush here. The four sides are high and the middle is low, and they occupy a favorable position, condescending.

"Defense!" Ji Jie shouted.

Brother Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben waved their hands, and while taking off the knight shield from the saddle, they moved closer to the carriage with the guards. The shield held high formed a turtle shell shape, completely covering the carriage.

"Everyone has a giant shield, protect yourself!" Ji Jie threw more than [-] giant shields five feet high and three feet wide from the carriage. , In this way, the safety of themselves and their horses is also guaranteed.

On the commanding heights directly ahead, a middle-aged man with a big beard looked at the "Iron Turtle" below, grabbed the young man next to him, and asked sharply, "Who are these people? Have you figured out their identities?" No?"

Xiao Luo said tremblingly: "I don't know! Just now the second head of the family led us to set up an ambush halfway, trying to steal him a fortune. Who knew that before he rushed to his side, he killed dozens of brothers. The second head of the family was also shot to death by the people sitting in the carriage!"

The bearded man let go of his hand, smiled wryly, and said to himself: "I have tried tricks with Qin Jun a few times. Qin Jun is good enough, but he never took advantage of me that time. This team is not easy. , being able to form a tortoise shell formation in such a short period of time is not to be underestimated!"

"Then shall we still do it?"

"Of course we have to do it, just withdraw like this. Do you want the face of my bearded Tai Shiyong? Who dares to follow me?" The bearded man gritted his teeth and said, "Give me the arrow, and I want to see their turtles." How hard is the shell!"

The robbers began to shoot arrows, and arrows with locust feathers shot towards the convoy.

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