Great Zhou Tianzi

155 Head to Head

Rou Yue felt very helpless about her father's request. Isn't it just a strange-looking frog? Is it more important that the camp besieged by heavy soldiers?

In order to attract the attention of the Hun King, Rou Yue hid Xue Chan behind her back, shook the note in her hand and said, "You should read this first, human life is a matter of heaven and earth!"

The Hun King just took the note, and after reading the words on it, he said in surprise: "We are surrounded?"

"It should be true!" Rou Yue analyzed, "It's not a day or two since King Baishan coveted your father's position. Before we set off, I heard that he was about to move. This time he only brought a thousand guards with him. It must be a great opportunity!"

The Hun King nodded, but he immediately frowned and said, "Why is the text written in the Central Plains on the note?"

There is only one explanation, it must be the Central Plains man, not only did he not die, but also sent information.

The first time she saw the note, Rou Yue thought of this, but the situation was urgent and she couldn't allow her to think too much, otherwise she would have someone find Ji Jie first, and then come to see the Hun King.

"Let Father see Xue Chan!"

Rouyue almost fell to the ground, what time is this, the enemy is at hand, don't hurry up to arrange to defend against the enemy, but to watch a frog.

Rou Yue stretched out her hand reluctantly, and said in her heart that if it wasn't for its cute appearance, it would have thrown you to death!

The Xiongnu King took it over solemnly, and gently touched the snow toad's small head with one hand, saying: "The blue eyes mean that it has lived for at least 1000 years. When it becomes purple eyes, it will be satisfied." The requirement of immortality! No, it stands to reason that this thing should not be willing to approach people, but why is it not afraid of me? Could it be that it has already recognized its owner? Rouer, where did you catch it? How could it be so obedient? "

Rou Yue said unhappily: "It must be that person from the Central Plains. In order to attract my attention, he let a frog squat on the note. I was so mad!"

"What a frog, it's a snow toad!" the Hun King corrected.

"What exactly is Snow Toad that makes you value it so much?" Rou Yue asked.

The King of the Huns said that the snow toad is a kind of spiritual creature produced by collecting the aura of heaven and earth. There are seven stages of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. When purple appears, it means that the snow toad has entered the mature stage from the growth stage. It is said that it can meet the needs of people's immortality.

Before recognizing the master, the snow toad had lived for more than 1000 or [-] years, and it would change from green to blue. After drinking Ji Jie's blood, it evolved in advance.

"If he has really recognized the master, then his master must be nearby!" the Hun King asserted.

Rou Yue didn't expect that a strange-looking frog turned out to be a spiritual creature that had lived for thousands of years, so she couldn't help but look at Ji Jie with admiration, and she believed that Ji Jie was hiding somewhere nearby, but she just didn't want to show up.

Since this is the case, Rouyue didn't deliberately force him to come out. Judging from the information sent, this person is a friend rather than an enemy. Thinking about what he did to him before, she regretted it very much.

Ji Jie outside shrugged. At this time, he was wearing a bodyguard armor and was patrolling with a group of soldiers in style.

Looking back at the Hun King's big tent, he thought to himself that Snow Toad would generously lend you a few days to play, unless you can find another female, otherwise it will follow me.

The reason why he thinks it's just public is very simple, that guy was very honest when he was in Rouyue's hands, but when he was replaced by Ji Jie or King Hun, he immediately turned into an impatient expression.

After more than half an hour, the Hun King began to arrange defense. He ordered people to dig traps outside the camp overnight, insert sharp bamboo sticks, set up a few horses near the camp, and distribute all the bows and arrows they brought to the individual soldiers. In his hands, there are more than a dozen large buckets filled with water next to each tent, ready to fight fires.

Ten centurions stood in the big tent, and Rou Yue stood beside the Hun King in uniform.

After assigning tasks to each of them, the Hun King sighed and said, "Since I came to the throne, I have always been very kind to the Baishan tribe, and I have always yielded to the Baishan King in everything, but why is he always dissatisfied? Wrapped up and meant to replace it, I'm disappointed!"

Rou Yue said in a clear voice: "We have already made preparations to defend against the enemy. If King Baishan never comes back, as many people will die as he comes!"

The ten centurions were determined to fight, their morale was high, and they all expressed that the enemy would never come back.

After preparations in the middle of the night, the guard camp was covered with traps, and several layers of repelling horses inside and out were like sharp thorns growing on the ground. The soldiers entered the defensive position and prepared to fight the invading enemy.

Two miles south of the camp, the banner of the Baishan King fluttered in the wind, and the defensive specifications of the camp surprised him. Didn’t it mean that the Hun King was only stationed here temporarily? How could there be so many banners outside? Refusal?

How many soldiers' lives would have to be sacrificed to rush in. The Baishan King seemed to have seen the scene of corpses strewn all over the field.

But the opportunity is rare, the face has been torn, and there is no way to turn back. In any case, the army is superior in terms of strength, which is five times that of the Hun King. No matter how many people sacrificed, it is worth it.

"Listen to my order, shrink the defense line in four directions at the same time, charge frontally, and the others strictly prevent the enemy from breaking through!" With a wave of the Baishan King's flag, five teams of troops started to move at the same time, four of which were in charge of the encirclement, and one team charged from the front.

When they ran two hundred feet away from the camp, the camp fired the first round of crossbow arrows, and they immediately fought back.

One side is exposed in the wilderness, and the other side is hidden in a hidden place. It is clear at a glance who suffers and who gains.

Then came the second round of arrow rain, and the dead companions fell off their horses. Just when they thought they were about to run out of the killing range of the crossbow arrows, bad luck came.


It was ten feet deep, and there were densely packed sharp bamboo sticks underneath. The fallen knight and his horse were tied into a hornet's nest!

It was difficult for the galloping horse to stop, and the pit was filled in a short while.

The people behind stopped in time, but they became the targets of the members of the Guards Battalion. They wanted to turn around, but found that there was a crowd of people behind them, unable to move at all.

As a result, less than 1000% of the [-] people returned alive, which can be described as a defeated army. On the other hand, Rou Yue's side did not exceed a hundred casualties, which can be described as a complete victory.

The King of the Huns personally supervised the army, and with the victory just now, his strength reached its peak.

In addition to fighting the enemy bravely, Rou Yue has been looking for Ji Jie's trace, her keen eyes swept over every soldier.

She found a man with a very low hat brim. The clothes of that man were the same as those of soldiers, but his arrows never missed. No less than 40 enemies died in his hands, all of them were killed by one arrow!

Let's see where you hide.

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