Great Zhou Tianzi

175 Camp Danger

After hearing what the scouts said, Sa Xudi said to King Rongdi: "According to my estimation, the troops left in the camp of the Zhou-Yan coalition army are no more than a few thousand, and most of them worked all night yesterday and are resting now. It's people like the Firehead Army and the Baggage Soldiers. We just need to touch a place three or four miles away from them, make sure not to be discovered by their sentries, and then launch a fierce attack, and they will have no time to react!"

"Great idea!" King Rongdi held the handle of the knife tightly with his right hand, and said through gritted teeth, "I killed so many soldiers yesterday, and set up an ambush on the road today to divide my army into three sections. He, Ji Jie, is this one?" I want to put my whole family to death! God is finally on our side, and he never dreamed that I would kill my carbine and go straight to his camp!"

Afterwards, he ordered the troops to chew immediately in silence, and to keep quiet while marching.

Sa Xuyu continued to send out scouts to pay close attention to the movement of Zhou Yan's coalition army camp.


The three brothers of the Xiong family pursued the remnants of Xirong from three different directions. The king of Xirong turned pale with fright. He had never seen a general with such a big ax in his hand as if there was nothing, and there were three of them at the first sight.

Zhao Ling was chasing people from the Chidi tribe, and King Chidi was about to be overtaken, so he quickly ordered Bulechuan to lead the men to stop the rear and buy time for the large army to retreat.

Blechuan led 1000 people to catch up with Zhao Ling, and the two fought together.

"Are you the one who forced Zhao Wenjun to go to the hinterland of the Huns?" Zhao Ling asked.

"That's right, I'm Bulechuan!" Bulechuan waved the long knife in his hand and said, "That's the thing I regret the most in my life. I regret not being able to kill him. Great disaster!"

"It's up to you, do you deserve it?" Zhao Ling came forward with a gun, and the two "ping ping ping" more than a dozen moves, and they were evenly matched.

Zhao Ling's purpose was to chase after King Chidi, but he was caught in the footsteps of a small person like Bu Lechuan, so he had to get rid of him quickly, otherwise King Chidi would run away in a while.

Zhao Ling used the move that Ji Jie taught him, the dragon goes out to sea. This is an exquisite move in "Chi You Spear". Bu Lechuan couldn't dodge and was stabbed in the right shoulder, and fell off the horse at that time!

Before he could get up, he shot again, directly at Brechuan's throat, and pierced a transparent hole in his neck!

"It's a dream to kill your lord with your ability!" Zhao Ling spat at Blechuan's body. As soon as he died, his subordinates began to retreat.

"Chase, you must catch up with King Chidi, you can live or die!" Zhao Ling led his troops and continued to chase.


Ji Jie felt a faint uneasiness in his heart. Could it be that the victory came too fast and he was not ready yet?

No, I have won many battles before, and I have never felt like this.

In the end, Ji Jie still didn't take it seriously.An hour and a half had passed since the retreat. It was approaching noon, and the Huotou army began to cook and cook, preparing for the celebration banquet for the returning soldiers.

Four miles away, Sa Xu was lying on a slope, with nearly [-] Baidi warriors behind him.

Looking from afar, Zhou Yan's camp was full of smoke, and the camp was sparsely populated. The farthest patrol team was active within two miles of the camp, and it was certain that no one had noticed their existence.

"Your Majesty, it's time to launch an attack!" Sa Xubi turned back and said, "Their defense is loose, and the distance of four miles is just a cup of tea for the cavalry. Ji Jie has no time to react!"

"Okay!" King Rong Di pulled out his waist knife and roared: "Warriors, come with me and rush out to avenge the dead brothers! Kill!"

"Kill..." Sa Xuyu yelled, and rushed out with King Rongdi.

The Huotoujun who was chopping vegetables felt that the chopping board was shaking slightly, and the vegetable heads on it also rolled to one side, which was so strange!When he raised his head, he was quickly dumbfounded.

I saw a team of Rongdi soldiers rushing towards the camp. The Huotou army panicked and stumbled to the military stove, picked up a spoon and beat the iron pot vigorously, shouting: "Enemy attack, enemy attack!" ...The Rongdi people came to kill..."

The sound of throwing bowls and lifting the chopping board made the Huotou army into a mess.

Ji Jie was the first to rush out of the big tent, and saw a 60-man patrol team from his side encountering the Rongdi people head-on. Time to fire the Thunderbolt.

"Beat the drum, everyone enter the defensive position and refuse to defend the camp!" Ji Jie ordered.

Sa Xu's analysis was quite correct. Among the 4000 people here in Ji Jie, 2000 are artillerymen, and they are sleeping soundly. The remaining 500 people still have [-] fire-headed troops, and only [-] people belong to the combat troops.

The firehead army can be said to have no combat effectiveness, and it is even more impossible for the artillery to set up a trebuchet in a short period of time. Even if it is installed, it will be useless.

When the locals were still one mile away from the camp, Ji Jie gathered around 700 people. He couldn't wait any longer, and he immediately assigned a task: "You people are scattered in the front of the enemy's attack, and I greet them with thunderbolts! You you You and you, the four of you are responsible for conveying my order to the others and asking them to defend other positions so that the enemy does not turn around and fight."

"Yes!" Everyone shouted together.

When these entered the combat position, the enemy had already shot two rounds of arrow rain, feathered arrows flew towards locusts, and the wooden wall outside the camp was set up as a hedgehog.

The two sides fired thunderbolt bombs almost at the same time, and the defenders mostly hid behind wooden walls, so the casualties were relatively small.

Ji Jie, Ji Lin, and Rou Yue were in charge of the north, south and south directions respectively. He kept throwing thunderbolts out, perhaps throwing out a sky-shattering cannon, blowing up the enemy's back.

However, there are too many enemies!The guys in their hands were not vegetarians, and the gate of the camp failed to hold in the end, and the Rongdi people rushed in, and the two sides entered a state of hand-to-hand combat.

Holding a long spear, Ji Jie used the ingenious "Chi You Spear" method to pick off the enemies in front of him one by one. The south and north were also infiltrated by small groups of enemies, but fortunately they were quickly dealt with by Ji Lin and Rou Yue.

Sa Xubi and King Rong Di rushed left and right, and almost no one was their opponent.

There are many people on one side and they are still riding on horseback, while the other side has few people and they can only stand on the ground. It is clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak.

The Rongdi people set fire to them while hacking and killing, and more than a dozen tents were set ablaze. Although Ji Jie and the others were extremely brave, they were no match for four hands.

Judging from the situation, it was very difficult to keep the camp. At this time, Ji Jie finally understood why he felt uneasy before. It turned out that he only cared about beating others, subjectively thinking that others were only to be beaten, and forgot that they would fight back.

Ninety percent of the troops were out fighting, and it was impossible to arrive in a short time. He could only shrink the line of defense and retreat towards the center of the camp step by step.

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