Great Zhou Tianzi

147 Binding of Immortal Cables

Now that everyone knows about our existence, it seems a little unreasonable not to come out.

Ji Jie took a deep breath, adjusted the expression on his face to a serious one, walked out from behind the stone unhurriedly, bowed and said: "Under Ji Jie, because he was chased by the Rongdi people, he strayed into this valley. Please forgive me, miss!"

Princess Rouyue was slightly taken aback, because she has never met a Central Plains person since she was so old, and she has never been called "Miss".

Just remembering the fact that he saw all of it just now, Princess Rouyue's face was still so cold, even more so than when she was talking to Bulechuan.

"It is said that you Central Plains people are hypocritical, today I have learned a lesson!" Princess Rouyue said coldly: "Didn't you always preach that no evil should be seen? Look, no wonder my father said that there is no good person in the Central Plains, and one day he will kill you all!"

Grandma's little girl, there's no limit to bragging!

Also, although it is wrong to watch you take a bath, you have discovered me long ago, but you did not stop it, which means that you are willing to let me watch it. In this case, if I don’t watch it, that would be extremely pedantic!

Killing all the people in the Central Plains, do you think you Huns have such a skill?In history, I don't know which nation was beaten to death by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and finally had to escape to Europe to survive the extinction!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty will be a hundred years later, I am willing to destroy you in advance!

"Why don't you talk?" Princess Rouyue snorted coldly.

Ji Jie didn't need to keep pretending, and said with a smile: "Show me, of course I want to, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of Miss's good intentions? But, you really have nothing to look at, you little girl, you might as well not be as good as us in the Central Plains." Where is the old sow!"

This is a bit against the will, but it is very well used to hurt people.

"You..." Princess Rouyue was furious. She has always been called the most beautiful flower on the grassland, but she was compared to an old sow by this hateful Central Plains man!

No, it's not as good as an old sow!

"You are a native of the Central Plains, let's see how this princess will deal with you!" Princess Rouyue shook her long whip in her hand, and the whip hit Ji Jie like a dexterous boa constrictor.

It was just a whip in the little girl's hand, and Ji Jie didn't pay attention to it at all.Maybe someone else is afraid of you, but I'm not afraid, even if your father is the emperor, so what, he can't control me, an outsider!

Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, this is Ji Jie's consistent fine style.At worst, let's pat our ass and leave after messing with us. Let's see where you find us!

Ji Jie thought he could dodge easily, but found that the speed of the whip was much faster than he imagined, and it was about to hit his face. He quickly lowered his body, ignoring the excessive movements, and now he looked like a whip. Prawns.

Grandma, everyone said that hitting someone doesn't slap people in the face, why does this bitch greet her face as soon as she comes up?

The whip came again with the sound of whistling wind, and this time Ji Jie hid even more shamelessly, and a lazy donkey came rolling.

There is no way, and only this trick can dodge it. Compared with being whipped, what is the image?

Princess Rouyue waved the whip lightly, Ji Jie was dwarfed by comparison, this woman is too powerful, how could she be able to play with the whip so smoothly at her young age?

Although Ji Jie has never played with this kind of thing, he also knows that the whip is a kind of weapon that is difficult to master, because it is too soft and too long, and without decades of kung fu, it is impossible to achieve anything in it.

"You can escape my three whips, you are very good!" Princess Rouyue withdrew her jade arm, and the whip retracted instantly.

Not bad, I forced my brother to use the lazy donkey roll, Ji Jie stood up out of breath, before he could speak, Princess Rouyue continued: "Then I will show you the true power of binding the fairy rope !"


Binding Xiansuo?Isn't it just a broken whip, why do you have such a famous name, you are not afraid of shame if you say it!

Ji Jie sneered at the name, but he still pulled out the long sword hanging from his waist in a dignified manner. The girl's whip is not bad, and the enemy cannot be underestimated.

Princess Rouyue shook her hand, and the long whip reached the top of Ji Jie's head in an instant, and then formed a spinning noose. He quickly swung the long sword, but couldn't touch the long whip.

It's too flexible, I don't believe it, when I cut off the whip, the girl doll must not cry!


Ji Jie didn't pay attention, and was entangled in the noose. Before he could react, the long whip had already wrapped more than a dozen circles around his upper body, his two arms were firmly tied to his body, and then his legs !

In less than a second, he was tied into a dumpling.

There must be something wrong with this whip, Ji Jie saw it clearly, the whip seemed to grow several times in an instant, otherwise how could it be able to wrap dozens of times around his body firmly?

"Demon girl, what kind of magic do you use?" Ji Jie shouted, he was scolded by Brechuan for using black magic all the time, and now he is imitating it, there are no black magic in the world, most of them are just cover-ups.

Just now she was said to be inferior to the old sow, and now she was called a demon girl. Princess Rouyue was really angry. When she pulled her jade hand, Ji Jie lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground with a plop.

"You still dare to scold me, I'll kick you to death!" Rou Yue walked over and kicked him more than a dozen times, to be honest, she lost her manners.

Ji Jie wanted to break free, but found that the whip was very strong, and he couldn't use his strength at all. You must know that the thick hemp rope with a thumb couldn't help him at all. The whip didn't look thick, but how could it be so tough?

In the process of being kicked, he calmly called out a dagger from the Sumeru Ring, and cut it fiercely on the long whip, thinking that it would be broken in two. Who would have thought that there was an obvious gap on the dagger, but the whip Unscathed!


"How dare you hit me with a whip!" Princess Rouyue kicked Ji Jie on the chin, which was heavy enough.

Ji Jie stared at him suddenly, he had never suffered such a big loss, and it was planted in the hands of a girl, ya ya, don't let me have a chance to turn around, I stripped your clothes, beat you Fuck your ass and throw it in bed...


Another kick, and she passed out.

Originally, Princess Rouyue had already relieved her hatred, but when she saw Ji Jie's cannibalistic eyes, she unconsciously kicked him again, it was still on the chin, and it was even stronger.

"You still dare to look at me with such eyes in the future!" Rou Yue said in relief: "Since you have seen something you shouldn't see, then you will be my slave for the rest of your life! How dare you look down on Xiansuo, this is a legacy from ancient times The next fairy!"

After finishing speaking, she dragged the fainted Ji Jie outside.

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