Great Zhou Tianzi

167 days Wu hook method

The Rongdi people finally got the food they wanted, but after this defeat, King Rongdi and the soldiers no longer had the desire to continue fighting, and everyone was eager to return.

From the first hand-to-hand encounter between King Chidi and Ji Jie to the present, it has been more than two months since the entire Rongdi tribe paid the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers, and the number of staff has been reduced by more than one third. They managed to save a little bit of wealth It was almost empty again.

However, the casualties of Ji Jie and the Yan army led by him were less than one-fifth of that of the Rongdi people. Rongdi people in the northern grasslands.

King Rongdi couldn't accept such a result anyway. In the past, the country of Yan could only be beaten and bullied. When Ji Jie came, the situation immediately turned around. How could he be a young boy?

King Rongdi attributed this failure to the lack of internal unity. He sent people to the Xirong tribe, secretly found a son of the old Xirong king, turned him into his own puppet, and supported him to sit on the throne. King Di, he wants to complete the unification of the Rong and Di tribes before next spring, and take revenge when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

A heavy snow blocked almost all possible military operations. King Rong Di led the defeated army back to the hinterland of the tribe and began to reorganize the army.

After receiving accurate information, Ji Jie handed over the task of guarding the city to Yanshun, and returned to Jicheng, the capital of Yan, with [-] recruits, returning triumphantly.

Jicheng is very lively, this is the first time in decades that Yan State has won the battle against the northern nomads, people rejoice, and the streets are decorated with lanterns and festoons.

Yan Wang led the civil and military ministers out of the city for thirty miles to meet the triumphant soldiers.

The King of Yan bowed respectfully to Ji Jie on the horseback, and said: "Your brother has worked hard all the way, and he has contributed a lot to my country of Yan. I must thank you very much for my brother!"

"Brother, you are welcome!" Ji Jie got off his horse, and Ji Lin and Rou Yue behind him did the same.

Ji Lin walked quickly to King Yan, whispered a few words to him, King Yan laughed, took Ji Jie's hand and said, "My dear brother, it seems that I will call you brother-in-law in the future, we This is really kissing and kissing!"

Ji Jie blushed, while Ji Lin blushed from embarrassment.

The King of Yan was still not satisfied, he turned his head and said to the ministers: "Have you all heard that my good brother Zhao Wenjun is already my brother-in-law, come to congratulate me!"

Congratulations, but every man always misses Ji Lin, a beautiful woman. Now that the beauty belongs to someone else, it's too late to be sad. How can I congratulate him?

"This is?" King Yan saw Rou Yue behind Ji Jie, although he was shocked by her beauty, he still showed a calm look.

"Friend!" Ji Jie didn't plan to reveal Rou Yue's true identity in front of everyone.

"Alright, alright, let's all go back with the widow!" King Yan said happily: "Tonight there will be a big banquet to reward the three armies, and then rewards will be given for meritorious service!"

In the evening, it was still the so-called highest standard of courtesy. Ji Jie had already experienced it once, so she showed a normal expression, and Rou Yue frowned.

"Hehe, just get used to it!" Ji Jie said with a smile.

Ji Lin said angrily, "Just be content with it. If it wasn't for being robbed by you all the year round, how could life in our country of Yan be so miserable?"

After drinking for three rounds, the king of Yan waved his hand, and the old eunuch stepped forward to unfold the king's command, and shouted in a shrill voice: "This time we have defeated the Rong and Di tribes and killed more than 3000 people. I am very lucky for the country of Yan, and the people are very lucky! The most credited are Zhao Wenjun and Huwei General Ji Jie, who are specially rewarded as first-class protectors of the Yan Kingdom, and are also awarded the Grand Marshal of the Army and Horses, rewarding ten thousand hectares of fertile land, ten thousand cattle and sheep, and [-] taels of gold and silver..."

The front is all false names, the fields, cattle and sheep are all floating clouds, and the most real thing is gold and silver, but this Yanwang brother is stingy enough, only 3000 taels of gold and silver, and it must be less gold and more silver.

"The three brothers of the Xiong family canonized as brave pioneers, with a reward of 500 taels of gold and silver..."

"The rest of the soldiers are rewarded for their merits..."

After the old eunuch finished reading Wang Zhao, King Yan stood up with a toast, and said, "I have another piece of good news to tell the whole country, that is, my sister, Ji Lin, and the Lord Protector are in love, and the widow will choose an auspicious day to marry them. Let's all drink together." One cup, bless this pair of lovers!"

The civil and military ministers below raised their glasses reluctantly, and most of them just raised their glasses and then put them down.

Fortunately, another beauty appeared here, a more attractive beauty. Since Ji Lin returned to Ji Jie, this beauty has nothing to do with him. Everyone's attention was shifted to Rou Yue.

Ruoyue felt very uncomfortable being swept around by so many eager eyes. If she hadn't worried that she was a guest, she would have turned her back a long time ago.


Now that King Yan had announced the two of them, Ji Lin didn't have to hide anything, and lived with Ji Jie openly, just like a young couple.

Remembering that she once showed a pair of Wu hooks in front of Rou Yue, Ji Jie asked, "Are you used to using Wu hooks?"

"That's right!" Ji Lin nodded and said, "That's a unique weapon I've practiced since I was a child, and I also transformed the ordinary hook technique into a weapon move!"

Ji Jie suddenly realized that in the first battle with Chi Di, she fought against the bearded man with a weapon that looked like a hook and sickle gun. No wonder she felt that her fighting style was a bit like a short weapon move at the time. It turned out that she figured it out by herself.

Leaving aside the rest, the Wu hook is the right one.

Why is it right to use the Wu hook? Among the nine secret methods of Yu Wang Ding, there is an article "Tian Wu Hook". He is worried about who to give such a good stunt to. No one he knows seems to use such a method. Weapon, it's done now, finally found the owner!

Weapons such as the Wu hook are rarely used in the north, even in the land of Wu where it originated. Who would have thought that the eldest princess of the northernmost country of Yan would be interested in it.

"Teach you some powerful moves!" Ji Jie jumped up from the bed, stretched out his hand, Wang Ding engraved with "Tian Wu Hook" appeared in the room out of thin air, and then said to Ji Lin: "I read, you remember, can you?" How much you learn depends on your understanding!"

"Don't worry, my savvy is very good!" Ji Lin laid out the paper, picked up the brush and filled it with ink.

Following Ji Jie's up-and-down voice, Ji Lin frantically wrote, and the more she wrote, the more she found it unbelievable. It turns out that Wu hook can still be used in this way. I thought that what I learned was the best hook method. Compared with the current one, It's rubbish!

Now Ji Lin finally understands why all the women around Ji Jie are so good at martial arts. It turns out that they are practicing the superior martial arts recorded on the King Yu Ding!

After I have mastered the moves of "Tian Wu Hook", I will challenge that annoying woman Rou Yue. Didn't she always think that her kung fu is better than mine, and it must make her lose ugly.

Ji Lin looked at Ji Jie more and more like the way a wife should look at her husband, and felt more and more how correct her choice was.

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