Great Zhou Tianzi

116 Exploding stone bombs

The Zhao-Han coalition forces crossed the South Korean border with high-profile all the way, approaching Zhaocheng.

Both Li Mu and Han Chuang thought that they would be blocked when they entered the territory of Dazhou, because during the battle with Qin, Ji Jie sent cavalry to harass and cut off the Qin army's food road many times, but they marched forward for nearly a hundred miles. Never encountered an enemy.

Da Zhou also didn't adopt the strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the country, so Li Mu couldn't help but look at Ji Jie with admiration.

Han Chuang, on the other hand, sneered at Ji Jie. In his opinion, Ji Jie must have been lucky to defeat the Qin army. There is no way like him to let the enemy drive straight in, even if it is a symbolic resistance. .

At this time, Ji Jie was explaining his intentions to the three women: "Compared with Meng Ao, Li Mu is much higher. Qin State. Li Mu is familiar with the art of war and has rich combat experience. He knows that I am good at robbing food, so he will definitely send more people to protect the food delivery troops, and even set up ambushes in places that may be robbed, waiting for me to take the bait!"

Sima Xueran nodded and said, "Brother Jie is right! If I were Li Mu, I would adopt this strategy as well!"

"Hehe, that's why I don't plan on their food and grass this time!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "We have a strong army now, and I don't care about the mere [-] coalition troops. Tomorrow Qian'er will follow me to the city, and I will piss them off! "

Ji Jie has already sent people to spread the word that Zhao Guo's Princess Qian belongs to him. Who told you Zhao Wang and Han Wang to be unkind? Don't blame it for being unrighteous.

"Okay, okay!" The little girl jumped up happily.

Ji Jie was taken aback, thought she would be afraid, but who would have thought that she could not wait, this girl is also a master who is afraid of chaos, I like it!


Twenty miles ahead was Zhaocheng. Li Mu and Han Chuang ordered to set up camp at the same time, rest for one night and attack the city tomorrow.

Li Mu held the position of marshal, no matter how unwilling Han Chuang was, he still had to come to his tent to discuss the matter of attacking the city.

"This commander suggested that the south gate should be the main attack direction, what does Deputy Commander Han think?" Li Mu asked with a smile.

Han Chuang shrugged. A fool would choose the south gate. To the east of Zhaocheng is the Dragon City and to the west is the Wangcheng. Attacking from these two directions is easy to be attacked from both inside and outside. It is even more unrealistic to go around the north gate. Only the south gate is the most secure.

However, Han Chuang had already made up his mind to fight against Li Mu. No matter how attractive the South Gate was, he would still oppose it.

"I think the east gate is more appropriate!" Han Chuang said with a deadpan face.

Li Mu asked with great interest: "Why does Vice Marshal Han think so?"

Han Chuang gave a reason that even he himself didn't believe it: "The terrain in the east is flat. Although it is easy to be attacked by Dragon City's reinforcements, but Dragon City is tens of miles away, their reinforcements can't arrive in a blink of an eye! Ji Jie I must have thought that if we choose the south gate, we will put the defense of the south gate in the most important position, and the defense of the east gate will be weakened, so the east gate is more suitable!"

The two couldn't stop arguing, Li Mu didn't agree to attack the east gate, Han Chuang didn't agree to attack the south gate, and the two vanguards, the leader and the deputy, quarreled even more, to the point of blushing.

"Anyway, I don't agree!" Han Chuang said coldly: "If you want to fight the south gate, please ask Marshal Li to take someone there. I will hold the line for you. If I want to fight, I will fight the east gate!"

Li Mu thought in his heart that this was deliberately against me, he wanted me, Zhao Jun, to take the lead, and you would watch the fun from the sidelines, what a plan to sit on the hill and watch the tigers fight!Let me see what you say next.

"Since Vice Marshal Han has made up his mind, let's make a compromise!" Li Mu said with a smile, "Let's attack the south gate and you fight the east gate. If Vice Marshal Han takes the east gate, I, Li Mu, will never follow You fight for success!"

Li Mu's words have another meaning, that is, if I win the South Gate, you, Han Chuang, don't compete with me.

Compared to Li Mu, an old fox, Han Chuang was like a child, and he agreed without thinking. In his opinion, Zhou Jun must put the end point of defense at the south gate, and the east gate he was in charge of attacking would be easy to take.

Early the next morning, Han Chuang led his team to the east gate, and Li Mu's Zhao Jun appeared outside the south gate.

Han Chuang put up a double-headed formation, attacking Zhaocheng on the one hand, and preventing surprise attacks on the back on the other hand.

Ji Jie took Zhao Qian up to the south gate first, and saw that Zhao's army was in a tight formation with all kinds of siege equipment in place. He smiled and said, "Li Mu is showing Han Chuang the appearance of a strong attack!"

Li Mu will not be so stupid that he can only attack by force. The art of war says that what is true is false, and what is false is true. The more he pretends to be a strong attack, the less he will know how to attack.

He wanted to use this to stimulate Han Chuang to storm the east gate, so as to test the reality of Zhaocheng.

Han Chuang, a poor child, was played by Li Mu, and he had to become the chicken in Ji Jie's hand for monkeys.

"Let's go, there will be no war at the south gate today!" Ji Jie put his arms around Zhao Qian's slender waist and said with a smile, "Let's go to the east gate!"

Zhao Qian was wearing white clothes today, it was so obvious among the thousands of troops, Li Mu had seen it a long time ago, and her teeth were itching with anger!I wondered what happened to Princess Qian, how could she be so close to Ji Jie, wasn't she snatched, why didn't she resist?

He was so angry that he almost didn't order the vanguard to rush over, and he shouted with a dark face: "Beat the drums, shout!"

Immediately the heavy drums sounded, and Zhao Zu shouted at the top of his voice, as if he was about to charge.

Not to be outdone, Han Chuang outside the east gate also ordered: "Beat the drum, charge after the three drums!"

Deputy vanguard Zheng Gao yelled "De Ling" and returned to the main formation with his long spear in hand, only waiting for the three-way drum to lead his troops to kill.

"Come on!" Zheng Gao gave an order, leading the infantry to walk towards the city gate with their shields held high, and the siege equipment began to move forward.

The trebuchet was put in place first, and Han Zu put the stones weighing tens of catties on the pallet, waiting for the order to launch.

On the city wall, Ji Jie waved his hand, and the giant trebuchet hidden in the corner roared, and all the dark "winter melon"-shaped things shot out, heading straight for the opponent's trebuchet position.

Han Chuang looked at the "little black dots" flying over with disdain, and said to the general behind him: "Such a small rock can't damage our army's trebuchet at all, and Ji Jie is only so capable." !"

All the generals echoed, and the voices of flattery kept coming and going.

"Boom boom boom..."

He was dumbfounded, those "small black dots" exploded after falling, and shattered the trebuchet made of hardwood.

"What is this?" Han Chuang panicked. Those trebuchets are made of the hardest wood, and there is nothing wrong with ordinary stone bombs hitting them. How could Ji Jie's stone bombs explode!

The Korean army's catapult position was shrouded in gunpowder smoke. After only one round of attack, this place became a Shura hell, with broken limbs and broken catapults scattered on the ground together!

"Pawns, speed up and rush to the city!" Han Chuang shouted hysterically.

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