Great Zhou Tianzi

209 The King of Han Was Deceived

Only a person like King Han Hui who puts profit above anything else can be so easily fooled. How did he know that his son sold him for the new equipment of 2 people.Of course, there is still control over the [-] troops.

"Then what kind of method does Lord Jian Guo think we should cooperate with?" This is the question that King Han Hui is most concerned about. He hopes that Ji Jie will reveal the production method of the new weapon now.

Ji Jie smiled lightly and said: "The premise of cooperation is, of course, that the South Korean army will no longer be an enemy of Da Zhou. Of course, I will not force you. After all, the relationship between the Sanjin family and you has been maintained for hundreds of years. If you say you have a falling out It's unlikely to fall out. What His Majesty the King of Han has to do is to send a general who you and I can rest assured to take the post of general of the Han army, and then refuse to attack Da Zhou with the Zhao and Wei armies under various excuses, and must Send me a steady stream of information, and I will force them away in the shortest possible time, and you, pretend to be indignant and withdraw from the Three Jin Alliance. In the end, I will offer the formula with both hands, how about it?"

King Han Hui was treacherous and cunning, and said with a smile: "Master Jianguo has a red mouth and white teeth, the coalition forces withdrew, and Korea also broke away from the Three Jin Alliance, but you broke your promise and became fat. What can we do with you?"

Of course Ji Jie knew that he would ask this question, and the benefits would be given away at once, which would make people feel that it was too easy, and instead became suspicious, and it took such a little bit of "grinding" to make it hard for him. a feeling of.

Although all of this is fake, the fake show must be done for real.

"That's it, I'll divide the secret method into three parts, and the key gunpowder formula will be the second part!" Ji Jie said a compromise plan: "Your Majesty sent you the Korean general who I can trust, and I will give you the first part." ; Send me all the action information of the coalition forces, I will give the second part after I get the results; finally the coalition forces retreat, South Korea withdraws from the alliance, you get the third part, how about it?"

"Okay, deal!" Han Huiwang stretched out his right hand.

Ji Jie also stretched out his right hand, clapping his two palms together, making a crisp sound.

The next thing to talk about is naturally the person who reassures both parties. Han An knows very well that this person must be him.

King Han Hui asked tentatively: "Master Jian Guo thinks who the widow will send as the main general, can you rest assured?"

"I'm not very familiar with Korean generals. Your Majesty might as well tell me the names of a few people first!" Ji Jie kicked the ball back. He knew that if he recommended Han An as soon as he opened his mouth, the treacherous King Han would definitely be suspicious. There is a secret relationship between them, which is a bad thing.

King Han Hui said the name of a person: "Han Sui, this person has endured my clan with the surname Han, he is humble and ruthless in dealing with things!"

"I'm afraid it won't work!" Ji Jie stated his point of view: "Although General Han Sui has the ability to command the army, he suffered a big loss in my hands in the last battle of Sanzhegu. There is a rift between you and me, and you can't cooperate sincerely at that time, which will miss our major event!"

Ji Jie's reasons can be described as flawless, even King Han Hui couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Then Hande!"

"Well, he's just over 23 years old, he's a little younger, so it's difficult to convince the public, right?"

"Han Cheng!"

"This Han Cheng..."


King Han Hui mentioned the names of several people one after another, but Ji Jie denied them all, and the reasons for the denial were so unquestionable.

Just now he said that he was not familiar with the Korean generals, but Ji Jie knew them very well.

King Han Hui was in trouble, and he couldn't help but wonder, is it possible that there is no one in Dahan, and I can't pick out a qualified general of the three armies, how is it possible?

Ji Jie glanced at Han An, who was eager to try, and winked at him, meaning that you must hold your breath, I must take care of this boss, look at me!

"Oh, Your Majesty, how did we forget about the most suitable candidate!" Ji Jie suddenly realized, and slapped himself on the forehead decently.

"Tell me who it is!" Han Huiwang was also eager to know.

Ji Jie put his eyes on Han An, and said meaningfully: "It's so far away from the sky, so close to our eyes!"

King Han Hui's attention was also shifted to Han An. Before he could speak, Han An quickly waved his hands and said, "No, how can I do it? Although I have learned the art of war since I was a child, I have never been on the battlefield. , how can this be done..."

This was originally what King Han Hui wanted to say, but when he said it first, the meaning was different.

King Han Hui looked at his son and thought to himself, anyway, this is just a pretentious expedition, it doesn’t matter who is sent there, the most important thing is the person Ji Jie trusts, isn’t Han An just meeting the requirements?

"Your Highness is too modest, I think you are very suitable, you will be the master and I will rest assured!" Ji Jie played the side drum for him in time.

It's you boy, King Han Hui is more determined to send Han An as the general.

"My son, Lord Jian Guo is right, and I think you are very suitable!" Han Huiwang said with a smile: "It's not really that you are asked to lead troops to fight, it's just going through the motions, and handing over tens of thousands of troops to others. Don't worry!"

"But father, the child has no military qualifications!" Han An said in embarrassment: "Even if it's just going through the motions, all the soldiers have to listen to me. What if they don't obey the order and ruin the big event? OK!"

This kid Han An is smart enough, he is taking the opportunity to ask his father for real power, just to be a general in name only, it is better not to do it!At least these soldiers have to listen to themselves, otherwise how can they plan big things.

"Whoever dares not listen to you, cut him off!" Han Huiwang took off the sword at his waist without thinking, put it in front of Han An and said: "You have the right to cut first and then play, and I will notify you The three armies! In addition, you took away 1 people from the garrison camp, making up 10 people, and the provincial Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou are the two dogs who look down on me because the Han army has few soldiers!"

"I accept the order!" Han An immediately knelt on the ground and said loudly, "I will live up to my father's great trust!"

"Okay, this is my good son, the good prince of Korea!"

The three chatted for a while, and now that the conditions had been negotiated, King Han Hui excused himself to be busy with state affairs and left first, leaving the two of them to continue discussing the next matters.

Han An's admiration for Ji Jie's five-body cast, first easily convinced King Han to believe those words, and then helped him to sit on the position of the commander-in-chief of the three armies. South Korea's entire country has only [-] to [-] soldiers, and now one-third of them are It's in his hands.

Soon, King Han Hui sent a tiger talisman commanding the three armies, and a transfer order. With this transfer order and tiger talisman, all [-] elite soldiers were under his command.

"Hehe, congratulations, Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Ji Jie clasped his fists with a smile.

Han An hurriedly returned the gift, and said solemnly: "Without Mr. Zhaowen's help, I wouldn't have had the chance to lead the army. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. Just watch my performance in the future!"

The post of chief general fell on Han An's head, and the news spread like wildfire, and soon spread throughout South Korea.

Han An's younger brothers panicked. He hasn't been pulled down from the crown prince yet. How could he become a general again?No, let it go on, it will be even more difficult to shake his position in the future!

When he becomes king, he will definitely settle accounts with them!Several people gathered in one place secretly and began to discuss how to deal with Han An.

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