Great Zhou Tianzi

248 Investigating and Secretly Visiting

Lu Buwei pretended that I really wanted to help you, which made it difficult for Ji Jie to make a choice.

If you refuse, Lu Buwei can use this as a reason to continue to delay; if you agree, it is obvious that this is a trap, and I am afraid there will be no return.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhaowen must hurry up!" Lu Buwei said with a smile: "Originally, the king meant to hand over the 1000 people to Prince Chengqiao, let him lead the army to suppress, and at the same time succeed the post of county guard. If you haven't thought about it yet, you really have no chance!"

Grandma, Ji Jie greeted all the women in Lu Buwei's ancestors in his heart!

"Don't think about it, I promise!" Ji Jie said blankly, "It's fine for me to lead troops to fight, but the title of general must be personally conferred by the King of Qin. Moreover, the King must promise me in front of all the officials." , the day of my triumph is also the time when the Qin clan regains their freedom!"

"No problem!" Lu Buwei agreed to his request on the spot, what is this, just mention a few more things and I will agree, anyway, these things will not count if you die!

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

After Ji Jie left, Lu Buwei said to himself: "Young man, you should be young when you fight with me. Qin is my territory, Lu Buwei, how can you let you act wild!"

Ji Jie also said a word before getting on the horse: "You're planning on me, you're almost there, just wait, there will be times when you regret it!"

Early the next morning, Ji Jie and Lu Buwei went to the hall to face the king together.

Ying Zheng sat on the king's dragon chair, and when he saw Ji Jie, his face was full of surprise.

"Jun... Why is Mr. Zhaowen here?" Ying Zheng was so excited that he almost said the original address to Ji Jie. Fortunately, he corrected it in time, and the officials did not notice anything wrong.

"Hehe, Lord Zhaowen Ji Jie pays his respects to the King of Qin!" Ji Jie saluted respectfully.

"Mr. Zhaowen is free!" Ying Zheng said hastily.

As for the relationship between Ji Jie and Ying Zheng, few people in Qin State knew about it, only Lu Buwei and a few core figures in his faction knew about it, so when the officials saw that the king was so enthusiastic about Ji Jie, they speculated one after another.

Lu Buwei stepped forward and recommended Ji Jie as the general, leading a thousand soldiers to conquer Dongjun.

Although the ministers were surprised, most of them were Lu Buwei's best friends. Many people began to help beat the drums, praising Ji Jie as a rare talent. If he is appointed as the general, he will surely succeed immediately.

However, this general is indeed a bit useless, he only commands a thousand soldiers, at most he can be regarded as a school lieutenant.

"Okay, since everyone believes in Mr. Zhaowen so much, I will order it!" Ying Zheng stood up and said in a loud voice: "Confer Mr. Zhaowen of the Great Zhou as General Yongwu of the Great Qin, and lead troops to suppress the civil uprising in Dongjun County!"

Then, Ji Jie proposed to release the Qin clan after returning from victory, and Ying Zheng readily agreed.

"Hehe, congratulations to Mr. Zhaowen!" Lu Buwei said insincerely, "Then my Majesty and I will be waiting for the news of the victory in Xianyang!"

"Thank you Xiangguo for your good words!" Ji Jie cupped his fists at Ying Zheng and said, "I'm going to leave tomorrow, now go back and prepare my luggage!"

"Please go ahead, General Bravery!" Ying Zheng was still so polite.

Back at Qin Mansion, Qin Qing and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"How about it?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I, Ji Jie, would be able to be the general of the Qin State!" Ji Jie laughed at himself: "If we set off tomorrow, I guess my thousand subordinates are all made up of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled! The boss, the second, the youngest, the three of you Come with me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The three brothers clasped their fists together.

"And me!" Mei Duo volunteered.

Ji Jie smiled wryly and said: "My eldest lady, what are you doing with me? Our men are going to fight, so it's inconvenient to take a girl with you!"

Mei Duo pouted and said, "I'll be able to help you. A year ago, my grandma and I lived in East County for a while, and we know the folk customs there very well!"

"is it?"

"Of course!"

"OK then!"


In order to ensure Ji Jie's safety, Qin Qing sent a hundred dead men she raised in Xianyang City to protect Ji Jie's safety.

"Be careful!" Qin Qing occasionally said before he left: "Lu Buwei has already started to kill, this trip is bound to be extremely dangerous, my brother must remember not to force anything, if it doesn't work, just go back the same way, let's think of other ways !"

Ji Jie nodded. He did this to prevent Qin Qing from worrying. His character determined that as long as he does one thing, he must succeed.

Just like what he thought, the thousand "elite soldiers" allocated by Lu Buwei were basically composed of the Huotou army, the supply troops, and a group of disabled soldiers. The combat effectiveness of such troops was extremely low, and they were slightly stronger than ordinary people. That's all.

Mei Duo's understanding of Dongjun was beyond Ji Jie's imagination, and it was really right to bring her here.

Dongjun is located in the southeast of Qin State, at the junction of Bashu and Sichuan. The ethnic structure here is complex, and the folk customs have always been strong. Since it was incorporated into the Qin State, civil disturbances have continued. Although the government has made great efforts to govern, it has had little effect. The mob riots have intensified in recent years. At that time, the three county guards died directly or indirectly due to civil unrest, and everyone in Qin State was shocked by it.

It's easy to deal with if it's just a group of mobs. The key is that these people are farmers when they pick up hoes, and they become bandits when they pick up knives and guns. You just showed your weapons, and they replaced the guys in their hands with hoes. How do you do that? Are you embarrassed to start?But as soon as you took back your weapon, this group of people showed their knives and guns and caught you off guard.

"So the behavior of the mob has been going on for generations, right?" Ji Jie asked.

Mei Duo nodded, and said: "That's it! The people of Dongjun are usually kind and friendly. People who don't know the inside story can't imagine what they will turn into when they turn their faces. It's terrifying! Let's use an analogy, just It's as if I've changed into a different person overnight!"

Since this character of being a citizen and a bandit has been deeply ingrained, there is no need to march in a hurry. Ji Jie ordered the troops to move forward slowly.

The distance of 20 miles can be reached in ten days according to the normal speed of travel. Ji Jie only walked two-thirds of it after walking for [-] days. Thirty miles a day, he would not go too much if he was killed. Lu Buwei sent people to go there many times. He came to urge him, but he prevaricated them with various reasons.

After dinner that day, Ji Jie began to assign tasks: "Xiong Kui, you stay and lead the troops to continue marching slowly! Duo Er, Xiong Ba Xiong Ben and I set off overnight. Let's sneak into Dongjun to find out the news and see where What the hell are the gangsters doing!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Second brother, although these old, weak, sick and disabled are not good enough to fight, they are still alive after all!" Ji Jie said earnestly: "If you can save one, it counts as one. Remember, don't act rashly when things happen. Be calm and adapt to all changes!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Xiong Kui will remember!"

After explaining this, Ji Jie led the three of them and rode out of the camp at night, heading towards Dongjun.

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