Great Zhou Tianzi

330 Standing on the sidelines

Li Yuan put on a humble look, sent several letters of credence one after another, and sent envoys, which made King Qi very happy.

"Your Majesty the King of Qi, Li Yuante, Grand Marshal of Zuo Xiangguo and Marshal of the State of Chu, invites you to meet at the border town of Chu State!" The envoy of Chu State stood in the court hall of Qi State and said respectfully: "For the previous For the misunderstanding between the two militaries, I am willing to offer the highest standard of apology, and I hope you will be there!"

Just as King Qi was about to agree, Xiangguo Tiankang stepped forward and said, "Since you are apologizing to Daqi, how can you let my king go to the border town of Chu? If Li Yuan is sincere, why doesn't he come to the capital of Daqi? "

The envoy of the State of Chu said neither humble nor overbearing: "I, the King of Chu, is too young to apologize to the King of Qi in person. This time, Li Xiangguo not only represents himself, but also represents our king and queen mother! Does Tian Xiangguo think it is appropriate to meet in Linzi City?"

Old Tian Kang blushed, and said: "Then at least we should arrange the border town of Qi State as the meeting place!"

The envoy of Chu State nodded and said: "No problem! In fact, Li Xiangguo has already considered this point, but he was afraid that His Majesty King Qi would not give me the face of Chu State, so he proposed to meet in a border town of our country! Since His Majesty King Qi intends to meet with me Our country is well restored, so we will meet in the territory of Qi State according to Tian Xiangguo's construction, and I will go back and inform Li Xiangguo immediately, please confirm the meeting place immediately, we will leave soon!"

"Okay, see you in the border town!" King Qi rushed ahead of Tian Kang and said, "I hope I can see Li Xiangguo's sincerity then!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely not disappoint you!"

In fact, before the envoys of Chu State set off, Li Yuan had already made preparations. He had placed manpower in all three border towns that King Qi might choose. Except for a small number of spies, the rest were all assassin.

In the end, King Qi chose to meet Li Yuan in a border town called Kangcheng.

In the Palace of King Qi, the queen looked at the proud King Qi and said, "Mother, I always feel that something is wrong with Li Yuan's actions this time. How could Qi Guo's attitude change so much?"

King Qi waved his hand and said: "Mother, it's not the child who is talking about you, you must be overthinking this time! Although Ji Jie is hateful, he has always kept his promise. He said that we will not fight if he says he won't fight for a year. Li Yuan is afraid that Lu Buwei will violate the border again while he is not paying attention, which reflects the importance of Daqi, otherwise he will not be humble, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely let Li Yuan remember Live, never be arrogant!"

The queen nodded, thinking in my heart, I hope you can realize this point yourself. Dazhou and Qin are both countries of tigers and wolves. Qi is not an opponent. No matter whether it is Qi or Chu, whoever is arrogant will win. must perish!

"You must be more careful when you go this time, and bring more guards!" The queen confessed.

"I know, I know!" King Qi nodded vigorously on the surface, but he didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, the meeting place this time is still within the territory of Qi State, and there will be no danger.

The two parties agreed to meet in the border town ten days later. King Qi couldn't wait, so he set off early and arrived there on the sixth day.

Li Yuan was ecstatic when he received the news that King Qi had arrived at the border town. He had been worried that King Qi would arrive there on the last day, so he would find an excuse for his lateness, because he could not appear in the city while assassinating King Qi , in that case he will be the first suspect.

"Haha, it's exactly what I want!" Li Yuan lowered his voice and said to a person beside him, "Are you ready in all aspects?"

"Master, don't worry, it's already ready!" The man said with a sly smile, "Our manpower has already secretly sneaked into all the big and small cities of Qi State. As soon as King Qi dies, various rebellions will spring up like mushrooms after rain. Come on, the people of Qi will not be able to control the situation, and our army will occupy Linzi City in the shortest possible time, and then it will be a good show that the generals of Qi State who were bribed by us will lead the crowd to express their allegiance to Chu State!"

"Okay, great!" Li Yuan was so happy that he almost didn't jump up. He rubbed his hands and said, "Make sure that those generals who have been bribed will not repent at the critical moment. When we rush into Linzi and kill the old woman after the king , the country of Qi belongs to me, Li Yuan!"

The man quickly flattered him and said: "After occupying Qi, Lord Xiangguo can proclaim himself King of Qi, and then abolish the little king of Chu, and the land of Qi and Chu will belong to you! Then lead the soldiers of the two countries to attack Da Zhou, destroy Qin, and unify The world!"

"Hahaha!" Li Yuan laughed arrogantly, as if he was already the master of the world.

"Master, when will we do it?"

"Night of the ninth day!" Li Yuan said in a deep voice, "I will send someone to inform King Qi tomorrow that I will arrive on the afternoon of the tenth day, and tell him not to worry! You must get things done the night before. , so no one will suspect that I sent someone to do it!"

"Master, don't worry, nothing will go wrong!"


Based on the latest information from all parties, Ji Jie had to agree with Sima Xueran's judgment that King Qi was dead.

"Are you really not going to stir up the muddy water?" Sima Xueran asked.

Ji Jie shook his head and said: "There are only advantages and no disadvantages in staying out of this matter. Let Li Yuan and the others make a fuss, the more fierce the better!"

"But in this way, the state of Qi will be in chaos, and it will not be easy for Li Yuan to swallow up the state of Qi in a short time!" Sima Xueran said worriedly: "The state of Qin will definitely take advantage of the situation and attack from behind. Chu State, and Chu State is too busy swallowing Qi, unable to withstand the attack of Qin State, Lu Buwei is likely to be the fisherman who will benefit in the end!"

"This is the result I was waiting for!" Ji Jie looked mysterious, he didn't intend to tell Sima Xueran what he was thinking right now.


King Qi had a good time in the border town. Before he arrived, the guards here had prepared no less than ten kinds of entertainment items, and even recruited a group of graceful dancers around, plus a group of people who were good at flattering people. .

The king of Qi was drunk and dreamed of death. In Linzi, because of the eyeliner of the king and queen, he never dared to leave the palace for half a step. Occasionally, he played a song and dance to cheer him up, and he would be scolded as a person who was greedy for pleasure.

Therefore, this place, which is regarded as a place where no shit is seen by others, is seen by King Qi as a fairyland on earth.

It's a pity that he has no luck.

That night, as soon as he fell asleep with his arms around two beauties, he was drunk and hacked to death by a group of men in black who rushed in. Dozens of guards also failed to escape. When they knew it, their throats were cut, or they were stabbed in the back of the heart and died. The very few who could respond were hacked to death before they could make a sound.

Then, dozens of torches were thrown over, and the skyrocketing fire followed.

When the border town guard received the news, the houses here were almost burnt down, and a group of soldiers tried their best to snatch out a few people who had already been burnt beyond recognition. Which one is King Qi?

who knows?

no one knows!

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