Great Zhou Tianzi

347 Cao Qiudao Appears

After the king and queen issued a proclamation to submit to the Great Zhou, the whole country of Qi was elated, and those cities that were still in the hands of the generals of the Qi army also opened their gates wide, and joined the common people to welcome the Zhou army to take over.

Ji Jie was very excited when he received the news. Qi State is the most affluent place in the Central Plains. It not only has several seaside salt fields, but also the land is fertile and rich in products. If he wins Qi State, he will no longer have to worry about the future.

At that time, Li Yuan was coveting the wealth of Qi State, and now he made a plan to embezzle it. Now it seems that he was stealing chickens but not eating rice. Yi, if he hadn't messed around here, the queen and the old officials of Qi would not have declared their surrender so easily, and they would not have been so determined.

Since then, all the land in the north has been in the hands of Ji Jie, and his sphere of influence has covered more than [-]% of the original Seven Kingdoms.

The implementation shows that his strategy of letting Ji Xueling's three daughters move to Qi State is correct. The two-pronged approach has accelerated the pace of world domination. If Li Yuan takes control of Qi State before starting, it will be too late, at least it will not be like So smooth now.

After the state of Qi belonged to the Great Zhou, the domestic environment was surprisingly stable. This had a lot to do with Ji Xueling's strict requirements on military discipline. Ji Jie made timely adjustments to the strategy here and asked her to still hand over the main defense tasks to the old Qi army. After the Zhou army assembled, it approached the state of Chu.


Wang Jian thought that after he retreated to Xianyang, Ji Jie would fall into an unembarrassing situation, but later he found out that he was wrong. Ji Jie's life did not become more difficult because of a battle, but on the contrary. Very moisturizing.

To be honest, there is indeed a shortage of Zhou Jun's supplies, and the transportation lines are often robbed by the Qin Jun, but who made him have enough space in the Xumi Ring? Walking around the warehouse, the originally empty warehouse was immediately taken by everyone. All kinds of materials are piled full.

In Xianyang City, the return of Wang Jian made everyone, including Yingzheng and Lu Buwei, full of confidence in this war. They firmly believed that driving Zhou Jun out of Daqin was an inevitable result, and the rest was just a matter of time.

Wang Jian was also full of confidence, but he couldn't sleep in the dead of night. He always felt that next time Ji Jie would appear in a place he didn't expect, and he would be caught off guard.

On this day, Lu Buwei entertained the meritorious generals with wine, first promoted their military ranks, and then generously rewarded them with gold, silver, beauties, land and property, and spent a lot of capital.

Wang Jian accepted the rewards of ten beauties, thousands of hectares of fertile land and ten thousand taels of gold, and Lu Buwei also personally presented him with two luxurious mansions, which made him feel more honorable.

A few anxious generals carried the beauties they had just acquired to the side hall to have sex, and they still stayed here to drink when they were determined.

During the dinner, Lu Buwei got up and went to the toilet.

After draining the water, he felt relaxed, Lu Buwei shook his head with a wry smile, and tied his belt. Time is not forgiving, and I can't hold back after only drinking a little wine. It seems that I need to find a chance to make up for it.


A gust of wind blew behind him, and he turned around vigilantly, but there was nothing behind him.

"I'm a bit suspicious!" Lu Buwei fastened his belt and was about to go out when a voice that seemed to come from underground rang in his ears.

"Lu Xiangguo is right, I am a ghost now!"

"Who?" Lu Buwei broke into a cold sweat, trying to determine the direction of the speaker.

"Don't look for it, if I don't want to show up, even if Lu Xiangguo blinds your eyes, you won't be able to find my hiding place!"

The voice was hoarse, as if it was coming from the ground, it made everyone who heard it shudder, even though Lu Buwei had seen the world, he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart.

"What are you doing?" Lu Buwei asked in a trembling voice.

"Of course it is to pay the bill!"

"Pay the debt? What debt?" Lu Buwei's body began to shake.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to take my life!" The owner of the voice let out a sinister laugh and said, "I took 30 taels of gold from Mr. Xiangguo to kill someone, but I failed to complete the task after taking the money. Why do you say I came? But, I don’t hesitate to sacrifice my life to complete the task, but some people don’t appreciate it, and for some ulterior purpose, spread the word that I died at his hands!”

Lu Buwei's heart began to beat wildly, 30 taels, one life, Cao Qiudao?

Didn't Cao Qiudao die? Lu Buwei believed in this matter, thinking that he sent someone to find out what happened at that time. Cao Qiudao was ambushed by Ji Jie, and finally committed suicide, and his body was buried!

Could it be that someone is playing tricks?Lu Buwei confirmed this idea.

"I know what Mr. Xiangguo is thinking now, you think I'm dead, then well, I will reluctantly come out to see you!" The voice disappeared, and a ghost-like person appeared in front of Lu Buwei out of thin air.

Lu Buwei was startled, and saw the man slowly take off his veil, revealing a pale, bloodless face.

It was Cao Qiudao. Although Lu Buwei had never met him and Sima Jing was in charge of contacting him at the time, he could still judge from Sima Jing's description of his appearance, yes, it was him!

"You must be wondering why I'm still alive!" Cao Qiudao's voice was still so gloomy. It stands to reason that he used this voice deliberately when he was hiding in the dark before. The voice is still the same.

He stretched out his hand to untie the scarf around his neck, revealing a shocking scar. He pointed to the scar and said, "This kind of injury is enough to kill someone, but it can't kill me. It just hurt my vocal cords! Mr. Xiangguo, I think This scar should be worth the 30 taels of gold, right?"

"Yes, yes..." Lu Buwei nodded subconsciously, he was afraid that if he said something wrong, he would offend the evil star in front of him.

"Hehe, I know Mr. Xiangguo is a very generous person!" Cao Qiudao put on his scarf again and said, "But no matter what, I couldn't complete the task, so this task will continue! Of course, for this task I The Cao family paid a huge price, shouldn't Lu Xiangguo offer some compensation?"

"Yes, yes! How much do you want..." Lu Buwei asked tremblingly.

An ugly smile appeared on Cao Qiudao's face, and the temporary scenes of his tribe flashed through his mind one by one. He said, "I want 50 taels of gold this time! Of course, after I kill Ji Jie and Qin rule the world , Those saltworks are still mine, what do you think?"

Lu Buwei wiped off his sweat and said, "No problem, as long as you can kill Ji Jie!"

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