Great Zhou Tianzi

179 sleep together

The two sat there quietly, Ji Jie understood Rou Yue's mood at the moment, and he also knew that it was difficult for her to relax with ordinary counseling, and self-regulation was far more important than others' counseling.

"Will we succeed?" Rou Yue asked softly.

Ji Jie turned his head, nodded solemnly, and said: "It will definitely succeed! With your familiarity with Shanyu Wangcheng and my wit, it is not difficult to save a few people! The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. They are not opponent."

"With your words, I'm relieved!" Rou Yue smiled faintly, and it could be seen that she was not very happy in her heart.

"Hehe, it's getting late, let's go back and rest!" Ji Jie also said with a smile, "Have a good night's sleep, and leave early tomorrow morning. Being in a good mood is more important than anything else, what do you think?"

Rou Yue nodded, stood up and went to her tent.

In fact, Ji Jie has no idea whether the trip will go well. Although Shanyu Wangcheng is called a city, it is very different from the cities in the Central Plains. There are just more people and more trade. That's all, the residents still live in tents, and there are few masonry houses and roads.

In this way, if something goes wrong when saving people, retreating and hiding will be a big problem.

Forget it, just now he advised others to have a good mood, so he also became heavy, Ji Jie shook his head with a wry smile, and went to sleep.


Shan Yu Wangcheng, Da Shan Yu Wang Jun Zhang.

The king of Baishan proclaimed himself King Shanyu, titled Uli Shanyu. He sat on a chair covered with white tiger skin, his face sinking like water, and four Hun generals sat on his left and right.

"Ji Jie has already reached the South Plains tribe, and Kuo Lun is not reliable, so he might not be able to stop him!" Wu Li Danyu asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any good strategies?"

No one said a word, these eight people were all from the old department he called himself Shanyu, and they were sincerely devoted to him, but the territory of the South Plains Department was hundreds of miles away from here, and it coincided with the season of melting ice and snow, the road was muddy and difficult to walk Only a fool would be willing to lead troops to supervise the army.

Of course Wu Li Danyu knew what his subordinates were thinking, and it was not a good idea to send troops at this moment, but Zhou Yan's coalition army could not be allowed to cross the territory of Nanyuanbu and go straight to Shanyu Wangcheng.

Then we can only put more pressure on Kuo Lun. As long as he can restrain Ji Jie for half a month, the Xiongnu army can be assembled and the road conditions will improve. At that time, 10,000+ elite cavalry will go south , the more than 3 people in the Zhou Yan coalition army are a piece of cake.


Early the next morning, Ji Jie and Rou Yue rode out of the camp before the soldiers got up. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, except for a few key figures, no one else knew about the operation.

At the same time, in order not to attract the attention of the enemy, Ji Jie specially wore the clothes of the Huns. The saddle, weapons, bows and arrows were also replaced by the ones commonly used by the Huns, and both of them wore windproof face scarves.

The horses under their crotch were marching very fast, and they were prepared to travel day and night, trying to reach Wangcheng the day after tomorrow.

The first day of walking went smoothly. I met a few groups of Huns on the road, but none of them attracted their attention.

In the afternoon of the second day, the two of them entered the territory originally belonged to the followers of Baishan King. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, they both changed their appearances.

Living in the wind, eating and sleeping in the open, the life is hard enough, but fortunately Ji Jie put a lot of delicious food in the sumeru ring, and Rou Yue was surprised every time he took it out.

In the evening, the two met a group of shamans. After a brief conversation with them, Rou Yue learned that they were invited by Wu Li Danyu to perform sacrifices in the city of Shan Yu. The two immediately chatted enthusiastically with them and made up a He used the excuse that he wanted to go to a majestic Shanyu Wang, and then joined their team.

The two dispelled the doubts of the shamans with their elopement relationship. Elopement is very common in the Huns. After young men and women are obstructed by their families, they usually choose to go far away and return to the family after giving birth to a child. The elders also had to admit this marriage.

King Baishan knew that his title of Uli Chanyu did not come through formal channels, and he would inevitably suffer rebellion from the former Huns after a long time. His subordinates came up with an idea for him and invited shamans from all over the world. There is a grand sacrificial activity in Wangcheng, and some blindfolds are used during the period, and then all the mages are told that it is destiny for Baishan King to become Shanyu King.

Even if he can't make everyone loyal to him, he can still deceive most of the ignorant clansmen. As long as he has the majority of people under his control, the rest, even if they are rebellious, can only be small fights and will not make a big difference.

Thinking of this, Rouyue couldn't help clenching her fists, wishing she could kill King Baishan with one punch right now.

Ji Jie quickly tugged on La Rouyue's sleeve to cover her domineering fist, and at the same time winked.

Religion and politics are always inseparable. These shamans are well aware of the truth, so they don't care about who becomes king and how they become king.

Ji Jie took out strong wine, and the shamans drank it happily. How can the inferior wine of the Huns compare with that brewed in the Central Plains?

At dinner, a very troublesome thing happened.

That is the problem of how to sleep at night. The shamans set up a tent, and it is no problem for a dozen big men to squeeze together. The current relationship between Ji Jie and Rou Yue is elopement lovers, and they cannot live alone in a single tent Bar?

That would arouse suspicion. It was hard to get along with them, and they wanted to use their identities to sneak into the heavily guarded Shanyu King City.

"What should I do?" Ji Jie asked in a low voice.

Rou Yue blushed slightly, and replied: "What else can I do, don't you know what to do? Hurry up and set up a tent, you don't want to sit in front of the fire all night, do you?"

Ji Jie smiled, took out the tent and quickly set it up, and then yelled in a dignified way: "Honey, let's go to sleep!"

Rou Yue's face became even redder, and she walked to him and whispered, "We call our women Po Niang, but rarely Wife!"

Ji Jie was covered in cold sweat, and seldom yelling didn't mean he didn't yell, but it was so!Otherwise, the words have already been revealed, so he hurriedly opened the door curtain, and deliberately said triumphantly: "Mother, you go in first, and I will add some firewood to the fire!"

Rou Yue, who was lying down with her clothes on, felt uneasy. She had never lived in a tent with a man, let alone slept together.

Thinking of Ji Jie's often cynical looks, and the scene of being watched all over his body by him in the shower, she quickly grabbed the blanket and wrapped it tightly around her body.

After a few minutes, Ji Jie came in, glanced at Rouyue lying in the blanket roll, and said with a wry smile: "What are you doing, are you used to sleeping like this? No, you caught me last time When I broke into your tent, you were obviously wearing pajamas..."

"Stop it!" Rou Yue was almost ashamed.

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