Under everyone's persuasion, Rou Yue sat down again, and everyone lost their appetite with her, so Ji Jie simply ordered the hot pot to be removed.

"Wang Xuan of Baishan took action at this time, I have to say it is a good time!" Sima Xueran analyzed: "The northern desert is extremely cold, and the tribes generally seldom go out in such a season. At this time, go to Shanyu Wangcheng to pay homage to the Xiongnu King. Baishan King only needs a small amount of troops to control the Wangcheng and the Xiongnu King tribes living nearby, and then take the leaders of other tribes as hostages to force them to swear allegiance. "

The fact is that the reason why the King of the Huns has not been able to take the seat of the Great Chanyu is because the Huns are divided into two factions, one is represented by him, and the other is represented by the Baishan King.

Before participating in this year's White Deer Conference, the King of Baishan had released a message to support the King of the Huns in becoming a great Chanyu. He hoped that all the tribal leaders would come to participate, and he would arrive early with his party.

As a result, many tribal leaders from remote locations also rushed over, but they did not expect that what awaited them was not warm hospitality, but cold knives and guns.

The King of the Xiongnu was also fooled. He told the people around him more than once that it was my great Xiongnu's joy that King Baishan changed his mind. It was a wise move to let him go last time.

That day, just as the King of the Huns announced the opening of the White Deer Conference, he was shot with a feather arrow, and then the swordsmen swarmed in. The King of the White Mountain laughed and walked towards him who had fallen to the ground, saying: One sentence: "My play is not bad, even I believe it myself, hahaha!"

The Hun King died with hatred. The only thing that made him gratified was that he sent a pair of two daughters to the Central Plains.

Under the threat of the cold blade, the tribal leaders who had been loyal to the Xiongnu King bowed their heads. The Baishan King announced on the spot that he was the Hun's Grand Chanyu, and issued his first order to kill the remnants.

Who is the remnant?Who else could there be besides Rou Yue and Ah Chi?

In order not to make those tribal leaders who bowed their heads under pressure repent, the Baishan King took their children as hostages. Who dared to rebel would kill the hostages first, and then lead the soldiers to slaughter their clans.

The total population of the Xiongnu is comparable to that of a big country in the Central Plains, but its military strength and combat effectiveness are several times that of a big country in the Central Plains.

"Brother Jie, what are your plans?" Ji Xueling asked.

Ji Jie said regretfully: "At first I thought I would become good friends with the Huns, but now it seems impossible! King Baishan must have known that I was the one who made his mutiny fail last time, and the Rouyue sister and brother also stayed in the university. Zhou, he will regard Da Zhou as a thorn in his side, and next year he will make a large-scale violation of the border, so I decided to take the initiative to attack, no matter what, the battlefield cannot be placed on our territory, Da Zhou has just developed and cannot stand the toss!"

Ji Jie's strategy is that after the spring, when the weather gets warmer and the Yan army forms a coalition, and dispatches troops from the Rong and Di tribes, taking advantage of the fact that the change of seasons in the north is slower than the day in the Central Plains, first destroy the Rong and Di people, lest they collude with the Baishan King , When I have no time to look back, I will attack from behind.

Ah Chi stays and continues to go to school, and Rou Yue moves with the large army to gather the Huns who resisted the rule of the Baishan King, and together with the coalition forces to fight against the Baishan King.

"But the Huns have hundreds of thousands of troops!" Zhao Qian said worriedly: "General Li Mu has fought against them for decades, but he can only barely guarantee the safety of the border. There are tens of thousands of people, and some people have to stay to defend the city, and there are fewer soldiers available, how can we fight against it?"

Ji Jie smiled and said domineeringly: "The soldiers are good but not many. I only plan to bring 2 people there, plus the 4 new troops trained by Yan Guo, a total of 40 people! One, but Baishan King will never be able to make his more than [-] people unite like mine. After all, he used the method of mutiny to rise to power. It’s another way! As long as we fight a few battles beautifully at the beginning, plus Rouyue’s face, those tribes who have complaints will rush to defect!"

Everyone nodded, and Rou Yue said sincerely: "Thank you, in fact, you can stay out of this matter, but you are willing to help me, I thank you on behalf of the dead father!"

"You're welcome!"


In order not to let Rou Yue often think about the murder of her father, Ji Jie arranged for her to serve as an instructor in the recruit training camp. Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The other reason is to explain and practice the tactics commonly used by the Huns cavalry. , Let the soldiers fundamentally understand the enemy's combat methods this winter, and defeat them in one fell swoop in the coming year.

Rou Yue knew Ji Jie's good intentions, she taught very hard, and the soldiers also practiced very hard.

The new weapons eliminated by Ji Jie and the others were put into use immediately after they were sold to the Seven Kingdoms. The most representative one was the battle between the Qi-Chu coalition forces and the Qin State. The Qi-Chu coalition forces defeated the Qin army with superior weapons.

In the past, the Qi-Chu coalition forces were not the opponents of the Qin army at all, and they had achieved historic victories.

The whole country of Qin was horrified, everyone woke up like a dream, and hurriedly sent envoys to Da Zhou to buy weapons. I really don't know why they bought the weapons last time. They didn't show up when the two armies were fighting.

Ji Jie never refuses anyone who comes, not afraid that you have money, brother has plenty of goods.

From winter to spring, the weather in the Central Plains is gradually getting warmer.

The battle drums on the general stage sounded, and Ji Jie stepped onto the high stage, followed by a group of soldiers.

"Hello, soldiers!"

"My lord!"

"The soldiers have worked hard!"

"Defend the family and the country!"

Seeing the resolute faces below, a lot of pride rose in Ji Jie's heart, and he said loudly: "Everyone is doing well, many of them have gone through many battles with me, and they will fight for Da Zhou You have made great contributions! The northern nomads have been harassing our borders for a long time. Before, we were weak and could only be bullied by others. Now that we are strong, what do you think should be done?"

"Expel the Tartars!" The crowd shouted.

"Okay!" Ji Jie was full of confidence, and began to point: "Ji Jian!"


"You are the commander of the army on the left, leading [-] cavalry!"


"Zhao Ling."

"The end is here!"

"You are the general on the right, leading [-] cavalry!"


"Where are Xiong Ba, Xiong Kui, and Xiong Ben?"


"The three of you are the vanguard, and you will follow me to sit in the middle army!"


There are a total of 2 people in the audience, and Ji Jian and Zhao Ling have [-] each. Where did the army in the middle come from?

Don't worry, the [-] middle army has already arrived at the scheduled assembly point, waiting for him to lead it!That's right, the [-] new army newly trained by the Yan Kingdom, led by the Eldest Princess Ji Lin, who will hand over the command after the two armies meet.

Not bad, after the last training-teaching, she is very obedient now, but she only listens to Ji Jie, and her brother Yan Wang doesn't work very well.

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