Great Zhou Tianzi

182 Dungeon Battle

There were twelve people in the tent, four were sitting and drinking together, five were chatting half-lying and half-lying, and three were standing at the exit of the dungeon passage holding weapons.

Ji Jie rushed in. Before those guys could react, he cut off the head of a Hun with a sword, and then attacked the other. Rou Yue followed closely behind, and swung two scimitars in his hand again and again. .

The main attack direction of the two is the three standing people, because the rest are looking for their own weapons in a panic, and they can't pose a threat to him for the time being.

In one attack, twelve Huns were killed or injured, mainly because they were not prepared for battle, otherwise they would not have been resolved so quickly.

Rou Yue stabbed to death a guy who was crawling outside, pulled out the scimitar and said: "There are twenty people outside, there may be more guards inside, be careful when you go in!"

Ji Jie nodded and said, "Don't worry, no one is my opponent! You should also be careful outside, and don't let anyone who runs out!"

The plan of the two is that one person rushes into the passage, fights with the guards, and one person stays outside to deal with the enemies who rush out to ask for help, so as to ensure nothing goes wrong.


The shaman conference started on time, and Wu Lidanyu, with undisguised joy on his face, came here surrounded by everyone and sat in a specially built tent for the ceremony, surrounded by soldiers holding knives and guns.

He obtained the Shanyu throne through a mutiny, and what he fears the most is that other people will also try to subvert his rule. Although the prominent figures in the old ministries of the Hun King are all under control, no one can guarantee that this will not happen. the rebels.

On such an important occasion today, there must be no accidents.

Wu Lidanyu had been a little worried all the time. He had such thoughts since he woke up in the morning, and temporarily mobilized more troops to protect him.He thought that someone would be against him, but he didn't expect that the action was not aimed at himself, but the Nanyuan King who was imprisoned by him.

The shamans worked hard one by one. They danced strange dances and yelled strange words. The Huns onlookers looked at the stone pillars on the earthen platform devoutly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" A general whispered in Wu Li Shanyu's ear: "More than 2000 people have been deployed inside and outside to be responsible for guarding, and these days the inspection of pedestrians on the several roads entering the city is very strict. Even if a few thieves sneak in, they won't even think about hurting a single hair of your hair!"

"That's good!" Wu Li Danyu nodded and said, "After this meeting, I will reward you for your hard work!"


Ji Jie entered the tunnel very lightly. The passage was one person high and three feet wide, allowing only one person to pass through. The purpose was to prevent the detainees from ganging up and escaping. As long as a soldier guards the exit, no one can escape. Don't even try to get up alive.

The passage was dark and damp. After walking about ten feet, a bright light appeared in front of him. Ji Jie slowed down again.

The bright place is a space of hundreds of square meters, supported by wooden pillars, with more than [-] guards standing or sitting at the entrance, and inside are eight cells of the same size.

Only one of the eight cells was inhabited, and it was the innermost cell.An old Hun and two underage children were lying on the hay with a decadent look on their faces. The two children were obviously undernourished and had not seen the sun for a long time, so their complexions were sallow.

The old man should be Kuo Lun's father, Nanyuan King, the patriarch of the Nanyuan clan. The scars on his face and the tattered clothes showed traces of being whipped. It can be seen that the Nanyuan King has never compromised with Wu Li Shanyu. People are indeed worth saving.

Looking at the thirty or so guards, the leader has a colorful feather on his head. At first glance, he looks a bit like a Rongdi costume. He is a tall man sitting on a chair drinking tea. A black mace was leaning on the back of the chair, which seemed to weigh dozens of kilograms.

The rest should be his subordinates, who used all kinds of weapons, machetes, pistols, hammers, and some had two sickles on their backs.

Preliminary calculations show that the guards are seven to eight feet away from the innermost cell, which is just beyond the effective killing range of the Thunderbolt. Although there is still a certain degree of danger, even if the Nanyuan Prince and his son are hit by shrapnel, they will only suffer some damage. Minor injuries.

Well, first let you taste the power of Thunderbolt.

Ji Jie took out two thunderbolts, pulled them to find the fire, and then threw them after a delay of three seconds.


Two round black things rolled to the guard's feet. Several people looked down casually at the same time, and some even wanted to bend down to pick them up.

"Be careful……"


Before the guy in the lead could say "be careful", the thunderbolt exploded, and a puff of white smoke came out immediately, with the unique pungent smell of gunpowder.

Immediately there were screams, seven people were killed on the spot, and nearly ten people were hit by shrapnel. The injuries were mild or severe. Several people who were hit vitally were moaning and screaming.

Ji Jie rushed out, and those who were not injured were those who were shaken severely, with buzzing in their ears.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Ji Jie's long sword slashed across, and several Huns fell to the ground in response.

The leader is Yilimu, one of Uli Danyu's go-getters. In order to ensure the safety of the Nanyuan King in his hands, he was specially sent to guard him. He is very brave and well-known among the Xiongnu.

When the thunderbolt exploded, Yilimu's left arm was cut by the shrapnel, but he was not injured. He was the first person to see Ji Jie rushing over to react, and he stretched out his hand to grab the back of the chair. , started with a heavy mace, and then threw it directly at the person coming.

Ji Jie took a step back and raised his sword to block.

The mace hit the sword heavily, causing his right hand to go numb. Yilimu had great strength, and relying on the advantage of the mace, he gained the upper hand at first, forcing Ji Jie back with several moves. several steps.

"Quick, go up and send out an enemy attack signal!" Yilimu yelled, and one of his men who was still a little dizzy subconsciously ran towards the passage. Ji Jie wanted to stop him, but Yilimu blocked him.

When the man entered the tunnel smoothly, Yi Limu heaved a sigh of relief, and several other people also joined in the battle. Ji Jie had one against seven.

Those who were shocked were Nanyuan Wang and his son. The three of them were lucky not to be injured by the scattered shrapnel. The three pairs of eyes were closely watching what happened outside. No need to ask, this must be the person who came to rescue them.

As soon as the person who reported the message showed his head, his throat was cut by Rouyue, who was waiting for the rabbit. He fell down clutching his neck, struggled a few times, and died, leaving blood all over the ground.

Ji Jie didn't panic because of being surrounded by the enemy, his sword was extremely nimble, not only defusing Yilimu's killing moves time and time again, but also took the opportunity to stab two of his subordinates.

Yi Limu knew very well that he had met an opponent, the opponent's martial arts were very strong, if he couldn't kill him within twenty moves, he might be the one who died, he could only hope that reinforcements would come soon.

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