Great Zhou Tianzi

197 Establishment of Secret Service

I didn't know if I didn't search, but I found dozens of spies from the Seven Kingdoms in Zhaocheng. They were dressed as businessmen or pawns, and they had various identities.

If it was in the past, Ji Jie might consider letting these people go, directly expelling them from the country, and strictly ordering them not to take a step into the Great Zhou Dynasty for life, but now that the Allied Forces of the Three Jin Dynasties are approaching the city, there is no room for loss in the Great Zhou City, and these people cannot stay .

Except for the two Yan people, all the rest were tied to Caishikou and beheaded for public display.

Then, Ji Jian and Zhao Ling sent news that they also uncovered many spies from the Seven Kingdoms in Longcheng and Wangcheng.

This is not surprising at all. A while ago, when doing business with the Seven Kingdoms, the gates of the Three Cities were wide open all day long, creating conditions for spies to sneak in. These people had a great impact on the safety of the city.

Ji Jie thought about the situation carefully, and felt that it was necessary to set up a special agency to deal with this matter.

He thought of the Zhongtong and Juntong in the period of the Republic of China. Although these two organizations were notorious, they had to admit that they had achieved a lot of impressive achievements. The reason why they were scolded by later generations was not because they killed too many It's no wonder that future generations can say a good word about the **** who ruled the world.

This matter can be handed over to Ji Xueling. For a long time, the security issues of the generals, the assassination of the enemy, etc., have been handled by people trained by her.

In view of this, Ji Jie decided to set up a special duty supervisor and an intelligence supervisor.

The special service supervisor is referred to as the special service supervisor, and Ji Xueling serves as the capital supervisor, under the jurisdiction of the security department, the operation department and the liaison office, and set up a special service bureau in the seven capital cities, and a special service branch in the second-tier cities.

Sima Xueran will be the capital supervisor of the intelligence supervisor, who will integrate the scattered family members from various countries. An intelligence bureau will also be set up in the capitals of the seven countries, and sub-bureaus will be set up in the second-tier cities to be responsible for various intelligence work.

The Secret Service Supervisor and the Intelligence Supervisor are equivalent to modern ministerial-level authorities. The two departments only communicate with each other and cooperate with each other.

At this time, the coalition forces of the Three Jin Dynasties were stationed [-] miles away from Zhaocheng, clamoring for Ji Jie to surrender voluntarily, otherwise, the army would enter the city and leave no one behind.

Ji Jie ignored it, and seized the time to integrate the secret service and intelligence surveillance matters, trying to complete the integration of Dazhou City in a short time.

The cooperation between the two prisons has achieved great results since the beginning of cooperation. Sima Xueran used his powerful intelligence network to investigate the merchants and outsiders who have recently settled in Dazhou. After a comprehensive analysis, he handed it over to Ji Xueling.

Ji Xueling first sent a special person to follow up and investigate the suspicious person. Once the target was found to be engaged in espionage activities, he would immediately arrest him and then conduct interrogation.

Except for a few hard-spoken people, most spies confessed truthfully.

As a result, the Sanjin coalition forces outside became deaf and blind, and knew nothing about the affairs of the city. The undercover agents they sent into Dazhou were almost uprooted, and the very few who were lucky enough not to be caught quickly stopped their spy missions , for fear of being exposed.

Originally, the three main generals of the coalition army planned to study the specific deployment of troops in the three cities before attacking the city. Now, they don't know how many soldiers and horses there are in the city, how they are allocated, etc.

The three of them looked livid and sat in the large tent of the Chinese army.

"I guess the spies we sent have been wiped out!" Han Chuang gloated, "The two of you sent out several times more people than me before the war. Why did Ji Jie take over all of them?"

Both Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou were old and cunning people, and they didn't care about Han Chuang's words at all.

Among the allied forces, South Korea has the least force, and Zhao and Wei are on par, so in most cases, it is Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei who have the final say. Han Chuang has expressed dissatisfaction with this many times, but this is an era where strength speaks Naturally, if you are weak, you won't have anything to say.

Since we can't learn about the deployment of troops in the city from the spies, we can only use the most stupid way to attack the city.

It is very practical and effective to find out Ji Jie's firepower and troop deployment in the fierce battle. The only disadvantage is that there are a lot of casualties. After all, it is an alliance of three. Who wants to do such a thankless thing?

Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou looked at each other, smiled sinisterly at the same time, and then turned their eyes to Han Chuang.

"Why, you don't want my people to go up, do you?" Han Chuang refused thoroughly: "I don't agree! You have a lot of soldiers, are you willing to let me take the lead?"

"It's really embarrassing!" Zhao Mu said with a smile: "But compared with the next fortified battle, General Han is more suitable for the previous tentative attack, what do you think?"

"That's right, is it possible to let my people take the lead, and then General Han goes up to attack the fortifications?" Xiao Wei Mou smiled even more sinisterly: "Or I take the lead, and the Zhao army goes to attack the fortifications, and you, General Han, watch the fun, how are you?" ?"

Han Chuang was so angry that he couldn't say a word, and left the big tent with his hands.

Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou looked at each other again, and they laughed at the same time. One person is never a match for two people, and they often join forces to set Han Chuang up in this way.


In the end, Han Chuang compromised. In order to reduce casualties, he secretly used the spies who had been assigned to Zhaocheng from the beginning. The last time the Zhao and Han coalition forces invaded Dazhou, he was not willing to use the people who were fought like that.

This person's name is Song De, and his identity is extremely secretive. He is not Korean, but he is from the Song clan.

In the middle of the night, Song De came out from the back door wearing night clothes, carrying a sheet of mulberry woodwork on his back, and there was only one arrow without an arrowhead in the quiver.

Putting on a scarf, he tiptoed through the alley to the city wall, and was about to climb the city, when suddenly a noose stretched out from behind and clasped it tightly around his neck, and then pulled it violently, dragging him to the ground.

Song De pulled out the dagger hidden in his boot, and was about to resist when four people pinned down his hands and feet, making him unable to move.

"Hehe, it's exactly as I expected!" Ji Xueling walked out of the darkness with a sneer, glanced at Song De on the ground, and said, "The intelligence officer said that there are still spies hidden in the city, so I still doubt it. That's true! You hid deep enough, if you hadn't surfaced by yourself, I would have dispelled my suspicions about you, what a pity!"

Song De gritted his teeth and asked, "Why do you say I'm a spy?"

"It's very simple, search!"

Soon, a piece of paper was found in Song De's pocket, on which the deployment of troops in the city was clearly written, including where the artillery positions were located, how many trebuchets there were, how many troops were there on a certain section of the city wall, etc. wait.

After reading the contents of the paper, Ji Xueling sneered and said, "Don't think that you are safe because you hide deeply. I found out when the people outside contacted the accomplices in the city, but I was really not sure at the time that the spy was you! You jumped out so impatiently, it’s no different from throwing yourself into a trap. Take it away and interrogate it severely!”

"Yes!" Several people supported Song De.

Ji Xueling took out another piece of paper, tied it to a feathered arrow without an arrowhead, and shot it out of the city.

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