Great Zhou Tianzi

239 guaranteed

The next day, the way Mei Duo looked at Ji Jie changed a lot, and she always stuck to him, like a little wife.

Ji Jie has nothing to do about it, he just looked at your body, why don't you act like I'm responsible to the end, such a cute little girl, it's too late for me to seduce you!

However, when Mei Duo took the initiative, Ji Jie felt a little uncomfortable!

Seeing the two of them like this, the three guys all laughed foolishly. They deserved to be the third brother. When they laughed, they were carved out of the same mold, and the silly smiles were fine. Ji Jie could clearly see some other smirks from it.

Last night, the Qin army surrounded Qin's ancestral house and detained all the people involved. The general believed that the treasure in the warehouse must have been hidden by a few old guys, so he did not order the whole city to search and arrest, but interrogated Qin Xuan and others.

Until dawn, Qin Xuan and the others did not "confess"!

Lord Qin became furious, and said viciously to the five people who were tied to the pillar: "I advise you to tell the truth quickly, otherwise the general will not be so polite to you, come here, bring up the torture tools!"

More than a dozen soldiers carried various instruments of torture and placed them in front of the five of them.

Qin Xuan groaned in his heart, he didn't know why the warehouse was empty, let alone the other four elders!

"General, we really don't know!" Qin Xuan said: "General, do you remember that there was a loud noise when you and I were confronting each other, and then when we went to the warehouse, there was a big hole by the door. Someone must have taken the opportunity to steal the treasure. Move away! Also, the guards of my Sifang Daku are in your hands, you can ask them about the warehouse in detail, I think they are related!"


"Let's get out of here immediately!" Ji Jie stood up and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I believe they will know that this matter has something to do with us right away, and they will have to spend a little time trying to get out when the city gate is closed! "

"Brother Jie, I'll listen to you!" Mei Duo also stood up immediately, holding his arm tightly, not caring at all that her very elastic chest was sticking to his body.

Ji Jie smiled wryly, and the three brothers followed suit with a smirk, and then prepared their horses to go on the road.

Not long after the five of them left the city, a group of messengers rushed to the gate of the city, shouting: "The general has an order, close the gate of the city quickly, conduct a large-scale search across the city, and arrest four men, one woman, and five young men in their 20s." People, hurry up!"

The city gate officer just wanted to say that these five people left the city a quarter of an hour ago, but on second thought, let it go, one thing more is worse than one thing less, lest the responsibility for the fruitless search be held on his head, then the gain outweighs the loss.

In this way, a vigorous city-wide raid was launched, and the result can be imagined.

"Your Majesty, shall we just go back to Xianyang like this?" Xiong Kui asked.

"Of course!" Ji Jie said with a smile: "I have taken away all the assets of the Qin family in Berkshire, and the pastures in the north are also under the control of Rouyue. It is estimated that Sister Qing's integration in Xianyang is almost completed. Alright, this time the King of Qin made a fool of himself! After suffering such a big loss, he will definitely not let it go, maybe he will take Sister Qing to the knife, we must go back and help her!"

The three brothers nodded, and the little girl pouted and said, "Sister Qing is so affectionate all day long, I want to see what kind of woman she is, worthy of Brother Jie's talking about her!"

A very strong vinegar smell!

Ji Jie laughed dryly, thinking that you will know when you see her, Sister Qing is not an ordinary woman.

Along the way, they encountered several groups of Qin soldiers, all of whom were rushing to Berkshire. One of them brought dozens of prison cars, which should be used to escort Qin Xuan and others.

"It deserves it!" Ji Jie spat at the prison car, and said, "This is what happens when you don't listen to persuasion, you old bastards, you can imagine how many times they have done things to Sister Qing before, they'd better be imprisoned." When we arrive in Xianyang, King Qin will kill them one by one, so as not to cause harm to the world! Let's hurry up!"

"Drive... drive!"

Without talking all the way, the five rushed to Xianyang and went straight to Qinqing's mansion.

When he reached the gate, Ji Jie frowned slightly, and whispered, "Xiong Kui, do you feel anything wrong?"

Xiong Kui replied calmly: "There are hundreds of people ambushing around, all hiding in the dark!"

Indeed, although these people are hiding in the dark, hundreds of eyes are shooting here, and careful people will find the clues.

"Hehe, it seems that King Qin Zhuang doesn't want to tear himself apart, let's go in!" As soon as Ji Jie entered the gate, Qin Qing came out of the living room to greet him.

"Brother is back, you've worked hard all the way!" Qin Qing's face was full of concern, and it could be seen that she had been worried about Ji Jie during the past few days.

"Hehe, everything is going well!" Ji Jie made an "ok" gesture and asked with a smile, "Has the King of Qin sent anyone to look for trouble these days?"

Qin Qing nodded and said: "I have made troubles several times in the open and in the dark, and I have sent people to closely monitor all my contacts with everyone in the mansion. The informant I planted in the army has reported that the king has ordered all the generals to guard against me. The Qin clan fled, especially me, and my portrait was distributed to the defenders at all levels! Once you find me, you will be arrested immediately and escorted back to Xianyang."

King Qinzhuang was ruthless enough to cut off the possibility of Qin Qing's escape.

"Let's go in and talk about it!" Qin Qing saw that there was an extra girl with Ji Jie at this time, at first she thought it was a maid from her own house.

On the way back, in order not to attract the attention of others, Ji Jie asked Mei Duo to dress up in a local costume. Not to mention, this little Miao girl would have a special flavor after wearing a Qin costume!

"This is?" Qin Qing asked with a smile.

"I'm Brother Jie's woman!" Mei Duo said without hesitation. From the first time she saw Qin Qing, she regarded her as her opponent. When she said that she was Ji Jie's woman, she was undoubtedly telling Qin Qing challenge.

"Oh, really?" Qin Qing looked at Ji Jie deeply.

Ji Jie cheekily laughed a few times, but did not answer her question directly, and the three brothers also laughed too much.

Qin Qing touched her chin with her snow-white hands, stared at Mei Duo and said, "I really don't know how I, as a sister, should answer when some younger sisters questioned me after I returned to Zhaocheng with you." They! Brother, you are too romantic, why do you always cheat some beautiful girls, are you not afraid of our opinions?"

Ji Jie immediately turned into a picture of Brother Pig, what is meant by "we have an opinion", which means that Qin Qing has put herself into the ranks of my women, wow ha ha!

"Sister Qing, with your words, I will never be flirtatious again in the future!" Ji Jie vowed, "Don't worry, I will only treat you well in the future, and I will never add more sisters, hehe!"

Qin Qing also realized that there was something wrong with what she said just now, so she blushed and said coquettishly: "Speak out loud, why don't you hurry into the room, is it fun to stand outside?"


The four animals laughed together, only Mei Duo didn't understand what these words meant.

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