Great Zhou Tianzi

220 Strategies

[The number of words in Chapter 214 is repeated, so that more than a dozen readers who followed along spent a double copy of k coins.Because it was uploaded regularly, Luo Lei was not online these days, so he didn't find out in time. He just rushed back from his hometown and found out about it. forgive】

Han Xu arrived at the camp outside the city. Although it was not within the control of Prince Han An, it did not mean that the soldiers in the camp also obeyed him.

In order not to "leak out" the news, the captain of the guard suggested that Han Xu never mention the "things" on the road, but secretly send someone to the capital to inform King Han of the prince's plot to rebel, and the king will make a decision.

Han Xu was really fooled, and immediately sent people to Hanwang Palace. Of course, the people who were sent out were arranged by Han An.

In addition, Han An, who was hundreds of miles away, began to withdraw from the camp in a hurry, and sent a messenger to inform Han Wang that the last two blueprints of the new weapon had been obtained, but he did not want to leak the news. Only by marching in large numbers can safety be ensured.

In desperation, King Han had no choice but to let him continue to command the three armies, and ordered the three armies to guard along the way to prevent the blueprints from being snatched by others.

All of this was within Ji Jie's plan.

Soon, King Han's "special envoy" arrived at the camp outside the city, bringing with him a "soldier talisman" and an "imperial decree".

The "imperial decree" stated that the camp outside the city would be under the command of Han Xu from now on, and guard the capital of the country, and the "soldier talisman" was the certificate of commanding the army.According to the general practice, a tiger talisman is required to be in charge of the army. The "imperial decree" has explained this matter. The tiger talisman is now in the hands of the prince. To ensure safety, it can only be replaced by other things.

For this reason, the guard of the camp was somewhat disapproving, but after Han Xu received the imperial edict, he strictly ordered no one to enter the camp without his permission, and anyone who disobeyed the order would be beheaded!

Han Xu did this because he was afraid that Han An's eyes and ears would be planted in the camp. If someone escaped and reported the news, things would be bad.

This time it really wasn't the captain of the guard who suggested to him. Originally, he wanted to say these words. It seems that this time Han Xu thought of the front, which saved him a lot of energy.

The guard of the camp was not idle either. He asked people to sneak out at night, not to inform Han An, but to go to the capital to verify whether Han Xu took over the camp with a soldier talisman. As a general, he has Responsibility to figure this out.

At the same time, Han An started to act with the people who stayed in the capital. They pretended to be Han Xu's guests, "secretly" bought the guards and soldiers, and agreed with them to open the gate of the city for a certain period of time. Han Xu will lead the army into the city. The city, and then forced the palace, when he sits on the throne, everyone will be rewarded.

Not everyone will be bought by money, not to mention that this is just a empty promise. Many thoughtful people have already seen the clues, but they haven't thought of Han An's tricks for a while.

The people sent by the guard of the camp to seek evidence also arrived.

For a while, there were rumors in Xinzheng City, and it was rumored that the prince Han Xu would lead the army to revolt. Many timid people took their belongings and took their wives and children out of the city to escape, so as not to be affected by Chiyu.

This incident finally reached Han Huiwang's ears. He did not believe that Han Xu had such courage, but all the comprehensive information from various sources confirmed this point.Another point that King Han Hui couldn't understand was whether Han Xu's brain had been kicked by a donkey. He dared to launch a mutiny with only 2 people in his hands. Isn't it too presumptuous?

After thinking about it, this kid must have seen that his elder brother is holding a heavy army. If he doesn't hurry up, he may never have another chance.Yes, it must be so, King Han Hui made a conclusion!

Then, Xinzheng City launched a large-scale purge of the guards and soldiers. All generals who "had an affair" with Han Xu, regardless of their position or merit, were arrested, and then sent to Caishikou to be beheaded for public display.

Hundreds of people were implicated in this incident, and the city was filled with blood and rain. It's a pity that Han Xu's sense of smell is not sensitive enough to know anything about it.In fact, at the beginning of the purge, King Han Hui ordered all people related to him to be controlled, and no one sent letters. Of course, he didn't know what happened in the city, and he was still dreaming of inheriting the throne.

Han An came to Ji Jie with the imperial decree he had just received. King Han Hui panicked. Although he had purged many generals in the army, he was still worried and asked him to lead the army to rush to King Qin to suppress the rebellion.

After reading the imperial decree, Ji Jie smiled and said, "Brother Han, the clock is ticking, so hurry up and lead your troops there!"

"However, once the hundreds of thousands of troops have arrived at the gate of the city, but the camp outside the city has stopped moving, will my father let me enter the city?" Han An asked worriedly.

Han An's worry is not unreasonable. With King Han Hui's character, as long as there is no real rebellion, he will never let hundreds of thousands of soldiers enter the city casually. Once the enlarged army enters the city, he will be the king. son.

"Hehe, of course not with 10 people!" Ji Jie replied: "You only need to lead 3 people, and the remaining [-] people will still go at the same speed. What would you suspect."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Han An turned around and left the big tent.

You must know that the camp outside the city and the garrison in the city have a population of close to 4. Of course, it is impossible for all the garrison in the city to rebel. Han An only brought 3 people there. When it comes to rebellion, his 3 people can't make any big movements, which is equivalent to giving King Han Hui a reassurance.

Han An led [-] elite cavalry equipped with new weapons to Xinzheng. As soon as he left, Ji Jie sent someone to inform the insiders of the camp outside the city to start action.

Coaxed and coaxed by the captain of the guard, Han Xu took a deep breath, ignoring the pain in his buttocks, and still riding on the back of the horse, drew out the long sword around his waist and gave orders: "Prince Han An is plotting to usurp the throne, and all the soldiers follow me!" Let's go to Xinzheng together to protect the king's safety!"

More than 1 people marched towards the capital in a mighty way. The people sent by Han An sent the news back to the capital in time. The atmosphere in the city was tense. They received the news that Han Xu led his troops to force the palace.

Ji Jie and the three brothers of the Xiong family came to a small hill outside Xinzheng City, and set up tables, wine and dishes. It will not take long for Korea to change the sky, and he is the person behind this change.

Han An and Han Xu met outside the city, and they cursed at each other together, and then they were about to fight.

At this critical moment, the guard of the camp received an order from the King of Han: to assist the prince Han An to take down the traitor Han Xu, he is the one who conspired to usurp the throne.

Originally, the officers and soldiers of the camp didn't listen to Han Xu very much, but when the guard gave an order, all the soldiers turned their backs one after another. This sudden change made Han Xu dumbfounded. Before he recovered, he was "loyal to him" "The captain of the guard and others also ran away without a trace, and he became a polished commander!

Didn't it mean that Han An conspired against him? Why did he become me, Han Xu?

Relying on the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses behind him, Han An yelled: "Han Xu, you disobedient, how dare you falsely preach the imperial decree and seek to usurp the throne, and you will be arrested soon!"

Han Xu was so frightened that he fell off the horse.

"Bound!" Han An gave an order: "All the soldiers follow me into the city to wipe out the rest of the rebellious officials and thieves, go!"

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