Great Zhou Tianzi

241 Bloody Affair

The team escorting the Qin clan didn't move fast, they didn't arrive in Xianyang until three days later, and rumors spread throughout the city that the prince Zheng was not the son of King Qin Zhuang himself, it's so evil!

It didn't take long before it reached King Qinzhuang's ears. He was very angry at first, and then he calmed down and thought about it. Zhao Ji and him had indeed followed Lu Buwei before, and it was true that Ying Zheng was not a month old. Just born, is the rumor true?

Ask Zhao Ji first.

Of course Zhao Ji would not say that Ying Zheng is Lu Buwei's son. The two of them made a plan as early as 14 years ago. At that time, they thought of everything that might happen in the future.

King Qin certainly didn't want Yingzheng to be someone else's seed. Among his two sons, Cheng Qiao was inferior to Yingzheng in every aspect.

Then, Zhao Ji hurriedly met with Lu Buwei in secret.

"Hehe, don't worry!" Lu Buwei said to her with a smile: "I sent people to spread the rumors. Cheng Qiao's faction didn't have anything of value at all. The initiative is in my hands. This is called dredging!"

Zhao Ji patted her chest and said, "I was scared to death. I thought something was wrong! You really are, why didn't you say hello to me in advance, so I can be prepared!"

Lu Buwei smiled and said: "In that case, you will not be able to face the king with righteous words. It would be bad if you let him see the flaws! As long as this matter develops smoothly this time, our Zheng'er will be fine." He will ascend to the position of prince, and after a hundred years, my son will be the king of Qin!"

Zhao Ji rolled his eyes at him, and said in a charming voice: "I have suffered a lot for your great cause of stealing the country! Can you stay here for a while, I haven't received the favor of the Prime Minister for a long time..."

Hearing these words, Lu Buwei's forehead was sweating, he knew what Zhao Ji looked like on the bed too well, he had to be squeezed dry by her, my old bones can't stand the toss, so I better run away!

"I really want to stay with you, but I can't!" Lu Buwei said swearingly: "Rumors are spreading, and the king has begun to suspect that you and I have an affair. At this time, we must be careful! Also, I must always Sitting in the town, so as not to cause trouble, I will resign first, and I will talk about it when Zheng'er becomes the prince!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Buwei turned around and left, turning a deaf ear to Zhao Ji's shout.

"Two old things, don't want to stay!" Zhao Ji sat on the bed angrily, and whispered to herself: "It's been several days, and the master hasn't shown up yet. The servant's house is really empty!"

"Really?" Ji Jie's unique voice came from the window.

Zhao Ji was overjoyed, and rushed to the window in three steps at a time, opened the wooden window and said in surprise, "When the master will arrive, the slave family doesn't know at all!"

Let you know, am I still Ji Jie?He came here almost at the same time as Lu Buwei, and has been hiding outside the window to eavesdrop.

Now that Lu Buwei has agreed to cooperate, the next step is to pull Zhao Ji into his thief ship, and do both.

Ji Jie jumped into the room, Zhao Ji immediately helped him undress, and the two of them went straight to the topic.

After a big battle, Zhao Ji lay in his arms contentedly, and asked tenderly: "The master is here to find the slave family this time, what do you want to tell the slave family to do?"

Ji Jie was slightly taken aback, and asked with a smile: "How do you know that I must have something to do with you?"

"Isn't it?" Zhao Ji said while drawing a circle on Ji Jie's chest with her hand: "Every time the master shows up, he has something to tell the servant!"

"Hehe, smart!" Ji Jie lowered his voice and said his plan.

Zhao Ji listened very carefully, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling, she never doubted what Ji Jie said.


Rumors about Yingzheng spread all over the streets and alleys of Xianyang City, and became a topic that people talked about after dinner. After these days of rumors, many rumors were added to the rumors. For example, this incident came from the mouth of Prince Chengqiao, Absolutely believable and more.

At the very beginning, Cheng Qiao and Yangquan Jun's faction were so happy when they heard the news, they didn't know where to start to suppress Ying Zheng, but the more this matter spread, the more uncertain he became.

"Isn't this a trap?" Cheng Qiao asked.

Mr. Yangquan shook his head and said, "It's not surprising that people's rumors come from us! I think it's a good thing. No matter whether the rumors are true or not, the king will not pass on the position of crown prince to a person with doubtful identities. What do you say?" Woolen cloth!"

Cheng Qiao nodded.

Facing the increasingly serious rumors, King Qin Zhuang felt that he could no longer remain silent, so he called together a group of ministers to discuss the matter together.

Mr. Yangquan and others took the opportunity to suppress Yingzheng and Lu Buwei, and Lu Buwei's faction was so suppressed that they couldn't hold their heads up.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, what's the matter!" King Qin interrupted their argument impatiently, and said: "I also believe that Zheng'er is my own son, but the rumors among the people are so serious that we must let him go." Only by telling the truth can Youyou's mouth be blocked, can all the lovers have a good plan?"

Lu Buwei winked at a minister.

The minister's name is Ying Guan, and he obviously belongs to Yangquan Lord's faction, but he is actually an internal response arranged by Lu Buwei, who is responsible for reporting the news.He took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, I think the only way to stop the world's mouths is to confess your relatives with a drop of blood!"

Mr. Yangquan heard it right, but Ying Zheng's appearance is somewhat similar to Lu Buwei's. He might really be his son. It is the best way to recognize his relatives with a drop of blood.

"Okay, the widow also thinks it's feasible!" King Qin shouted: "Go pass on the prince's government, and prepare a tool to recognize your relatives with blood!"

"Yes!" A group of eunuchs were divided into two groups, one group went to Yingzheng's Prince's Mansion, and the other group carried up desks, porcelain bowls, daggers and spirits in a hurry.

Lu Buwei, who had been silent all this time, sneered, stepped forward and said, "Since everyone suspects that I am Wang Zizheng's father, I beg Your Majesty, let His Highness Wang Zizheng and I confess blood first, in order to return the old minister's innocence!"

"Okay!" Qin Zhuang Wang also wanted to know the result, and ordered: "Since this is proposed by Mr. Yingguan, he will operate it himself!"

"I obey!" Win Guan shouted loudly.

Lord Yangquan's faction naturally had no objection when they saw that the King of Qin asked "his people" to preside over blood recognition.

Ying Zheng didn't know what happened, and just as he finished saluting King Qin, Ying Guan handed over a sharp knife and said, "Prince, please!"

Lu Buwei also picked up a small knife and scratched his left index finger, a few drops of blood dripped into a bowl containing spirits.

Although Ying Zheng didn't understand what it was for, he did it.

Ying Guan picked up a bamboo branch, stirred it in the bowl and said, "If Wang Zizheng and Lu Xiangguo are father and son, their blood should be able to fuse together!"

Under the commentary of dozens of pairs of eyes, the blood and spirits of the two turned into a paste thicker than sesame paste. Lu Buwei smiled confidently, King Qin heaved a sigh of relief, and Lord Yangquan and the others stared wide-eyed. Eye!

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