Great Zhou Tianzi

136 Recruiting troops like this

From Ji Jie's point of view, it is not easy for Ji Lin to recruit new troops. There are three reasons why.

First, Yan State has been harassed by northern nomads for several years, and Zhao State also comes to join in the fun from time to time, so the number of citizens is limited.There were not many people in the first place, and they all went to serve as soldiers. Who will grow food and who will raise cattle?

Second, the Yan Army is not only a vulnerable army in the eyes of others, but also in the eyes of its own people. The conditions for joining the army are extremely relaxed. After joining the army, the living standard is very poor, and sometimes it is not as good as ordinary people!

Third, it is difficult for ordinary people to have the opportunity to be promoted after joining the army, and the positions of officers and officers are all occupied by the children of nobles.Even if you fight the enemy bravely, even if you make great contributions, to be a centurion is already invincible.

Combining these three points, who wants to be a soldier!

Ji Jie only gave Ji Lin seven days, and it would be pretty good to recruit a team of more than a thousand people in seven days. I promised to help you train a team of ten thousand people, but you don’t have enough people. any idea?

The Yan army was full of corruption beyond the officialdom.

Ji Jie was really skeptical. From the dinner last night, it looked like those civil servants hadn't eaten meat for several months. It stands to reason that everyone should work hard under such circumstances, but why? With such a weak army?

I really do not understand!

"That's what you said!" Ji Lin said, as if afraid of Ji Jie's repentance, "I'll immediately set up a list to recruit recruits, and you can train me as many as you recruit, right?"

Ji Jie nodded and said, "I keep my word!"

Ji Lin happily ran away, and Ji Jie shrugged and whispered to the three brothers: "Look, when she regrets it, let's go have breakfast, although I feel a little unappetizing after seeing the Yan Army camp, there is no need for money." If you don't eat the rice, you won't eat it for nothing!"

Before they had finished their breakfast, the announcements had already started to be posted all over Jicheng, and Ji Lin also sent hundreds of knights to post them everywhere.

Looking at a large group of people in front of the announcement, Ji Lin, who was sitting in the opposite teahouse, smiled and said to the personal maids: "When Ji Jie regrets it, after seven days, when I show up with tens of thousands of recruits When in front of Ji Jie, I don’t know what kind of expression he will have, hehe! I can’t wait, let’s go, go to the registration office to see!”

Surrounded by four maids, Ji Lin came down to the north gate. Registration offices were set up at the four city gates to facilitate people from all over the city to join the army.

Why is there no one, except for the two veterans who are in charge of registration.

"Meet the eldest princess!" The two stood up and saluted together.

Ji Lin waved her hand, picked up the roster and looked at it, she was dumbfounded—there was no name on it.

"Why didn't anyone join the army?" Ji Lin asked.

A veteran clasped his fists and said, "Reporting to the Eldest Princess, there isn't a single one! In the beginning, we were surrounded here in a tight siege. Who would have thought that everyone was recruiting soldiers, and they all ran away!"

"How is it possible, don't the young people in my Great Yan Kingdom have the idea of ​​defending their homes and the country?" Ji Lin didn't believe it anyway.

The veteran smiled bitterly and said, "This question is so small that I can't answer it, so I ask the Eldest Princess to find out!"

I thought about punishing Ji Jie, but who would have expected that no one would join the army, what should I do, I must not lose face in front of him, absolutely not!

"Let's go, go back and find a way!" Ji Lin led the maids back to the palace.

For two days in a row, there were very few people who signed up to join the army. At this rate, it is unknown whether 1000 people can be gathered after seven days.

This is still the promise of improving the standard of daily life and a fair promotion system on the list, otherwise there would be no such people!

Ji Lin was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, walking back and forth, making the maids dizzy.

"Princess, I have a small idea..." The personal maid whispered: "Have you forgotten the last time you fought against Zhao Jun? Originally, the morale of the Yan Army has dropped to the extreme. Seeing that the city is not safe, After you came out and said something, the soldiers were all extremely brave..."


Ji Lin slapped her head and said, "Why did I forget this! You reminded me well, gather all the maids and maids in the palace, dress me up beautifully, and then go to the street together! In addition, I will make some ribbons Things like that, and bamboo poles... Hurry up and get ready!"

"Yes, princess!"


Ji Jie has been very leisurely these two days. He took the three brothers for a stroll and was about to go back. He was attracted by a noise in the street and everyone ran there. Something must have happened.

"Go, have a look!" Ji Jie and the others followed the crowd.


Seeing all that, Ji Jie's mouth grew wide, this... this is too much, I saw a group of young girls headed by Ji Lin holding slogans, shouting in unison, "Joining the army is glorious, protecting the family!" Slogans like "Weiguo" are parading the streets!

All of them are beautifully dressed, and many girls are waving handkerchiefs. That scene, tsk tsk!

As a result, halazi were all over the ground, pedestrians stopped, hawkers stopped shouting, even the neighbor's uncle Wang ran out to watch the fun, you must know that he has a lame leg!

Who taught her?This kind of propaganda is not uncommon in the 21st century, but this is the Warring States Period more than 2000 years ago?

Ji Jie rubbed his eyes, could it be that this thing also traveled through time with me?

How can it be!

Looking at the three brothers again, the six thieves stared straight at the palace maids with big breasts, Xiong Ba swallowed, and said, "It's so fucking exciting, I almost had the idea of ​​joining the army!"

Seeing a lot of people gathered, Ji Lin signaled the team to stop, and said in a voice like a yellow warbler: "It is the glorious mission of our people in Dayan to protect our home and country. The Xiongnu in the north, the Rong and Di in the west, and the Zhao State in the south, there is no one here. You don’t want to occupy our land and enslave our people! The men in Yan Kingdom are all bloody men, should we let them bully us..."

Hearing Ji Lin's words, Ji Jie groaned, "No, this woman with the face of disaster is very provocative. I guess there are not many people who can resist the temptation!"

"Yeah, I have a bad feeling!" Xiongba said.

"A particularly bad feeling!" Xiong Kui said.

"You've finished talking, what else should I say?" Xiong Ben expressed his displeasure.

Ji Jie added: "It will be a very tiring feeling, training tens of thousands of people! We still have four days, hurry up and play, don't expect to have such free time in half a year!"

Ji Lin spoke faster and faster, and the hearts of the people around her were surging.

"... Those who want to join the army, come with us and sign up!" Ji Lin led the maids towards the city gate, and the common people followed.

In the blink of an eye, the sea of ​​people turned into an empty alley, only Ji Jie and the others were left standing there in a daze.

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