Great Zhou Tianzi

131 Deed of Sale

Ji Jie thought he was having auditory hallucinations, so he quickly turned his head to ask Sima Xueran for confirmation.

Sima Xueran nodded, and the little girl Zhao Qian also nodded immediately, for fear that Ji Jie would forget her existence.

"That's not true, it's not real, I must be dreaming!" Ji Jie absolutely did not believe that the three girls would change their minds in such a short period of time. They are all principled people, how could they be bought by Ji Lin?

"Ah!" Ji Jie screamed, it was Zhao Qian's little hand that made trouble on his waist and pinched him hard.

Zhao Qian said innocently, "I'm here to prove that you're not dreaming, you should thank me!"

It really hurts, which means it's not a dream, so there's no need to strike so hard, it's almost comparable to Sima Xueran's "Nine Yin White Bone Claw".

Could it be that they were really bought by Ji Lin, so they just went shopping a few times, it shouldn't be!

Ji Jie really wanted to see from the faces of the three girls that they were joking, but unfortunately, he searched for a long time, but to no avail!

Ji Lin glanced at Ji Jie with provocative eyes, her face was full of the expression of wanting to be beaten after victory.

"No, Linger Ranran, how could you do such a thing as pushing me into the fire pit?" Ji Jie asked with a wry smile.

"Hey, hey, this is a bit too much!" Ji Lin said with a slap in the face: "The three sisters made a decision after careful consideration. This decision will only benefit you and not harm you. What is a fire pit?"

Ji Xueling put on a look of hating iron but not steel and said, "That's right! Good intentions are treated like a donkey's liver and lungs!"

Sima Xueran said even more absolutely: "Our kindness has been completely hurt by you, how could you do this!"

Zhao Qian naturally refused to show weakness and said, "Brother Jie is a big villain, he made us angry!"

What's the matter, how did I become the target of public criticism, who did I provoke?

Haven't I always followed the principle of not messing around with women? If I knew you would be like this, why should I be so calm when I'm with Ji Lin?

"Are you sure you want me to go to the country of Yan?" Ji Jie asked solemnly, he didn't want this to be a trap, once he nodded in agreement, the three girls immediately turned their backs.

The three women also nodded solemnly.

Woohoo, what is this called, Ji Jie is determined to die!

Ji Lin didn't forget to stab his wounded little heart again, and said: "The three sisters said, if you can't help me train a new iron-blooded army, you will never be allowed to come back!"


I am the master here!

Just as Ji Jie was about to yell out this sentence, he suddenly felt three sharp eyes shooting at him, he quickly shut up, and finally understood the meaning of the sentence - never reason with women, they are always right.

With the idea that a good man would not fight a woman, Ji Jie felt better. He glared at Ji Lin, who raised her head high and didn't look at him at all.

Yaya, ignore my existence!Okay, you wait, when you are crying and begging for brother, you should pray to God and worship Buddha every day, please don't let me let you fall into my hands one day!

Ji Jie had no appetite, but the four daughters ate very happily.

Standing up and about to leave, Zhao Qian asked, "Brother Jie, are you leaving? The food is not to your liking today?"

Ji Jie said unhappily: "I'm full! I'll find a piece of paper and a pen, and draw a circle to curse someone..."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the restaurant without looking back, followed by a soft smile like a silver bell.

Ji Jie had never been so deflated in front of outsiders.


"Hey hey hey, I got up, I thought I couldn't find you if I hid!" Ji Lin grabbed Ji Jie's ear, lifted his head, and said with a smile: "There are tens of thousands of books of sages hidden here. , but you are sleeping here, aren't you afraid of insulting the sages?"

"None of your shit!" Ji Jie said angrily, "Say something quickly, fart quickly, I'm annoying!"

Ji Lin glared at him, took out a piece of white paper of moderate thickness, and said with a sneer: "I can see that you are very reluctant to go back to Yan Kingdom with me, and you will not train soldiers for me wholeheartedly. So Well, I think it is necessary for us to sign a contract, you have to complete the task within half a year, if you can't finish it, it means you are incompetent, and you have gained a false reputation, I will spread this matter throughout the entire land of China!"

Ji Jie snatched the piece of paper. Of course, this paper came from the paper mill in Longcheng, but when a new type was released, he clearly remembered that this kind of paper was not so thick, but he didn't take it seriously , the eyes are gradually attracted by the content above.

It says that within half a year, a new army of more than [-] people will be trained for the country of Yan. During this period, you must not be lazy, complain, or...

Generally speaking, this contract is fairly fair, Ji Jie shrugged, grabbed the pen and signed his name in a fluttering motion.

Ji Lin immediately snatched the contract, as if she was afraid that he would go back on his word, she blew on the place where he signed to speed up the drying of the ink, and said with a smile: "Since the words are here in black and white, my brother has to admit it!"

"Don't worry, I never do anything that I don't admit to!" Ji Jie was still so swearing.

"I believe in you!" Ji Lin stretched out her small snow-white hand and said, "Then give me the equipment quickly!"

"Equipment, what equipment?" Ji Jie was taken aback.

"Of course it's [-] Thunderbolt crossbows and [-] Thunderbolt bullets!"

"Who promised you these things?"


"Nonsense, I didn't!"

"You have it, your words don't count!"

"Whoever promised, you go to whomever, I never said such a thing!"

Ji Jie thinks that Ji Lin is messing around, even if any one of the three girls agrees to this matter, he can completely deny it, ya ya, I have the final say here!

Ji Lin pouted, and rubbed her hands on the contract, the size of the paper instantly doubled!It turned out to be folded together, no wonder it felt a little thick before.

This is not the most important thing, the key point is that the folded half also has content, and after unfolding, it forms another contract with the other half.

Contract: Great Zhou Supervisor, Zhao Wenjun Ji Jie, within the next six months, is obliged to train a new army of more than 10 people for Yan State. At the price of [-] taels, he sold [-] thunderbolt crossbows to Ji Lin, the eldest princess of the country of Yan. Together advance and retreat allied states, send troops together to fight against the Rongdi people...

Got overcast!

Ji Jie gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't expect to be cheated by this ghost girl, who trained new troops for her, provided her with new weapons, and even made alliances with her!

The most irritating thing is that the "accomplice" turned out to be a blank piece of paper produced by him, this woman is too cruel.

What was originally an ordinary contract turned into Ji Jie's prostitution contract in the blink of an eye, what a pity!

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