Great Zhou Tianzi

184 Victory chapter return

I also want to shoot arrows, Lao Tzu is the ancestor of archery.

Ji Jie turned his head abruptly, and shot five consecutive shots. Five arrows accurately hit five pursuers, and the five fell off their horses and died immediately.

Yilimu was terrified, even with a group of men who were proficient in riding and shooting, he was also surprised, and so were the people around him.

Now that I have seen Lao Tzu's arrow skills, I will not be polite to you next.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of thunderbolts flew out of the Sumeru Ring, and landed in the chasing formation. One after another, Yilimu and the people around him were blown off the horse's back. Jie, just made a mess.

"Damn it!" Yilimu looked at the fallen horses, it was impossible to continue chasing them, so he could only watch them escape from his sight.

Yilimu always felt that there was something wrong with the fleeing people, but he didn't have time to think about what was wrong. He got up and dragged a soldier who was still sitting on horseback, and got on his horse to report the situation to Wu Li Danyu.

At this time, the Shaman Conference in the morning was coming to an end, and people began to disperse. Rou Yue took the dressed up Nan Yuan Wang and his son and went out with the flow of people out of the city. Most of the outsiders who came here to watch the ceremony chose to live outside the city and set up tents by themselves. middle.

When Wu Lidanyu heard the news that Nanyuan King had been rescued, he immediately became furious and sent dozens of cavalry to pursue him.

Yilimu cautiously stood aside, in order to excuse himself, he exaggerated the thunderbolt thrown by Ji Jie, and Wu Lidanyu's expression became ugly.

"If you say that, the person who came here must be from the Central Plains!" Wu Lidanyu asserted: "The Nanyuan people don't have such weapons at all, only the Great Zhou in the Central Plains produces them! A while ago we bought a batch through the Qin people, and we thought it would be a good weapon." It will come in handy so quickly, who would have thought that an assassin would be so arrogant and dare to act wildly in the royal city alone! You guys go to the armory to get a batch, and the warehouse management will teach you how to use it. Don’t the people of the Central Plains like to give back to each other in the same way? body, we will too!"

"Yes!" Yilimu was immediately full of confidence.

Rou Yue took the father and son out of the city smoothly, and the four of them rode on the horses they just bought, and ran all the way to the south. During the period, they encountered several groups of Huns cavalry. They thought they would be investigated, but these people did not stop at all. All headed east.

It must be Ji Jie, he successfully attracted the attention of the pursuers.

Besides, Ji Jie, after calmly getting rid of the first wave of cavalry, he threw down the four corpses tied to the horses, tied up four straw figures, and put on those coats, which can reduce the burden on the horses and increase the speed of marching. speed.

Just like that, one ran desperately in front, and the gang chased desperately behind.

In order to arouse the suspicion of the pursuers, after running a hundred miles to the east, Ji Jie turned to the south, pretending to return to the tribe of the South Plains. Yilimu, who had just had doubts, dispelled the idea of ​​​​"excessive" and chased him day and night. come over.

Ji Jie stopped from time to time to set up traps. He tied a thin rope to the fuze of the thunderbolt, and the other end to a wooden stick inserted into the soil. The horseshoes of the pursuers kicked lightly on the rope, and they would cause an explosion.


Zhaocheng, city mansion.

A woman with a beautiful figure got out of the carriage. She wore a face scarf and walked straight into the gate without showing her true face.

She is Qin Qing, and the purpose of this trip is to tell Ji Xueling something important.

In recent days, the Qin people have been buying new weapons from the Great Zhou one after another, only a small part of which was equipped with the Qin army, and more than [-]% were resold to the Rongdi people and the Huns.

In addition, King Qin recruited hundreds of skilled craftsmen to conduct research on thunderbolts and sky-shattering cannons, and breakthroughs have been made.

"Qin people are so hateful!" Ji Xueling slapped them on the table and said angrily: "Knowing that Da Zhou is fighting against the nomads in the north, but secretly reselling new weapons to our enemies, I will immediately order to terminate the war with Qin." All arms deals!"

Qin Qing sighed and said: "The reason why the King of Qin is confident is that they have made great achievements in the research of new weapons! With all due respect, the core secrets of Thunderbolt and Skyshatter Cannon are nothing more than the gunpowder used for explosion. As long as they break through This difficulty, even the most ordinary blacksmith can make them, what do you think, sister Linger?"

Ji Xueling nodded. Ji Jie had said a long time ago that this secret would be grasped by the Seven Kingdoms very quickly, but he didn't expect the Qin people to be so fast.

Moreover, Ji Jie also said that when the Seven Kingdoms mastered the production methods of thunderbolts and sky-shattering cannons, a new round of killings would follow, and no country would want to stay out of it.

Fortunately, the munitions sold to the Seven Kingdoms are all of the most primitive structure, and the gunpowder is also the most common. They use this as their starting point, and they only reach the same height if they are great. Da Zhou still has an advantage.

These things are top secret in Qin State, Qin Qing took a lot of effort to find out, and then rushed to report the news non-stop.


Rou Yue rushed back with Nanyuan Wang and his son, and Kuo Lun led a group of family cronies to greet her.

When the King of Nanyuan saw Kuo Lun, he gave him a big mouth, and scolded him: "You actually led your tribe to fight against Princess Rouyue, how did I teach you, our Nanyuan tribe is loyal to the King of the Huns, and you actually obeyed?" That thief's order from King Baishan, you're mad at me!"

Kuo Lun said aggrievedly: "Father and younger brother are imprisoned by Baishan King. If the son doesn't do this, he threatens to kill you..."

"So what if you kill me, at least I have preserved my loyalty!"

"Uncle Nanyuan Wang, you can't blame Big Brother Kuo Lun for this!" Rou Yue said something nice for him: "And he didn't start a war with us, so don't be angry!"

"For the sake of the princess, I don't care about you this time!" Nanyuan King glared at Kuo Lun, and then gave orders: "Notify the whole family, my Nanyuan family swears allegiance to the Huns to avenge the dead king. Princess Yue's orders! Send out light cavalry to search north to meet Lord Zhaowen Ji Jie of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He is being chased by the Baishan King's men. He is my savior, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes!" Quoren replied solemnly.

Ji Jie also rushed here very quickly, and the pursuers were tormented by him along the way. Seeing that the cavalry from the Southern Plains were coming aggressively, Yilimu had to take his men back the same way, and at the same time, notified the nearby tribes to fight back. South Plains offensive.

From the beginning to the end, Yilimu also failed to use the new weapons bought with a lot of money.

Everyone in the Nanyuan camp was in high spirits, treated Ji Jie and his Zhou Yan allied forces as the most honored guests, and treated them well.

Moreover, the King of Nanyuan made a decision on the spot to allocate 2 people to join the coalition, with Rou Yue as the general and Kuo Lun as the deputy general.The remaining 3 people were led by himself, and he went to find the followers of Baishan King to fight.

The generals of the coalition finally understood what Ji Jie said before departure, our team will fight more and more.

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