Great Zhou Tianzi

216 Catch the Spies

Facts have proved that the messenger's worry is superfluous. On the contrary, if he does not show nervousness and surprise, it will arouse Xiao Wei Mou's suspicion.

Because Xiao Weimou chose to meet at Niujia Village, ten miles away from Zhaocheng, that is to say, Ji Jie had to go through the encirclement of the coalition forces to get there, which was an extremely dangerous process.

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything!" Xiao Wei Mou threw out a token and said, "Give it to your lord, and leave the city quietly after dark tomorrow. With this token, as long as it belongs to my Wei Jun Line of defense, he can pass unimpeded!"

The messenger was so happy, and was worrying how to prove it to Zhao Mu when he went back. With Xiaowei Mou's token, let's see how he can argue.

"Okay, I will definitely tell your majesty when I go back!" The messenger held the token in his arms as if he had found a treasure.

"Then get out of here quickly, it's still very dangerous here!"

"Thank you, General, I will leave now!" The messenger forced out the joy in his heart and walked out of the big tent, heading straight to Zhao Mu's hiding place.

Xiao Wei Mou smiled and gave the order, once the token appears tomorrow night, people from the future will surround and wipe it out, leaving no one alive.

After hearing what the messenger said, he clenched his fists and said angrily: "This bastard, I've been lied to so hard! Fortunately, I have always regarded him as an ally, but he secretly betrayed me. Let's go, let's go find Han An! "

When Zhao Mu found Han An, it happened to be the time when Xiao Wei Mou went looking for him.

"What, you Juluhou are not here, where did you go?" Xiao Wei Mou asked.

The guard who guarded the tent shook his head and said, "I don't know about this little one. Why don't you go back first, General Xiao. When our general comes back, I will report!"

Xiao Wei Mou wondered where did this guy go, didn't he usually like to hide in the tent, how did he know that Zhao Mu was planning with Han An how to deal with him.

Ever since he learned of his "conspiracy", Zhao Mu sent people to keep a close eye on his whereabouts, no, someone came to report immediately.

"That's great, it means that he doesn't know that we have all the information!" Han An said with a smile, "Since this is the case, please trouble Juluhou to set up an ambush in your tent and ask him to take the bait!" !"

"No problem, please invite Prince Han to go together, and we two will question him together!" Zhao Mu agreed without thinking.

Half an hour later, Xiao Wei Mou received an invitation from Zhao Mu, asking him to go to the main camp of the Zhao army to have a talk.

Xiao Wei Mou was eager to tell Zhao Mu about the collusion between South Korea and Dazhou. After receiving the post, he hurried over with only one entourage. When he reached out to lift the door curtain, he said, "Brother Zhao, I got a piece of information that you didn't expect... Hey, Prince Han is here too..."

Seeing that Han An was also present, he had to temporarily shut up.

"Hehe, please sit down, General Xiao!" Zhao Mupi smiled until he reached the seat specially reserved for him, and then said: "Prince Han is also invited by me, and today we have a very important matter to discuss."

The existence of Han An made Xiao Wei Mou feel scrupulous. He couldn't expose the collusion between King Han and Da Zhou in front of others. The main reason was that the news came from Han Xu, so he had to handle it carefully.

"Oh, what's the important thing?" Xiao Wei Mou sat down while laughing.

Zhao Mu said word by word: "Catch the spies!"

Xiao Wei Mou glanced at Han An, wondering if Zhao Mu also knew about this?If this is the case, it would be great, let's see how Han An can argue!

"It's good to catch spies, I like to catch spies the most!" Xiao Wei Mou said with a smile: "From what Brother Zhao said, you must already know who the spies are?"

Zhao Mu nodded and said, "The spy is among the three of us!"

That's right, it must be him!Xiao Wei Mou looked at Han An again, and thought that this kid's concentration is really good, and he can be as stable as Mount Tai, better than his profit-heavy father!

"Since Brother Zhao already knows who the spy is, let's catch him!" Xiao Wei Mou said with a lot of pride.

"General Xiao also agreed to arrest?" Zhao Mu asked.

"Of course!" Xiao Wei Mou nodded, he always attributed the spy to Han An.That's right, he must be the one who betrayed the information. No one else could get Zhao Jun's grain transportation plan except him. It was he who sent the information to Ji Jie, and Ji Jie was able to succeed twice.

"What about Prince Han, do you agree?" Zhao Mu turned to ask him.

Xiao Wei Mou thought to himself, isn't this unnecessary? If I say that I can't catch it directly, I don't need any psychological offensive now. This kid is delicate and tender. If he is tied up with a whip, he will definitely tell everything.

"I agree!" Han An still had an expression of nothing to do with himself.

Let your boy be pissed off, let's see how you still get pissed off later, the scene of Han An being hung upside down and being whipped has already appeared in Wei Mou's mind.

"Since both of you agree, then I'm not polite!" Zhao Mu stretched out his palm and patted it twice. Dozens of guards wearing heavy armor and holding sharp knives filed in. They surrounded the three coaches neatly. .

Xiao Wei Mou began to murmur in his heart, just surround Han An, why surround me, and Zhao Mu himself?By the way, I must be afraid of Han An's resistance. These people are here to protect me, that's it!

Zhao Mu stood up, and said with anger on his face: "The hateful spy, you actually cooperate with Ji Jie, kill my soldiers and burn my food and grass! I wish I could tear him into pieces and give me this hateful spy. Down!"

The people around Xiao Weimou rushed forward, four of them hugged his hands and feet respectively, and two sharp long swords were placed on the left and right sides of his neck at the same time, and a chill rushed to the top.

"What... what do you mean?" Xiao Wei Mou was confused by this sudden change, the spy is Han An, why did he arrest me, right?

Zhao Mu pointed at his nose and shouted: "What do you mean, you spy, do you need me to say more?"

"I'm a spy?" Xiao Wei Mou wanted to break free, but couldn't. He said loudly, "How can I be a spy? The spy is obviously Han An. He colluded with Ji Jie and plotted to disintegrate the Sanjin Alliance." , and his father..."

"Shut up!" Han An cut off his words, and said, "Xiao Wei Mou, you still bite back when you are about to die. We have already got the evidence of your collaborating with the enemy, so stop sophistry!"

Evidence, what evidence?Xiao Wei Mou was taken aback for a moment, then he saw an acquaintance, who walked in with a token in his hand, and said, "General, I have told you verbatim what you have said. My master, but my master is Juluhou, not Ji Jie!"

"Xiao Wei Mou, what else do you have to say!" Zhao Mu drew out his sword and pressed it against his throat.

Xiao Wei Mou was completely dumbfounded, how did Ji Jie's messenger become Zhao Mu's man?

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