Great Zhou Tianzi

316 Let's fight, let's fight!

"No, you can't go!" Tian He's voice raised an octave.

Lin Zibiao sneered and said, "Why, does General Tian think he has the ability to keep me and my tens of thousands of people here?"

There was a sense of tension in the military tent, Tian He was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said: "I didn't mean that, and it's not like you don't know that Ji Jie has occupied Xiaonan City, and the line from Xiaonan City to Nanlu City is all in Ji Jie's hands. How can you return to the Chu country under the control of you?"

"What does General Tian mean?" Lin Zibiao's tone softened a lot.

Tian He said: "What I mean is that if we work together to defeat Ji Jie, I can make up for my mistakes, and it won't delay your return to help Dachu. Since there is such a good thing, why not do it?"

Lin Zibiao's expression changed again, becoming more icy than before, and said: "Besides, I have a better way to leave, so I don't need to worry about General Tian, ​​goodbye!"

Tian He wanted to stop Lin Zibiao, but before his outstretched hand touched him, he was frightened by Lin Zibiao's sharp eyes. Until he left here, Tian He didn't take back his hand.

"I don't believe it. Neither of them is Ji Jie's opponent. You alone can cross the Zhou army's defense line and return to Chu!" Tian He said angrily: "When you regret it, just wait and cry. Beg me to join hands with you again!"

In fact, Lin Zibiao is also a bit crooked, why is he so sure that he can bring the Chu army back to Chu country, because he has already sent someone to contact Ji Jie.

Ji Jie agreed that as long as Lin Zibiao really wanted to withdraw to Chu, he would not stop him.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. The Chu army could not resist the attack of the Qin army at all, and lost several battles in succession. Not to mention the loss of soldiers and generals, it also lost several cities. All the anger was poured on the Chu people.

Just when Tian He thought that Lin Zibiao must turn back, the scouts reported that [-] Chu troops had crossed the Zhou army's defense line, and they had only seen passing through Xiaonan City and Nanlu City, but Ji Jie ignored it.

"How could this be?" Tian He exclaimed.

How could this not be the case? Ji Jie weighed the pros and cons. Although he said that he would win the battle with the Chu people, but the old saying goes that if you lose one thousand enemies, you will hurt yourself eight hundred. If you want to eat one hundred thousand Chu troops, your side How much will it cost?

God knows whether it is 1 people or 2 people!

Let them go back, and they will immediately pick up fire with Qin Jun. Qin State is the biggest obstacle to the domination of the world during the Great Zhou Dynasty. Let Chu Jun go back and fight Qin Jun. The more people die, the better!

A few counselors in the Qi army thought of this, and Tian He blew his beard and stared angrily. He never thought that Ji Jie would let Lin Zibiao go.

"Damn it, the Chu people are unreliable!" Tian He slapped the table and said bitterly, "The military expenses for the expedition, the pension for the dead soldiers, and the bribery of Li Yuan, add up to more than 50 taels of gold. This is the exchange for one hundred thousand Chu troops! They are lucky, as soon as they hear that their country is in trouble, they turn around and leave, and our country of Qi will pay a big loss!"

A counselor reminded: "General, I don't think it's right to pursue the people of Chu for being unkind, but how to fight the next battle. The combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level. A good strategy can win!"

Of course Tian He knew this, and he tried to mount the only remaining rack riprap rack on a high platform, hoping that this would keep the shocking shells farther away.

This is the huge difference between what you make yourself and what you buy. Although the six countries can now produce some new weapons, you can use them as you have been taught. It is difficult to use your imagination on them. .

This is nothing if it is put on Ji Jie, such as reducing the amount of charge and steel balls inside the shell, and after "slimming down", it can fly farther, but it is just a sacrifice of a little lethality, or more than a dozen Throwing several thunderbolts tied together can also cause great damage to concentrated ground personnel targets.

Because there was another team stationed outside Xiaonan City, Tian He didn't dare to besiege the city. Last time, he was too impatient and suffered from the cooperation between the inside and the outside.

He chose to choose, and he decided to attack from the west gate, because this is the farthest from the Zhou army stationed outside the city. He specially allocated 4 people to set up ambushes in the north and south of Xiaonan City to prevent the reinforcements from the Great Zhou that came during the siege.

In order to win the First World War, Tian He ordered the dismantling of the camp originally located on the border between Qi and South Korea. The 3000 defenders in the four border cities were reduced to 12, and only 4 people were left in each city. The total force in his hands exceeds [-]. Excluding the [-] people used for defense, it should not be a problem to use [-] troops to attack the west gate of a small town!

Tian He cast a wide net, and when he learned that Ji Jie's tens of thousands of people stationed in Nanlu City had no sign of returning to help, he resolutely ordered an attack.

Six catapults were placed on a specially built earthen high platform. Following Tian He's order and roaring, six shells were thrown out, flying in the sky for a few seconds before landing, and three landed outside the moat. One fell into the river, one hit the city wall but did not explode, and the other flew into the city scraping against the city wall, blowing down a building.

"Hahaha, that's great, keep going, let Zhou Jun have a taste of being bombed this time!" Tian Hele was almost dancing!

Seeing this, Xiong Kui, the lord of the city, said to the side general in a disdainful tone: "There are only a few trebuchets in total, so I am ashamed to show them off and order the artillery to bomb them!"

The artillerymen under the city wall took out special shocking shells to replace the original ones. One rapid fire was 24 shells, and they hit the earth platform one by one, and blasted them to the ground together with the trebuchet above.

At the moment they were attacked, they didn't have time to release the second round of shells.

"Damn it!" Tian He pulled out his long sword and shouted, "Warriors, charge me! The first one to climb to the top of the wall will be rewarded with a hundred taels, and the first one hundred to rush up will be rewarded." Twelve, go!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, Qi Jun let go of the girls and rushed towards Xiaonancheng desperately.

Xiong Kui still had that unhurried expression, and ordered: "The artillery fires intensively, and the archers are also ready!"

In order to kill more enemies, Xiong Kui decided to change the attack method of the long-range artillery from a linear attack to an area attack. In this way, the coverage ability of the artillery will be greatly reduced, and the Qi army will think of their bravery Beat the artillery fire, because they are infinitely close to the city wall.

Xiong Kui's purpose is to bring some people closer, and then use thunderbolt bullets and crossbow arrows to solve them. When he understands this, it will be too late. If you rush forward, you will die, and if you retreat, you will die.

Kept in the dark, Tian He didn't know that this was a trick, and thought it was the result of a heavy reward. The advance of the vanguard was very fast, and it was almost at the edge of the moat.

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