A squad of more than a hundred Qin soldiers rampaged through the city of Berkshire. They were well-equipped and highly skilled in martial arts. After encountering them, two Zhou troops with the same number were all killed.

"Damn it!" Xiong Ben scolded: "Berg County City must have a secret passage leading to the outside, otherwise how could these people appear in the city!"

The general said indifferently: "It's just a hundred-man team. I'll lead people to destroy them right away. Just wait and see, General Xiong!"

After finishing speaking, Pianjiang led his troops towards the place where the sound of commotion came from. Xiong Ben didn't doubt Pianjiang's ability at all. You must know that he has thousands of elites in his hands, which is more than enough to deal with a hundred people.

But even if this team is killed, the three most important strategic materials, shells, gunpowder and arrows, have been blown up. What can they use to fight the Qin army? At that time, they will just throw shells into the city , is enough to send all the defenders inside to the west.

In addition, only the people of Qin knew the secret way that day, and they could send people in whenever they wanted to. These small groups of enemies are exhausted.

And not long after the explosion, the Qin army's siege troops began to retreat.

"Damn, I really didn't expect to encounter such a thing!" Xiong Ben was in a great mood, and he punched the city wall. He originally wanted to show off his ability to defend the city in front of Ji Jie. deficit.

"Pass my order, the generals and schools will lead the troops to withdraw from Berkshire alternately, and destroy all the equipment that cannot be taken away before withdrawing!" Xiong Ben made a very helpless decision: "After the general leads the troops, all The order will be executed immediately!"


It was the north gate that was attacked just now. The Zhou army withdrew from the west gate one after another, and the destination was Shu County in the west. The secret road outside the city, otherwise Shu County will follow in the footsteps of Ba County.

Qin Jun did not pursue Zhou Jun, Wang Jian smiled and said to the generals around him: "Now you know what's going on, this is called bloodless soldiers! Hehe, of course, many soldiers died in feints, but Their deaths are absolutely worthwhile. After occupying Berkshire, Shu County has become an isolated island. If Zhou Jun sticks to it, no matter how many people there are, they will die there, because their supply line has been completely cut off by me! Of course, they can choose to retreat, but in this way, the advantage they had before will be gone, and Ji Jie will not get any benefits!"

"General Wang is wise!" All the generals began to flatter.

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear, Wang Jian also can't jump out of this circle.

It's just that there is one thing he didn't expect, that is, Xiong Ben has been with Ji Jie for a long time, and he is more or less affected by his style of doing things. What aspect is it specifically?

The answer is: not playing cards according to common sense.

Although Xiong Ben didn't know how much the loss of Bajun would affect Shujun, he saw that Wang Jian was desperate to get Bajun, so he would use all means to do so. He thought that since you want so much, I can't completely I leave it all to you.

When Xiong Ben led his troops to retreat, he came up with an idea: "Everyone, set fire to me, set all the houses in the city on fire, and leave nothing to the people of Qin!"

Then, black smoke rose everywhere in the city, Zhou Jun all withdrew, and the fire burned for a whole night.

The next day, Wang Jian stood in the ruins of Berkshire, looking at the piles of blackened bricks and the empty streets, he just wanted to scold his mother, but in front of so many subordinates , he held back.

"Damn Zhou Jun, he actually set fire to the city!" He gritted his teeth and said, "There is no meaning here anymore. The army is marching towards Shu County. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen again!"

In fact, yesterday Wang Jian received a report of a fire in the city. He thought it was caused by the previous bombardment. The sporadic small fires were nothing to worry about, so he didn't take it seriously. He didn't realize it until the night when the fire was burning. It was too late at that time, and it was too late to save him.

"Send the battle report to Xianyang!" Wang Jian threw an envelope to the messenger and said, "Tell Lu Xiangguo to arrange for the general to replenish his troops and supplies!"


In the battle report, Wang Jian didn't say a word about him sitting and watching the burning of Bajun City, he only said that he won the city, and by the way, asked for credit for the soldiers.


The situation in front of him made Xiong Ben gasp. There are four or five secret roads leading out of the city in a small Shu County, some of which were dug by the government and some were dug by private individuals.

"I thought it would be easy to be a general, but now it seems that I am not that kind of material!" Xiong Ben sat down on the big tent of the Chinese army, and said to himself: "Fortunately, I didn't eat too much this time. It's a shame, otherwise I will definitely be scolded by the emperor, I'd better resign on my own initiative, so as not to increase the casualties!"

In the artillery battle yesterday, both Zhou and Qin had casualties, not many, just a few hundred people.


When Ji Jie returned to the Zhou army camp, the first thing he did was to dismiss Ji Xueling as a general. At the same time, Chen Yao and Sima Xueran were also dismissed, and an order was given to the three armies.

The three girls sat in front of Ji Jie with their heads bowed. He didn't speak, and none of the three dared to speak first.

Since the establishment of the New Zhou Army by Ji Jie, it has never suffered such a big loss. In one battle, more than 7 people were killed, which is more than twice the total number of deaths since Ji Jie took charge of the army. The three of them Of course he knows the seriousness of the matter.

"Why are you all drooping your heads? Come on, raise your heads up and give me a laugh!" Ji Jie looked at the three girls with a hooligan look on his face.

The three women thought that Ji Jie would reprimand them severely, but just now he dismissed the three of them with a black face in front of all the soldiers, why did he turn into a playful smile in a blink of an eye?

They looked at each other, but no one dared to speak.

"Three wives, I've scared you, hey, my husband, I can't apologize to you!" Ji Jie couldn't help saying that he picked up Ji Xueling and let her sit on his lap, then hugged Chen Yao and Sima from left to right. Xue Ran's willow waist smiled and said: "Don't be angry anymore, let me tell you the truth, just now it was a scene in front of everyone, only in this way can you get out and perform more important tasks for your husband!"

"Really?" Chen Yao asked cautiously.

"Of course!" Ji Jie nodded and said, "It's not your fault that you lost to Wang Jian. That kid's intelligence is not inferior to mine. Only I can deal with him. But, the three of you have special identities, no matter where you appear To attract the attention of others, so I will remove you from your post, so that it will be much more convenient for you to go to Qi country again!"

"Qi State?" The three girls questioned at the same time. Isn't Qin State the main attack direction now? What's the matter with Qi State?

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