Great Zhou Tianzi

191 Yuezhi Killer

The man whose veil was thrown off had fair skin, a high nose bridge with deep eye sockets, gray-brown eyes, and golden hair. He was fundamentally different from the Huns.

Ji Jie studied the race and distribution of the world's races before traveling, and the one in front of him should belong to the Caucasian race among the white people. The Caucasians in this era are mostly distributed in Central Asian countries such as Yuezhi and Wusun.

That is to say, the people of the Western Regions that everyone is familiar with. During the Han Dynasty, the Yuezhi and other small countries in the Western Regions and the Han people jointly fought against the Huns. For now, that is a hundred years later. At this time, the relationship between the Yuezhi and the Huns is very good. Not to the point of breaking up.

Therefore, it is very likely that these three killers were invited by the Huns.

"People from the Yuezhi!" Rou Yue also saw the clues, the Xiongnu bordered the Yuezhi, and they sent envoys to pay homage to her father and king many times before, and they knew them quite well.

No wonder Ji Jie had never seen the martial arts they used. The scimitar is a difficult weapon for the Central Plains people, but it is extremely flexible in their hands.

Now that their identities have been exposed, there is no need for the other two to continue hiding. They pulled off their veils together, and the leader said viciously: "So what if you know who we are, you have to die!"

"You are the killer who talks the most!" Ji Jie said in a disdainful tone, "You will also be the one who talks the most to die by my sword!"

The three continued to fight fiercely, Ji Jie successfully forced one of them back, and was about to kill him when the other came in time to defuse his fierce attack.Rou Yue and her opponent were evenly matched, and Jie Xiansuo couldn't take advantage again.

It can be seen that the three of them are not only strong in individual combat, but also good at combined attacks. Let’s talk about the two who fought with Ji Jie. If they hadn’t cooperated well, they would have died under his sword long ago. , they can always resolve smoothly.


In Wu Li Danyu's big tent, a masked man in black stood in front of him, and said in a slightly feminine voice: "My master asked me to bring a message to Da Chan Yu, he spent a lot of money to invite three An assassin, carrying out the task of assassinating Ji Jie."

Wu Lidanyu was overjoyed, stood up and said: "Xiangguo personally strikes, Ji Jie will definitely die in Damo! By the way, when will the killer start to act?"

The man laughed twice and replied, "At this very moment!"

"Great!" Wu Lidanyu nodded and said, "Once Ji Jie dies, the coalition forces will have no leader. Without the help of the people from the Central Plains, how much trouble can that girl Rouyue create! To be honest, Ji Jie is my biggest brother." trouble!"

"Don't worry, Da Shanyu, your troubles will be resolved soon! Also, my master said that more new weapons will be shipped in the future, so you should prepare gold, and you will have as many weapons as you have. ..."

The two chatted for a while, and the man in black walked out of the big tent, stopped in a dark corner, and stretched out his hand to lift the face towel, revealing a face from the Central Plains.


Ji Jie had fought the killers for no less than sixty moves, but he failed to take them down. It seemed that there was no other way to go. He hid his left hand behind his back and summoned a fine steel hand crossbow from the Sumeru Ring with a thought. .

Pretending to be invincible, he took two steps back, and the two killers rushed over immediately.

"Whoosh!" A crossbow bolt that was more than a foot long was shot out for no reason, and a killer couldn't dodge in time, and was nailed into his right shoulder by the crossbow bolt.

The injured killer screamed, reached out to hold the arrow shaft and wanted to pull it out, but failed because the shot was too deep and stuck in the bone.

It's a pity in Ji Jie's heart that he couldn't kill that guy with one arrow, and it would not be so easy to sneak attack again, so he could only target the guy who fought with Rou Yue, even though he had suffered the same loss , but never expected to be attacked by Ji Jie.

It was still a hand crossbow. This time Ji Jie calmed down and shot the crossbow after aiming, unlike the time when he just raised his hand and shot.


The crossbow arrows shot in from the back of the head, and shot out from the forehead. Not only the person hit by the arrow, Rou Yue was also startled, and just watched him slowly fall to the ground.

"Ji Jie, you actually used indiscriminate means to kill my brother!" The leader of the man in black was furious.

Grandma, do you still need to talk about the morals of the world? Besides, have you talked about it?

Now it has become two to two, Rou Yue's opponent has an arrow stuck in it, and his mobility is greatly reduced, and he is forced to back up again and again. Ji Jie also succeeds one after another. He was shot with an arrow and blood flowed out.

The originally foolproof assassination operation has developed to such a point that the killers did not expect that they wanted to sneak into the camp, but found that the target person came out by himself. At that time, they were very excited.

Rou Yue handed out the fairy-binding rope, and the seemingly worn-out "rope" seemed to gain life in an instant, flew out with a whoosh, and nimbly turned around the opponent's body a few times, and in the next second, he was tied into a rice dumpling, I couldn't move all over my body.

Gently pulling the rope, the man obediently fell to the ground.

Ji Jie was very happy, he put his sword on the hollow of the opponent's leg, and while he was leaning forward, a dagger appeared in his left hand and slashed across his throat.

"Cough cough..."

The aorta in the neck was severed, and the blood flowed profusely, even if the gods came, it would be difficult to save them.

In this way, the three top ten killers in Yuezhi died three dead and one injured within a quarter of an hour, and the injured one was taken prisoner.

"Yue'er, are you not injured?" Ji Jie asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine!" Rou Yue pouted at the man on the ground and said, "What should he do? Did he cut it with a sword?"

Ji Jie walked over with a smile, knelt down and patted the man's face, and said, "Give you a chance to tell who is behind the scenes, and I will save your life!"

The man looked at him with vicious eyes and said, "Aren't you not interested? Why ask now!"

"I really don't know what to do!" Ji Jie slapped him and said, "I gave you a way of life with good intentions, but I don't know how to cherish it. I will help you!"

"Don't..." The guy came out with a tray: "I don't know who is selling your life, but I know it is definitely not the Huns, but you people from the Central Plains..."

Ji Jie frowned, judging from the man's expression, he didn't seem to be lying.

"People from the Central Plains, you really know how to make up!" Rou Yue put the sword on his neck.

"I'm telling the truth! Only our leader knows who it is, but he's dead!" He glanced at the body of the "talkative" killer, and said, "The price is 3 taels of gold. If Ji Jie's head can kill Princess Rouyue by the way, an extra 3000 taels will be added!"

Rou Yue became angry, Ji Jie's head was worth 3 taels, hers was only 3000 taels, the difference was too much, my aunt was worse than him, how could she be so wrong?

Ji Jie's frowned brows relaxed, and the long sword in his hand quickly stabbed out, breaking all the tendons in the hands and feet of the killer, and then there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

Finally, he slapped his sky cap, and the killer passed out.

"He is already a useless person!" Ji Jie stood up and said to Rou Yue: "He will become an idiot after waking up, let's go, it seems that danger is always with you and me, be careful!"

Rou Yue nodded, took the initiative to hold Ji Jie's arm, and the two walked towards Daying.

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