Great Zhou Tianzi

308 Ancestor of Crooked Talent

After shouting that sentence indistinctly, Cao Qiudao dragged his decadent body and walked towards Taniguchi. At this moment, a caravan arrived, and everyone was shocked when they saw him.

Cao Qiudao tried his best to make an ugly smile, and then fell to the ground.

Several people ran over quickly, gently lifted it, and slowly put it on the carriage. The coachman swung his whip, and the horse rushed forward with four hooves.


It rained for seven whole days, plus the time it took for the road to dry completely, the two armies of Da Zhou and Qin had lived in peace for more than half a month.

The generals like Ji Jian and Zhao Ling had long waited for the weather to clear up, and Ji Jie would order them to attack the border city of Qin.

It was Ji Jie's first time presiding over a military meeting in half a month, and the faces of all the generals were filled with undisguised joy. In their view, there was finally another battle to fight.

Ji Jie motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said with a smile: "It can be seen that everyone waiting is a little anxious, hehe, don't worry, there will be endless battles to be fought! Based on all kinds of information, Qin Jun took advantage of In these days of rain, 16 troops have been transferred from Bashu and Sichuan, plus the remaining 10 people in Yanping, and the original 28 defenders in the border town, the number of troops has reached [-]. Do you think there are? Can't finish the battle?"

"Your Majesty is wise!" All the generals shouted in unison.

With 28 versus [-], there was no trace of fear in the eyes of the generals. Instead, they were all enthusiastic. They were afraid that someone would be left behind when dispatching missions. If Ji Jie didn't have a custom of asking for a fight, the group of people would have been screaming.

The morale was high, and no one took the disparity in numbers seriously. There was only one belief in everyone's mind, that is: follow Jun Shang Ji Jie, it is impossible to lose the battle.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and dispatch the mission, everyone can't wait!" Ji Jian said the big guy's heartfelt voice.

"it is good!"

Just as Ji Jie was about to assign tasks, Sima Xueran came uninvited, holding something that looked like a national letter, and said: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Lu Buwei didn't know where he learned about Cao Qiudao's death, he said it was him. Do it!"

"What?" Ji Jie was furious, and grabbed the letter from Sima Xueran's hand. After unfolding it, it read: Da Zhou Jian Guo, Zhao Wen Jun Ji Jie personally signed, Qin and Zhou had no enmity at all, the battle between the two countries The cause was all due to Cao Qiudao, and Qin Prime Minister Lu Buwei arranged for an assassin to kill him. Since Cao Qiudao was dead, the King of Qin was willing to stop the war with Da Zhou, and the two countries would be happy forever.

Grass!Lu Buwei, an old fox with a thicker skin than the city wall, actually took the credit for killing Cao Qiudao on his own head. The most important thing is that he wrote this letter of credence in the tone of King Qin Yingzheng. The world does not know that Cao Qiudao Died at the hands of Ji Jie, it has nothing to do with Lu Buwei!

"Damn it!" Ji Jie threw the credential on the ground.

Ji Jian picked it up and took a look, then handed it to Zhao Ling. Everyone who saw it was filled with righteous indignation.

"Lv Buwei did pose a problem for us!" Sima Xueran said, "He just took advantage of the fact that the world didn't know who killed Cao Qiudao! Now that he has issued the letter of credence, I think Before that, many people must have been sent to spread the word that he killed Cao Qiudao in order to appease Zhao Wenjun, and people who don't know the truth will believe it!"

"Hahaha!" Ji Jie laughed and said, "I've never been convinced of anyone in terms of crooked talent. I admire Lu Buwei's actions! He knows that Qin Jun is no longer Zhou Jun's opponent on the frontal battlefield." , so put on a pacifist posture, if I insist on going my own way and continue to be an enemy, I will be reviled by the world!"

Ji Jian stepped forward and said, "That can't be so cheap, Lu Buwei!"

Ji Jie waved his hand, smiled wryly and said, "So what? Even if we send people around to clarify the facts now, it will take time. Send my order and issue an edict to the Qin State in the name of the Son of Heaven. Da Zhou agrees to stop the war. One Withdraw troops within a month, and let the Qin army retreat at the same time, otherwise, my Dazhou will regard it as a provocation and deal with it severely!"

After announcing the order, all the generals bowed their heads one by one. They finally had a chance to perform, but they said no, it was gone. I don't know when we will have to wait for the next time.

Lu Buwei was ecstatic after receiving the Great Zhou's edict. He didn't want the army to fall into conflict with the Great Zhou prematurely. The best choice at present is to accumulate strength and then dominate the world. How can a small Great Zhou be able to compete with the entire Zhou Dynasty? The world is competing!

"Ji Jie still takes himself seriously!" Lu Buwei shook the edict and said: "The emperor hasn't spoken to the princes and kings in such a tone for decades. Watch out for his whereabouts!"



Ji Jie chose a class teacher and had to find a suitable reason if he wanted to continue playing. It was a pity that Lu Buwei didn't give him any more reasons.

The retreat this time did not hit the Qin State's autumn wind, the situation is different, now it is estimated that they will not give it, not to mention that they did not capture as many prisoners as last time, Qin State does not have to consider covering up the fact of failure Based on these, Ji Jie directly ordered to go back to Zhaocheng without any stop on the way.

Sima Xueran accompanied Ji Jie on a white horse instead of a carriage.

There are a few beggars in the welcome crowd, which looks so abrupt,

Zhaocheng is now the number one city in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The residents in the city live and work in peace and contentment. There have been no beggars on the streets for a long time.

Sima Xueran noticed those people, and thought that these beggars could pass the strict interrogation at the city gate, they must have escaped from other countries, and it was enough to find a chance for the city supervisor to arrange work for them, they were all capable. People with feet will never go hungry as long as they work hard.

She didn't notice that one of the beggars secretly glanced at her several times.

A group of people walked into the city mansion, and several beggars made a detour behind them, and one of them asked the other: "See clearly this time, Sima Xueran and Ji Jie are back together! Lu Xiangguo, who went out, can tell you, if you can't complete the task If not, just wait and go to Yincao Difu to find your family!"

"The villain knows what to do!" The man bowed again and again.

"Be careful!" Several beggars walked towards one side, leaving only the one who bowed.

He is Sima Jing, and those people just now were sent by Lu Buwei to monitor him. After he was released from the prison that day, he came to Da Zhou soon. As for the mission, only he and Lu Buwei knew.

Sima Jing looked viciously at the direction where a few guys disappeared just now. Once upon a time, these people were not worthy to lift their shoes, but now they have become the masters who give orders. Pooh!

But thinking that his family was still under Lu Buwei's control, he had to do what those people said. He walked around to the main gate of the city mansion again, picked up a brick from the ground, and threw it at his head.

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