Great Zhou Tianzi

157 Border Town Crisis

A sword cut off several thrusting spears. Although the white horse was seriously injured, it still maintained its former steed. A vigorous charge knocked several Hun infantry to the ground.

Ji Jie swiped his hand, grabbed a spear, and threw it at the Baishan King twenty meters away.

King Baishan pulled out his scimitar and sent the spear flying. He was about to show his prowess in front of his subordinates, but before he could get into position, another spear was approaching.

It was impossible to do the same, because the spear was about to penetrate his body.

The King of Baishan didn't care about losing his face, so he fell off his horse, barely avoiding it.

Ji Jie kicked his legs and leaped high, like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, crossed the line of defense formed by the Baishan King's personal guards, and put the long sword on his neck before they turned their heads!

"Don't move, or I'll kill him!" Ji Jie yelled, and the Huns who subconsciously wanted to rush over had to stop, clutching their weapons, at a loss.

Pulling the White Mountain King to stand up, he was terribly frightened. It felt bad to be put on his neck with a sword. The white horse threw himself on the ground and slowly closed his eyes.

"Tell them to back off and put down their weapons!" Ji Jie moved the long sword in his hand and cut a hole in his neck, blood gushed out immediately.

"Alright, all of you back off and put down your weapons!" King Baishan was very cooperative.

The nearby Xiongnu soldiers put down their weapons reluctantly and made way for them. Ji Jie sneered and said, "I advise those who want to shoot sniper arrows, you'd better dispel your thoughts, otherwise the one who hit the arrow must be your master! Baishan King, tell your people to stop, do you hear me!"

With the order of King Baishan, the Huns who were fighting with the guards stopped.

The Xiongnu King and Rou Yue saw clearly that Ji Jie captured the Baishan King by himself. They were saved, and everyone began to cheer.

Rou Yue's eyes on Ji Jie changed a lot.

Ji Jie led Baishan King to the front of the camp and kicked him in the crook of the leg. Baishan King knelt on the ground obediently, lowered his head and said, "King Hun, I am defeated!"

Rouyue drew out her saber and was about to behead her, but the Hun King stopped her and said, "Rou'er can't do anything wrong! King Baishan, I think I've treated your Baishan tribe well, why did you want to kill me?"

Baishan King sighed and said: "People go to high places, water flows to low places, the reason is as simple as that! I lost, and I was convinced that I lost. The Hun King has such brave fighters, of course I am not an opponent. Take it easy!"

"He is not my soldier!" The Xiongnu Dynasty respectfully saluted Ji Jie and said, "Warrior, can you hand over the Baishan King to me?"

"Of course!" Ji Jie nodded.

The King of the Huns stepped forward and made a move that surprised everyone. He helped the King of Baishan and said, "You and I are both Huns, and we are brothers and sisters. Why do we kill each other? When you and I fight, it is the enemy who is happy. In this way Don't you understand the simple truth? I won't kill you, and today's matter is over, what do you think?"

"Father, how can you let him go?" Rou Yue asked sharply.

The Hun King glared at her, Ji Jie hurriedly pulled Rou Yue aside, and whispered, "Although King Baishan was captured, there are still more than 2000 people on the other side. If you kill him, his subordinates will not be crazy." Desperately fight with us! Your father used this trick well, making the people of King Baishan feel that King Xiongnu is a magnanimous monarch, King Baishan will also appreciate his kindness of not killing, and retreat with his subordinates. There will be no more rebellion!"

Rou Yue suddenly realized, and finally understood her father's good intentions.

King Baishan was taken aback. He already felt that he was bound to die. Unexpectedly, the King of the Huns not only refused to pursue his responsibility, but let him go.

"Really?" White Mountain King looked puzzled.

"I, the King of the Huns, have always kept our promises!" The King of the Huns raised his voice and said to the people of the Baishan tribe: "The reason why the Huns are strong and make our enemies fearful is because the Huns are united. Our own people fight all day long, and foreigners will definitely take the opportunity to invade. Then why do we fight the enemy? I solemnly swear here today that today’s incident is over, and if I repeat the old incident in the future, I will be struck by lightning!”

"The Xiongnu King is wise!" the people of the Baishan tribe shouted together, and all knelt on the ground.

Ji Jie also looked at this bearded Hun King with admiration. He not only knows how to judge the situation, but also is good at buying people's hearts. In this way, even if King Baishan wanted to rebel in the future, his subordinates would not want to!

"My king, the criminals will dismiss the team now!" King Baishan said solemnly: "And I am willing to personally accompany you back to King Shanyu City to show my loyalty!"

King Baishan means that I will personally accompany you back, as your hostage, I will definitely not make a comeback.

The Xiongnu King waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, I believe that Baishan King is also a man who keeps his promises, and what he said will always count! After this battle, both sides lost a lot of soldiers, so we should hurry up Go back and rest for a while, and distribute the pensions for the fallen soldiers!"

"The guilty minister obeys the order!"

At this moment, a knight wearing a white plume came on horseback. After getting off his horse, he knelt down in front of the King of the Huns, holding a letter in both hands and said, "I am the messenger of the King of Rongdi. My master invites you Lead the troops to attack the border city of Yan State together, and after the city is broken, divide the property in the city evenly, there are tens of thousands of stones, grain and grass hidden there!"

"What? King Rongdi wants to attack the border town of Yan Kingdom?" Ji Jie asked hastily.

The messenger nodded and said: "That's right, a few days ago, King Chidi and King Rongdi joined forces, and a total of 2 people surrounded the border city. However, it was Princess Ji Lin of the Kingdom of Yan who defended the city. And back, so I’m here to invite the King of the Huns to join us!”

It’s broken. There are only 5000 defenders in the border town, and the total number of recruits brought by Ji Lin is less than [-]. Moreover, the city defense specifications and equipment of the defenders are very poor. Facing the repeated attacks of [-] enemies, it won’t last long. of.

"Princess, King of the Huns, lend me a horse!" When Ji Jie's words fell, he had already got on the horse, cupped his hands and said, "I still have something to do, so don't bother me, I will meet later!"

"Warrior, don't go, I haven't had time to thank you well..." When the Hun King yelled these words, Ji Jie had already urged his horse to gallop towards the east, and a white shadow shot from his chest *Get out and get into Ji Jie's clothes.

King Baishan saw it very clearly, it was the snow toad he had been thinking about day and night.

"Why did that man look like a Central Plains man just now?" the messenger said in a daze.

The Hun King smiled wryly, and said: "Not only is he a native of the Central Plains, but he is also my savior! Go back and tell King Chidi, thank you for his kindness, I am not interested in the border town, let him pay attention, don't miss the meat Finally broke a few teeth!"

Rou Yue looked at the back of Ji Jie going away, her beautiful eyes were full of complex expressions.

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