Great Zhou Tianzi

229 Gu Poison Backlash

When the little girl Mei Duo woke up, it was already daylight.

After waking up, the first thing she saw was Ji Jie with bloodshot eyes. Mei Duo was startled, and shrank in the corner with a frightened face, as if Ji Jie had done something wrong to her.

"You've woken up, let's see how you're going to get out of here!" Ji Jie said unhappily, he almost stayed up all night, it's no wonder he was in a good mood.

"Woooo, it's all you!" Xiao Niuer pointed to Ji Jie's nose and said.

"Hey, don't take revenge for your kindness, please!" Seeing her bite back, Ji Jie confronted her, "To ensure your safety, I didn't close my eyes all night, so it's fine if I don't thank you, and it's my fault!"

The little girl pursed her lips, tears welled up in her eyes, and said with a sobbing voice, "It's all you, you insist on letting me sleep, and I'll overdo it!"

I tell you to sleep and you sleep, why are you so obedient, I'm not your husband... This sentence came to my lips, seeing Mei Duo's pear blossoms with rain, Ji Jie couldn't say it.

"Okay, okay, don't cry!" Ji Jie quickly put on a smile, and said, "In a while, you can go out with me openly, and I guarantee that no one will doubt you!"


"Of course, I, Ji Jie, are known as an honest and reliable little bitch... No, little man!"

"OK then!"

"Clean up your clothes first!" Ji Jie pointed to Mei Duo's black coat and said, "You should take this one off, and go out wearing it. Even a fool can think that you are the thief from last night!"

Mei Duo nodded, pulled up the quilt to cover her body, and said with a pouted mouth, "Turn your head away!"

"Okay, okay, I listen to you!" Ji Jie turned around, and she began to undress in peace.

"Guest officer, breakfast is ready, please go down to eat!" The man's voice sounded outside the door.

"Understood!" Ji Jie replied, then turned around, and saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old Miao girl standing there, her two small hands twisted together unnaturally.

A perfect melon-seeded face, under the traditional French style of Miao girls, there are two curved eyebrows, a pair of incomparably agile eyes, a straight nose, small cherry lips, and the silky white hair on the pretty face. Flushed, Ji Jie began to admire the greatness of the Creator.

Seeing Ji Jie looking at her with burning eyes, Mei Duo lowered her head shyly.

"Hehe, it's not bad!" Ji Jie pointed to the copper basin in the room and said, "Wash your face, let's go down to eat together, remember, you have to listen to me no matter what you go out of this door, otherwise I can't Keep you safe!"

"Understood!" Mei Duo's voice was as small as a mosquito humming.

After washing her face, at Ji Jie's request, Mei Duo hugged his arm, and the two walked out of the room together with a very intimate look.

On a square table, the three brothers of the Xiong family each occupy one side, and the other side is reserved for Ji Jie.

"Ah?" The three of them exclaimed at the same time, why is there a little girl beside Junshang, seeing how close they are, it seems that their relationship is very unusual?

Not only the three of them, when Ji Jie and Mei Duo appeared here, they attracted everyone's attention.

"Hehe, I couldn't sleep after being woken up last night!" Ji Jie sat down with Mei Duo with a smile, wrapped her waist with one hand naturally, and continued: "I can't sleep anyway, so I went out for a stroll." I went shopping, I didn’t expect to meet such a beautiful girl, so I know..."

"Hey, I understand, I understand!" Xiong Bahan said with a smile.

"I understand too!" Xiong Kui had an ambiguous expression on his face, and he didn't deserve a beating.

"Your Majesty is mighty! I really admire you!" Xiong Ben simply gave a thumbs up.

Although Mei Duo was young, she understood Ji Jie's words, she was frightened back by his look when she was about to refute, so she could only sit obediently in his arms.

On the surface, Ji Jie said these words to the three brothers of the Xiong family, but in fact, he also said them to other diners and staff. Everyone was relieved, so it was so!Many people regretted it, and they were woken up last night, but why didn't they go out for a stroll like others, maybe they could also cheat a beautiful little girl back, tsk tsk, she is still a Miao girl, her skin is really white !

"Everyone, let's start eating!" Ji Jie said with a smile, "After eating, the three of you rest here, and Mei Duo and I will go out to do some errands!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

During the whole meal, Mei Duo barely moved her chopsticks, but her small mouth was always stuffed with food, which was all fed by Ji Jie.

After the meal, Ji Jie hugged Mei Duo's willow waist, walked out of the post station under the envious eyes of everyone, and the station official standing behind the counter shook his head and sighed: "This Miao girl came here a while ago and begged the head of the singing and dancing troupe to take her in." , It's a pity that people thought she was young, but I didn't expect her to..."

The boss's words did not continue, but everyone present understood the meaning.

As soon as she walked out of the post station, Mei Duo quickly jumped away from Ji Jie, blushing and whispered: "Thank you..."

"You're welcome!" Ji Jie looked at the shy girl and said, "Lead the way!"

"Lead the way? What way?"

"Of course it's where you live!" Ji Jie said with a smile, "I promised to keep you safe, and now you are safe. I also promised to help you, so how can you keep your word?"

"No, no, no..." Mei Duo shook her little hand and said, "I'm already very grateful to you, how can I ask you to help me again!"

"If I don't help you, do you have the money to treat grandma?" Ji Jie said earnestly: "If you don't have money to treat the disease, don't you still have to be accused of it? Your luck is not always so good, you can Have you met someone like me? Since you are grateful to me, thank you again, haha!"

Without any explanation, she took Mei Duo's little hand and walked forward.

Mei Duo struggled, but couldn't get rid of it no matter what, so she had to let it go, and was led away by him like a child who did something wrong.

After walking a few dozen steps, Ji Jie said meaningfully: "I don't know where your residence is. If you don't want to go wrong, you'd better tell me in advance where to go straight and where to turn!"

Mei Duo nodded slightly.

After a while, the two came to a dilapidated hut.

"Are you really going in?" Meadow asked this question for the third time.

"Of course!" Ji Jie stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, a musty smell came to his nostrils. There were only a few pieces of worn-out furniture in the hut, a table, a bed and two chairs of different sizes.

An old woman with gray hair was lying on the bed, and a ray of sunlight shone through the window on her wrinkled, dark room, which was the only light.

The old woman struggled to open her eyes, and she could tell that her eyesight was very poor, but she didn't see clearly that it was a man who came in, and said in a hoarse voice: "Duo'er is back, where did you go all night, grandma is very worried Woolen cloth!"

"Grandma!" Mei Duo walked quickly to the window, took the old woman's hand and said: "Someone is willing to help us, I will sell you medicine in a while!"

"It's useless!" Grandma tried her best to force a smile, and said, "Gu poison can't be cured by backlash, you know that!"

Gu poison backfires, what stuff?

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