Great Zhou Tianzi

213 double wheel array

The three generals sat together in the camp of the Three-Jin Allied Forces. This was the first meeting between the three generals since Han An arrived here.

In fact, on the first day he arrived here, Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou sent someone to invite him, but he refused. The reason was that he had to rest for a few days after being exhausted all the way. As for how to fight the battle, it was up to the two of them.

Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou have been digging pits for the Koreans, and finally they are looking forward to the arrival of the main general of the Han army. If they don't trick him into the water, how can they feel at ease!

I thought that the fledgling Han An was easier to deal with than Han Chuang. After the first contact, the two learned what it means to be invulnerable to water and fire. No matter what plan they proposed, Han An would say three words to disagree.

"But we can't just besiege and not fight. Zhaocheng is full of supplies, and we can't eat up the food for a few years!" Xiao Weimou was not reconciled, and continued to use aggressive methods: "Is the prince Han afraid, so don't fight?" Dare to fight?"

"You can say whatever you want! The prince has his own ideas, so you don't need to worry about them." Han An still looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and hated Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou's teeth.

Zhao Mu smiled and said, "I really want to hear Prince Han's opinion."

"It's no good idea. If they don't go out of the city to fight, won't you send people to the city to fight?"

The two laughed at the same time, Chu'er is Chu'er, why would they use swords and guns if it's useful, Ji Jie and his people are not fools, defending the city has an advantage, who would be so stupid as to go out of the city to fight.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Han An hummed.

Zhao Mu's eyes were full of disdain, and he said: "As long as Prince Han can make Ji Jie obediently fight, I, Zhao Mu, will personally lead the army to meet you. If you win, I will give you all the credit. If you lose, it's my Zhao Jun's bad luck. You see how?"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Han An stood up and walked out and said, "Tomorrow morning, the prince will accompany you Zhao Jun for a walk!"

After Han An left, Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou couldn't stop laughing out loud.

Han An looked back at the large tent of the Chinese army that kept laughing, and thought to himself, you two old foxes, you two will look good tomorrow, don't think that you two are the only smart people in the world!

Ji Jie, who was arranging the attack mission, immediately changed his original plan after receiving the latest news.

"The three brothers of the Xiong family obey the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Tomorrow, each of you will lead 3000 troops and go out of the city with me to fight!"


In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Mu led the [-]-step clan, accompanied by Han An and Xiao Weimou, went three miles and stopped two miles away from the city gate.

"Prince Han, it's up to you next!" Zhao Mu made a gesture of invitation.

"Then just wait and see!" Han An patted his horse and ran towards the city gate.

Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou looked at each other. From their point of view, the lightest result of Han An's trip would be to be ridiculed by Zhou Jun in the city, and then come back in despair. If it is serious, he might shoot him directly with an arrow Become a hedgehog.

But the result was surprising. A few minutes later, Han An returned safely without any conflict with Zhou Jun.

how can that be possible?Zhao Mu and Xiao Wei Mou looked at each other, they would rather not believe that they were blind than believe that what they saw was true.

What Han An said surprised them even more. The original words were: "Ji Jie agreed to fight Zhao Jun. He said he was willing to use 1 taels of money to fight General Zhao Mu's 2 people. Let me ask you if you dare fight?"

The two were so angry that they just wanted to scold their mothers. If they knew that Ji Jie would be able to fight so easily, why should the fathers surround this place like an iron bucket?Did Ji Jie's brain get kicked by a donkey, or did Han An have too much face?

These are not important anymore, the important thing is that Ji Jie is willing to come out, then resolutely destroy it!

After thinking about it, this couldn't be a trap. The incident of Han Chuang's being duped is still vivid in his memory, so Zhao Mu couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Looking at Zhao Mu who was stunned on the spot, Han An said impatiently: "Hey, dare you, give me a good word! People said that they are willing to go out of the city for two miles, that is, to fight you at the place where we are standing , no matter who wins or loses, they are not allowed to pursue, are you willing?"

"Of course I would!" Zhao Mu nodded his head a few times, thinking to himself how can your 1 people be my opponent with 2 people? Once the fight starts, I will deal with you Ji Jie first. In the hands of the winner, the loser has nothing to say!

"Then please set up your position!" After Han An said this, he patted his horse and walked towards the camp.

"Prince Han, what are you doing?"

"My mission is complete, of course I have to go back to sleep!" Han An replied lazily, "After the battle is over, no matter whether you win or lose, send me a letter!"

If you want to go, you can go, Zhao Mu is too busy setting up the formation, he doesn't care about so much, he is not very good at military, so let Xiao Wei Mou advise him.

The [-] Zhao troops set up a crappy-looking double-wheel formation, which looked like two huge wheels from a distance. When any point was attacked, the "wheel" could be turned to wipe out the enemy with mobile warfare.

Looking at Zhao Jun's double formation, Ji Jie smiled and shook his head, and Xiong Kui beside him asked, "Your Majesty, is there any weakness in the enemy's formation?"

It is full of loopholes, probably because of the tight time, Xiao Weimou even forgot to mark the center point of the two "wheels". Once the war starts, how can the panic-stricken soldiers remember where the center of the circle is?

Running in a circle, two perfect circles may become a square, and a triangle may also be possible. Anyway, except for a perfect circle, any shape may appear.

After hearing this, the three brothers of the Xiong family had confidence in their hearts and asked for a fight one after another.

"Don't worry, you all have a share in the war!" Ji Jie began to arrange the attack formation: "The three of you each lead three thousand cavalry, Xiong Ba is on the left, Xiong Kui is on the right, and Xiong Ben is in the center. Let me charge over together! I will lead the rest 3000 people are here for you, waiting for an opportunity to attack their weakest point!"


The 1 people were divided into four teams on average. After the formation was formed, the three brothers led the crowd to charge away. The three of them rushed to the front of the formation, like the sharp points of three daggers.

With a wave of his hand, Ji Jie led 3000 people and marched slowly, looking for fighters.

Seeing tens of thousands of cavalry charge towards them, Zhao Mu was a little nervous, and Xiao Wei Mou patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Juluhou. Confidence! The enemy is coming, you can order the soldiers to move!"

Zhao Mu nodded, waved the order flag and shouted: "All Zhao Jun listen to the order and start turning!"

The soldiers took a step forward, and the two "wheels" began to turn, which looked like two rotating saw blades from a distance.

Suddenly, Xiao Wei Mou seemed to think of something, but he wanted to speak but found that it was too late, he took a few steps back calmly, and was ready to leave here at any time.

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