Great Zhou Tianzi

138 Revenge of the Chidi People

Needless to say, it must be Ji Lin's instruction, how could a little court lady have such courage!

This damned girl originally wanted to reduce their training load from tomorrow onwards, but it seems that not only can it not be reduced, but it has to be increased!

If I'm not mistaken, the water is filled with a powder made from the seeds of blue morning glory, which is very corrosive, and Ji Lin actually used this thing to punish me, wanting my life!

Fortunately, I like to take a shower instead of jumping directly into the bathtub, otherwise I will be really unlucky.

Wait for me, start making tomorrow's devil training plan now!


Ji Jie stayed up late last night before going to bed. Firstly, his body was so hot that he couldn’t fall asleep, and secondly, he worked overtime to list the training content, so that his eyes were always red when he woke up in the morning.

Ji Lin's face sank like water, and she walked towards him.

Why such an expression, the person who should be angry seems to be me?

Before Ji Jie could speak, Ji Lin spoke first: "King Chidi found out that we were the ones who killed his vanguard last night. Last night, a small town in the west was bloodbathed. More than 2000 men, women and children in the town were all killed. , chickens and dogs will not stay!"

"What?" Ji Jie's eyes widened. They were too cruel, even the elderly and children would not let them go!

"And they left a bloody book on the wall!" Ji Lin continued, "Threatening to kill you and me, to avenge the Vanguard Officer!"

"Damn, how arrogant!" Ji Jie scolded, and then asked: "What's His Royal Highness Yan Wang's plan?"

Ji Lin shook her head and said: "The Chidi tribe is very difficult to deal with, and the new army has not completed the training, so we can only bear with it for the time being, and make plans after the new army's training is successful!"

Ji Jie couldn't hold back his breath, and said: "I have a suggestion. Choose 2 cavalry from 1000 people to form a cavalry. I will personally lead them to fight, and you will stay in charge of training! If we don't make If we respond, King Chidi will think that we are afraid of them and will harass them even more unscrupulously, and there will never be peace on the border!"

Ji Lin frowned and thought for a while, then said: "You are right. I will go with you and bring my two hundred personal guards. Just leave the training to the three brothers. They are capable! You and I together Appearing, it will attract the attention of King Chidi, so that he has no time to invade our border villages and towns!"

"Alright then!" Ji Jie nodded and said, "Let's go find your brother now!"

King Yan agreed to their proposal, and Ji Jie immediately selected 200 strong soldiers from the new army, all of whom were the best among the recruits, plus Ji Lin's 1000 soldiers, a total of [-] soldiers.

The total strength of King Chidi was close to 3000, but he did not bring all of them with him. Most of them were broken up and robbed food and property on the Zhou-Yan border. Only [-] troops followed him.

Ji Jie used the spies buried by the Sima family among the Rongdi people and asked them to deliver the information to him in a timely and accurate manner. Although the grassland battle was to be carried out next, the information still played an important role.

Send out scouts in all directions, as long as you find King Chidi and sound the signal flare.

The signal flare is made of gunpowder. It is actually a double-cannon that flies into the sky and explodes with sound and flames. Although it is simple, it is very effective and can notify people miles away.

Originally, he would not take this thing out for outsiders to use if he was killed, but this time it was a waste of money. Not only that, he also took out a thousand thunderbolt bullets from the Sumeru Ring and sent them to Ji Lin's personal guards.

This time it is bound to wipe out Chi Di's part, grandma, if you dare to threaten to kill me, I will kill you first!

Soon, scouts and intelligence arrived at the same time, and found the whereabouts of King Chidi. They were heading north, and their destination was the border city of Yan State, where [-] Yan troops were stationed. Forage for the winter.

With 3000 troops, King Chidi will naturally ignore small businesses. As long as he can seize the grain and grass stored in the border town, he can at least solve three-tenths of this winter's grain consumption. How can such a big deal not be tempted!

Ji Jie took out a map and a ruler, marked the current positions of himself and King Chidi, and after measuring the distance, his brain went into overdrive, and said: "The people of Rongdi are eighty miles away from the border town, and they can be easily reached in one day. If my estimate is good, They will arrive outside the city before tomorrow evening, and launch an attack at night while the defenders are sleeping. And we are still 120 miles away from the border town. Although we can arrive before tomorrow evening, it is difficult for us to go directly into the battle due to lack of manpower and horses. .So I suggest rushing through the night today, ambush them on the only way they must pass, and then take the time to rest and wait for work!"

"Good idea!" Ji Lin nodded and said, "King Rong Di must not have thought that we would be ahead of them!"

"Since you have no objection, let's go immediately!" Ji Jie ordered, and he still served as the military chief officer of this operation.

Running wildly all the way, arrived at the reserved location before dawn, immediately had a full meal and began to rest, waiting for the arrival of the Rongdi people.

It wasn't until mid-afternoon that Rong Di appeared in Ji Jie's sight unhurriedly. Just as he thought, King Rong Di wanted to destroy the border city of Yan Kingdom in one fell swoop, so he was not in a hurry to go. It's too soon, maybe it will be discovered by the defenders!

After nearly a whole day's rest, Ji Jie's team was full of energy.

Ji Lin's [-] personal guards were placed at the forefront of the position, and [-] recruits were placed at the back. After all, they had never fought a war. Ji Jie had only one request for them - not to kill the enemy, but to not mess themselves up Position, someone is responsible for killing the enemy.

Not far away there is a small soil bag, which is an excellent highland, Ji Jie asked Ji Lin: "Can you use a trebuchet?"

"I can use the small and medium-sized ones, but I have never used the large ones!" Ji Lin replied.

"Great!" Ji Jie called two squadrons of cavalry to go to the high ground with Ji Lin.

Ji Lin didn't know what he was going to do. After reaching the high ground, he asked two small teams to wait below, and led Ji Lin up first.

Under Ji Lin's surprised gaze, Ji Jie waved his hand, and a medium-sized trebuchet appeared on the ground out of thin air, together with several large black wooden boxes, which contained shocking shells.

"Don't be surprised, I will teach you how to use the sky-shattering cannon!" Ji Jie pointed to the scale on the tray of the trebuchet and said: "First of all, you must first judge the distance between the enemy and you, and then decide the length of the fuze. Launch immediately after the fuze, boom... bloom among the enemies! Got it?"

Ji Lin is a smart girl who learned quickly.

"When the two sides start to fight, stop, remember!" Ji Jie finished the last sentence, turned and walked down.

"Hey, can you tell me how this thing came about?" Ji Lin asked, pointing at the trebuchet.

Ji Jie said without looking back: "I'll tell you after this battle is over!"

Back at the ambush site, the Rongdi people were less than a mile away. Two hundred guards began to load the thunderbolt crossbow with ammunition, and the recruits also hung the crossbow bolts on the strings, waiting for Ji Jie to issue the order to attack.

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