[Ask for tickets, flowers, VIPs, and stamps are all required! ! ! 】

Ji Jie glanced back, thinking that Bulechuan is really stubborn, knowing that he can't catch up and still refuses to give up, presumably Ji Lin and the big troops have already entered the border town to rest, then okay, I will take you guys again Take two laps and say goodbye!

What he was riding was a fine horse that he brought along from the Rongdi people. The Rongdi horse was much better than the Yanma, with better impact and endurance.

How did Ji Jie know that it was Bulechuan's mount that came along at random, and it was awarded to him by King Rongdi a few days ago, just in case he picked a good horse.

Not to mention the people ran away, the horse was also stolen, it's no wonder Brechuan could swallow this breath, he sat on the back of an ordinary horse with red eyes, wishing he could catch Ji Jie the next moment, ruthlessly Beat him up hard, anyway, King Chidi only said that he wanted to live, but didn't say that he couldn't be beaten.

But when will he be able to catch up with him, he has no idea, and his men have no idea.

Yiqi caught up from behind and said to him: "King Rongdi has an order. If Ji Jie is not caught before noon, or if he is still unwilling to surrender, he will be shot!"

Brechuan nodded, thinking that it should have been like this a long time ago. After chasing him all the way, he was as tired as a dog. He also took the lives of many brothers, but failed to catch him. The price is too great!

"I know!" Brechuan said to the visitor: "Go back and tell me, the king, I will definitely take Ji Jie to see him before dark, either a living person or a corpse!"


After breaking out of the siege yesterday, Ji Lin followed Ji Jie's arrangement and led her subordinates to rush towards the border city. They arrived at the city before dark, and after showing the eldest princess' seal, the city gate opened wide.

The soldiers who had been exhausted for several days finally had a full meal and slept soundly and soundly.

At this time, Ji Lin was standing on the city wall looking into the distance, she wished Ji Jie could appear in her sight, but after standing for half an hour, there was nothing but yellowish green grass everywhere.

Yan Shun, the guard of the border city, clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, the wind is strong in the city, so be careful not to get caught in the cold! According to the villain, General Huwei will surely turn danger into good fortune. If he has already encountered an accident or is captured by the enemy, Rong Di The king will definitely bring the army to attack the city himself!"

Yan Shun's words made some sense, but Ji Lin was still worried, if the soldiers she brought were not too tired, she would definitely go to Ji Jie.

"I hope so!" Ji Lin said in a deep voice: "General Yan must also be prepared to defend the city. King Chidi came here for the tens of thousands of stones and grain. I don't think he will give up easily!"

"The last will obey!"


It was already noon, Ji Jie took out the water bag and just took a sip when hundreds of arrows shot at the same time, overwhelming the sky!

Grass!He hurriedly urged the horse under his crotch, and raised the knight's shield while running. Is Brechuan crazy, isn't he going to catch him alive?

Brechuan's patience was completely worn out, and he ordered Ji Jie to be killed, and the person who killed him would be rewarded with a hundred taels, plus a hundred cows and a thousand sheep.

The Rongdi soldiers carved marks on their arrow shafts one after another, and then opened their bows to shoot arrows.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

More than a dozen feather arrows hit the knight shield, Ji Jie was startled, it seemed that they really didn't want to live, and grandma didn't say hello in advance, so I had to be prepared!

Since you do this, don't blame me for being rude!

In fact, he had never been polite to the Rongdi people from the very beginning, and countless people died under his arrows.

Grab the five feathered arrows, open the bow, turn back, let the arrows go, and turn back again, all in one go, the five arrows lined up in a row and hit the air, and shot into the bodies of five Rongdi people at the same time, the five fell off the horses and were killed on the spot. dead.

Five consecutive balls, Brechuan was very lucky. If his horse hadn't run slowly and was blocked by a group of subordinates, he must be among the five or four!

Another five consecutive balls, and five more people fell to their deaths!

Rongdi people don't have faith, so Ji Jie naturally doesn't need to talk to them. He started to shoot thunderbolts, one after another.

The chasers behind were turned on their backs by the bombers, but after a long time, these Rongdi cavalry who grew up on horseback began to evade. It took a while for the thunderbolt to fly in the air, and they could roughly judge where it fell. Get out of the danger zone.

In this way, the casualties of the Rongdi people were minimized, and a dozen thunderbolt bombs were fired, only five or six people were killed!

The sky-shattering cannon is even more unreliable. It is so big that the enemy can dodge it calmly.

Ji Jie felt a sense of crisis that he had never felt before. Although the feathered arrows and thunderbolt bullets stored in Xumijie were enough to resist this group of pursuers, he only had one person. "Sun Bow", it is also impossible to shoot hundreds of times in a row, you have to die from exhaustion.

Damn, I'm a bachelor, I don't believe you can give up on grabbing food and chase me all day long!

Ji Jie pulled the reins, and the horse galloped west!

When they passed a large boulder standing alone on the grass, Bulechuan and his men stopped at the same time, and one of them asked: "General, the front is the territory of the Huns. Shall we still pursue it?"

Brechuan thought for a while, and said firmly: "Chasing, you must kill Ji Jie! It's a big deal and I will apologize to the Huns afterwards, everyone continue to chase!"

The sun sets and night falls.

Ji Jie rode his horse and galloped wildly, finally got rid of the pursuers. A valley appeared in front of him, and he plunged into it.

The temperature in the valley is significantly higher than outside, and the air is also very humid, which reminds Ji Jie of the feeling of bathing in hot springs in modern society.

clap la la...

The sound of running water, sure enough, there is water. After running for a day and sweating all over, it would be great to take a bath!He jumped off the horse, untied the bridle from the horse's mouth, and allowed it to graze freely, while walking towards the direction where the sound of water came from.

The sound of the water became clearer and clearer. Ji Jie started to remove his armor while walking, when he suddenly heard some strange sounds.

la la la... ummmm...

This is a female voice, as mellow as a yellow warbler.

Did someone get ahead?Ji Jie didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he walked over slowly, hid behind a stone, and slowly straightened his waist.


Taking a breath of air-conditioning, what came into view was a hot spring. Sitting in the pool was a girl full of exotic looks. Qianqian raised the water with petals in her hands, and then slowly flowed down her exquisite body. natural.

Clear water comes out of hibiscus, and naturally removes carvings!

A head of long golden curly hair dripping with water, a pair of watery pupils, slender willow eyebrows, and a thin and sexy lip, perfectly matched her slender oval face.

Judging from her appearance, this girl should be about seventeen or eighteen years old, but her body is very well developed, and she should be described as super good.

Ji Jie stared wide-eyed, staring at the beautiful woman's plump breasts without blinking. The perfect hemispherical shape stood tall and straight, with two bright red purple grapes like crystals. Around his neck was a silver-white necklace, which was hanging on two pedestals. Between the mountain peaks, the small drops of water on his body shone like diamonds. All of this... stimulated his visual nerves.

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