Great Zhou Tianzi

162 Betting with a Beauty

King Xirong was not reconciled to losing troops and generals in the first battle. Who made him boast about Haikou in front of King Rongdi and King Chidi? After returning to the camp, he immediately ordered his men who were good at digging holes to choose a place to dig a tunnel.

Bulechuan dismissed this, and said to King Chidi: "It rained just now, and the soil layer is so wet, so the tunnel dug under such circumstances is easy to collapse. Did King Xirong's head get kicked by a donkey?" ?”

King Chidi shrugged and said, "I also think it's very strange. This is common sense. It's not like he, King Xirong, doesn't even know about this!"

Ji Jie put down the paper with information written on it in the big tent of the army in the border town, and said to everyone with a smile: "Of course the king of Xirong is not that stupid. The function of this tunnel is not to let people go, but to let people go!"

Everyone looked at each other, only Ji Lin guessed what Ji Jie meant, and asked, "You mean he wants to use this tunnel to release the water from the three moats?"

"Yes!" Ji Jie nodded and said, "This is the only explanation. If the water in the moat is released, the Rongdi people will be able to drive straight to the bottom of the city wall. They have cut down a lot these days and made many log chariots and new-style ladders. It can be seen from this that the city wall is still their main attack target, so if they put all their treasures on the tunnel, why bother!"

Everyone suddenly realized, Xiong Kui said, "Your Majesty, how should we deal with it?"

"Let them dig, a project as big as a tunnel cannot be completed in a day or two!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "It is just during this time to continue the training of recruits, teach them how to defend the city and attack, and at the same time recharge their batteries , to fight the enemy in the future!"


The king of Xirong thought that his move could fool the defenders of the border town, and his confidence came from the fact that even his own side couldn't figure out his thoughts, but he didn't know that Ji Jie had already seen it clearly and ignored his actions at all.

Every day there are shouts of recruits training in the border town, the King of Xirong is more confident in his strategy, and the spy of Yan Kingdom also sends news, saying that the soldiers who cooperated with him last time were soldiers who have not completed the training of recruits, and their combat effectiveness is limited.

Ten days later, the tunnel was finally dug under the moat, and they evacuated immediately after digging a small water opening underneath. The impact of the water itself gradually expanded the opening, and the water flowed through the tunnel to a low-lying area.

The water level of the moat dropped sharply, and King Xirong was delighted to see it. During the few days of digging the tunnel, he installed a flap on the top of the chariot and put sacks full of soil on it. Go to the river ditch, lift up one end of the flap, and the soil bag will slide down by itself, filling up the dry ditch.

Early this morning, the Rongdi people headed by King Xirong lined up three miles away from the border city. Behind dozens of chariots were an equal number of new-style ladders.

King Rongdi saw that King Xirong was full of confidence, and said in front of everyone: "As long as you can break through the city wall, I am willing to give you [-]% of my benefits!"

King Xirong was overjoyed, this way he could get half of the spoils, which was tens of thousands of stones!

"Okay, it's a deal!" King Xirong patted his horse forward and shouted to the soldiers who were ready to attack: "Warriors, give me a boost and charge forward, and take down the border city to reward the king for his meritorious deeds. ah!"

The vanguard began to move forward. In order to reduce casualties, the king of Xirong asked all the soldiers to hide in the chariot, and each was equipped with a face towel to cover his mouth and nose to resist the gas emitted by burning sulfur and saltpeter.

Until the enemy successfully crossed the second ditch, Ji Jie didn't give the order to attack, because he didn't want to waste the feather arrows.

The chariot finally arrived only ten meters away from the city wall. Ji Jie waved his hand, and the soldiers on the city began to throw firewood bundles and torches down, and white smoke came out. Although the enemy could hide in the chariot and get here safely , If you want to climb the city wall, you have to get out of the turtle shell, so what if you wear a face towel, I still have archers here!

"Fire the arrows!" With one command, all the arrows were fired, aiming at the enemy army who had just come out of the chariot.

The knife cart full of sharp spears was placed at the position where the ladder was about to fall. When the enemies on the ladder saw this, they screamed in fright and yelled for the brothers below to stop pulling the rope, but it was too late.

When the ladder is erected on the city wall, it is also the time when the person on the ladder is stabbed into a hornet's nest.

The enemies in the white smoke could not see the situation above, but the defenders on the city wall could judge the positions of the enemies below based on the sound, and countless enemies were hit by arrows.

The enemy climbed up through the ladder holding the shield, and just got out of the white smoke when he was hit by a stone thrown from above, and fell down with the shield.

The king of Xirong came to a place 240 feet away from the city wall with his personal guards, and personally supervised the battle. The morale of the soldiers of the Xirong tribe was high, and they rushed forward one by one desperately.

Ji Jie took out the sun-shooting bow, pulled out a straight feather arrow from the quiver, smiled and said to Ji Lin beside him, "Do you think I can shoot that guy to death with one arrow?"

Ji Lin shook her head and said, "The distance is too far, more than 200 zhang!"


"Okay! What's the bet?"

Seeing her agreeing without hesitation, Ji Jie's smile became very lewd, and he said: "You know what I want, but it must be unconditional, I don't have time to stay in your country of Yan forever!"

Of course Ji Lin knew what he meant.

If you don't agree, you will make him look down on you; if you agree, if he wins, you will have to be his woman without any conditions, so how can you negotiate conditions with him?

"It's fine if you don't dare to gamble, it's fine not to gamble!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "Actually, winning doesn't do me any good, and it seems like I'll lose money too!"

"What are you talking about, what do you have to match this book!" Ji Lin said angrily, "You can gamble, whoever is afraid of you, if you lose, you have to agree to my request, and you are not allowed to play with me in the future." !"

"Okay, a word from a gentleman!"

"Hurry up and whip!"

Ji Jie took a step with his left leg, unhurriedly drew the bowstring, and shot the sun bow to form a perfect full moon.

Xiong Ben next to him poked Xiongba's stomach with his hands, and said in a low voice, "The eldest princess will suffer a terrible defeat. Doesn't she know that your majesty's archery skills are unparalleled in the world?"

"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know!" Xiong Ba's words were ambiguous.

"I must know!" Xiong Ben crossed his arms and said, "She is very smart to become the king's woman in this way!"

"Yes!" Xiong Ba and Xiong Ben nodded together.

Although the voices of the three of them were not loud, Ji Lin still listened to every word. She was so angry that the roots of her teeth were itchy. It's okay to be an unruly master, but why are there three unscrupulous subordinates? It's really close to ink!

Ji Jie held his breath, let go of his right hand, and the feathered arrow flew out with a "swish".

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