lend me your genes

Chapter 2 Huai City Catastrophe

Chapter 2 Huai City Catastrophe
A year ago, a catastrophe broke out in Huai City, which attracted worldwide attention.

This disaster caused a vibrant new first-tier city to quickly fall to the third-tier city, and its economic ranking fell from the top of the country to just outside the top [-], and it continued to fall.

The surviving population frantically fled to other cities. Huai City has ten floors and nine empty buildings. At night, the lights of the residents are dark, and it is so miserable that it is almost reduced to a ghost town. Even when people hear the name of Huai City, they will feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts. .

Because that represents death, whining and madness.

Li Yiqi's face was expressionless, and she said slowly: "You mean, she was parasitized by parasites?"

"Yeah, although the symptoms are different, but you know that now that gene editing technology is so advanced, it is not impossible for rotten people to breed a new type of parasite!"

"And have you noticed that the anchor has white spots on the other half of his face, isn't this a symptom of parasites?!"

"is it?"

Li Yiqi didn't pay attention to whether the other party had white spots. Hearing what he said, she immediately rewinded the video and watched, and found that there was indeed a very inconspicuous white spot on the half of her face without makeup...

After the two talked a few more words, Li Yiqi hung up the phone with a heavy heart.

Holding his mobile phone, he subconsciously searched for news about Huai City a year ago.

[Warning, a new type of parasitic disease has appeared in our city, do not touch cats and dogs!Do not eat raw food!Do not drink unboiled water! 】

[The water used in the city's tap water pipes has been completely polluted. 】

[Anthelmintics in pharmacies are ineffective against this parasitic disease, please do not loot them, if any family members have symptoms, please tie them up firmly and wait for rescue! 】

【Xingjiang River and other rivers are polluted by parasites, warning!Don't go into the water!Don't go into the water! 】

What broke out in Huai City was a terrifying parasitic disease.

That kind of parasite can parasitize on fish, cats, dogs, and birds, and the ultimate host is human beings. The parasitic host is just like the mantis parasitized by the wireworm. It is extremely thirsty for water, and the symptom is thirsty water. Drowning, whether it's a swimming pool, a river, or a bathtub at home.

Li Yiqi swiped her fingers, browsing through the tragic news photos.

——The dog corpse salvaged from the Xingjiang River in the early days, the body of the yellow dog was stiff, the hair was wet, and a wriggling black worm emerged from its ear.

——The man was tied to the chair, his neck and cheeks were flushed, the veins all over his body twisted and collapsed, and he struggled crazily. A large number of black maggots squirmed out of his nostrils and ears, disgusting and terrifying. The wife and children next to him were powerless. cry.

——In the setting sun, there are dumpling-like floating corpses on the Nejiang River. An old man in a kayak is fishing for corpses in the stagnant Nejiang River, his face full of ravines is numb and desperate.

Li Yiqi put down her phone and looked out the window at the giant mosquitoes flying in the dark.

In the 21st century, scientists will be able to copy the light-emitting gene of fireflies to mice and breed transgenic mice with light-emitting soles. In the 23rd century, this technology will only become stronger and stronger.

Palm-sized flower mosquitoes, what are iron nematodes that specifically target humans?More terrifying things have appeared abroad.

Human beings have mastered the scalpel that only God has. Some people hold it and use it to benefit mankind, and some people use it to do evil things... This world may become more and more chaotic.

Li Yiqi used her mobile phone to make an appointment for a medical examination for four people, and the appointment time was 10:[-].

"Li Yiqi, are you awake? I heard movement in your room."

The bedroom door was knocked twice, and grandpa's voice came in.

Li Yiqi raised her voice and replied: "Get up——"

"Get up and change the screens with me. The screens in the kitchen have to be replaced with wire gauze, otherwise the mosquitoes will get through."

"Oh, here we come."

Li Yiqi put on her clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

It doesn't take much effort to change the screens, he can do it by himself, Li Yiqi asked his grandfather to stand by, and changed them by himself.

"Why did you get up so early today?" Xu Yingxiang asked him curiously.

"Woke up by mosquitoes."

"Oh...you have to close the window when you sleep, and you have to close the window tightly when you sleep in the future. Now that the mosquitoes have entered the community, it will not be easy to go out in the future." Xu Yingxiang muttered a few words with emotion, and then asked him, "Want to eat in the morning?" Dumplings or noodles? Grandpa will make them for you now."

"I want to eat beef noodles."

"Okay, I'll do it right now. The steamed buns are almost ready, let's eat a few buns to fill our stomachs."

Xu Yingxiang turned around and went into the kitchen. There was a very tall steamer in the kitchen. He picked up the steamer and used tongs to take out a dozen or so big steamed buns for Li Yiqi. Each bun was as big as the mouth of a bowl.

With so many buns, even a pig would have to be fed, but the seemingly thin Li Yiqi ate them up easily, as if she was still not full after eating.

Xu Yingxiang cooks very neatly, and quickly cooked a pot full of beef noodles.

The pots in their house are custom-made, and they are very large. A whole pot of beef noodles can be divided into several large bowls.

For the beef noodles made by Xu Yingxiang, the braised beef is cut into thick slices and stacked on the noodles. The crisp, tender and refreshing green vegetables are placed next to them, green and dripping, and there is a fried golden poached egg lying in the middle. The noodles are handmade Yes, it is chewy and springy, and the soup is hot with some spicy peppers, which is extraordinarily delicious.

Li Yiqi twitched her index finger as she sniffed the aroma, and began to eat bowl after bowl.

Xu Yingxiang was sitting opposite him, wiping his hands with his apron, smiling and looking at Li Yiqi, who was buried in his food, with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and a kind face: "It looks like a pig eating, it's so delicious." He just likes to watch him The grandson eats big.

"Because grandpa's cooking is so delicious!"

Li Yiqi flattered wildly.

The grandfather who was praised for his cooking skills was in a good mood: "What do you want to eat at noon? I am now placing an order on my mobile phone to buy some food."

Li Yiqi thought for a while and said: "I want to eat chestnut chicken, stewed pig's trotters, anything else."

"How about steamed octopus, choy sum, and braised eggplant?"


Grandpa took out his mobile phone: "Then I will place an order now."

Li Yiqi's appetite is different from ordinary people's. Every meal has to prepare a lot of ingredients. Xu Yingxiang, an old man, can't carry it by himself, so every time he asks the vegetable market or supermarket to deliver it to his door.Fortunately, the delivery is very convenient now, usually within 10 minutes.

When Li Yiqi was finishing her third bowl of beef noodles, she noticed something was wrong with his grandfather looking at his phone.

"what happened?"

"Can't place an order, hey, why does it show that the delivery is full?" Xu Yingxiang fiddled with his phone with a disbelieving expression.

This is strange, he has lived for so many years, and he has never seen the delivery quota be full, and he has changed to a supermarket farther away without success.

Li Yiqi took out her mobile phone: "...Let me take a look."

He used his mobile phone to place an order for a handful of vegetables, and when he was waiting to pay, a prompt popped up—the delivery was full.He tried to place an order in the supermarket again, but the delivery was also full.I opened the hospital's appointment software and found that the hospital's physical examination was no longer available for appointment.

Li Yiqi's eyelids twitched, and a faint shadow cast over her heart.

Xu Yingxiang: "What do you think is going on here?"

Li Yiqi put down her phone, and said in a very normal tone: "Maybe there are too many mosquitoes, some people don't want to go out, so they start hoarding food at home."

Xu Yingxiang was puzzled: "This mosquito is a disaster for the two neighborhoods around us by the lake. Why did they rob like this?"

Li Yiqi knew it well. In the Internet age, all kinds of news spread quickly. It is useless to delete the original post. It is estimated that many people have seen the video of the beauty anchor. Everyone is afraid that Ning City will also have a parasitic disease outbreak, so there is panic. sex snapping.

Or maybe, things are worse.

Although he thought so in his heart, he said, "Who knows."

Li Yiqi didn't intend to tell her grandfather about the video.

For one thing, a very expensive filtration device has been installed at home, so there is no need to worry about any water problems. His grandfather doesn't like to eat raw food and doesn't go out very much. The probability of inadvertently getting parasitic diseases is very small.

Secondly, there is only one unidentified video, whether it is a new type of parasite or not.His grandfather was timid, and what happened in Huai City back then scared him so much that he fell ill.

Xu Yingxiang was still looking down at his phone, and continued to place orders in disbelief, only to give up when he found that it still didn't work.

"Ding dong."

Suddenly the doorbell rang at home.

Li Yiqi got up and walked to the door, instead of opening the door immediately, she first glanced at Maoyan.

His house is a townhouse, the door is facing the courtyard, looking out from the cat's eyes, you can see the giant mosquito swarms flying among the bushes outside the door is very spectacular, like snow in the sky.

In this spectacular swarm of giant mosquitoes, an old lady wearing a helmet and a raincoat was standing at the door in full armor, and the raincoat on her body was covered with giant mosquitoes.

"It's Second Grandma."

Li Yiqi turned around and said something to Xu Yingxiang.

He was about to open the door, when the old lady outside hurriedly shouted: "Don't open the door, don't open the door, you will bring mosquitos into the house later!"

She said to them at the top of her voice, "I'm just going to the supermarket, and I'm here to ask if you want to go together—?"

His second grandmother, Xu Huizhong, lived in the same community as them, and she often visited for dinner on weekdays, and it was very convenient to go to a supermarket together.

Li Yiqi closed the screen door and opened it again. Everyone talked through the screen door.After opening the door, the hum of giant mosquito swarms was as loud as bombers.

Xu Yingxiang walked to the door and was delighted to see Xu Huizhong in full armor. He smiled and gave his second sister a thumbs up: "You are talented, so the mosquitoes will not be able to bite you."

"I can't help it. Hey, why do you say that there are so many mosquitoes in the past day, and you have to get some equipment when you go out."

Xu Yingxiang comforted: "It will be fine after this period of time. Experts said that these mosquitoes will die slowly if they can't suck blood."

Xu Huizhong sighed, "When will there be so many mosquitoes?"

Li Yiqi: "Second Grandma, what are you going to buy at the supermarket?"

There was a big mosquito lying on Xu Huizhong's helmet, and he heard the muffled voice through the helmet: "There are no eggs at home. So many mosquitoes wanted to place an order on the phone, but they couldn't. No, they had to come out."

Xu Yingxiang: "We were about to place an order to buy vegetables just now, but we couldn't."

"That's just right, we just went to the supermarket together." The old lady said happily, she didn't think much about why she couldn't place the order, and thought it would be convenient for her to take a walk, and exercise her body by the way.

Xu Yingxiang responded with a smile: "Okay, I'll find my body and equip it later."

Li Yiqi stopped the two old men.

"Grandpa, second grandma, you stay at home. I'll go to the supermarket to buy what you need, so don't go."
After a lot of persuasion, the two old people finally agreed to stay at home and wait for Li Yiqi to come back from shopping.

Li Yiqi put on a rubber raincoat and a helmet and went out alone.

The needles of these giant mosquitoes are very painful. It is better not to be bitten or not to be bitten.

Walking in the community, he saw someone wearing a thick down jacket for self-defense, and he also saw someone making a mobile tent for self-defense, which was to hang a transparent rain cloth outside the umbrella.

The corpses of giant mosquitoes are everywhere on the ground, and they are all female giant mosquitoes who starved to death without being able to suck blood.A public sweeping robot car is silently moving to clean up these giant mosquito corpses and maintain the cleanliness of the roads in the community.

A quarter of an hour later.

He came to the nearest large supermarket, Yongjia Supermarket.

There are twice as many people in the supermarket today as usual, but the goods on the shelves are very empty, especially the water and beverage area, which are all empty.

Li Yiqi came to the egg section and found that the shelves were empty, not even a single egg was left.

Someone was pushing a full shopping cart by, and he glanced at it and saw at least ten boxes of eggs piled up inside.

The phone in my pocket vibrated.

Li Yiqi took out her phone and looked. It was the second grandmother who sent a WeChat message asking him to buy two more boxes of eggs.He didn't reply and made a video call directly.

"Second grandma, look, everything in the supermarket has been robbed. I'm afraid I can't buy eggs. Are ostrich eggs okay?"

Li Yiqi picked up an ostrich egg on the shelf with one hand.

Xu Huizhong looked at the empty supermarket picture in the video, dumbfounded: "Yo...how come the supermarket has become like this, as if it has been robbed? Ostrich eggs...that's fine, then buy an ostrich egg."

"I'll take a look too."

His grandfather's face appeared in the video, Xu Yingxiang pushed his glasses and probed over, and when he saw the appearance of the shelves, he became anxious: "Why are they so empty? Li Yiqi, hurry up and see if there are any vegetables and meat left!"

"There's nothing left to eat."

Li Yiqi pushed the shopping cart to the vegetable section, and put the last handful of celery on the shelf into the cart.

"Only a handful of celery."

Xu Yingxiang didn't speak.

The little old man frowned worriedly.

There are still ingredients in the refrigerator at home. These ingredients are enough for ordinary people to eat for two or three days, but for Li Yiqi, they are probably only enough for one meal.

Li Yiqi knew that Grandpa was afraid that he would starve.

In fact, he didn't think it was a big deal, and he couldn't grab Ningshi with such a rush.

"It's okay. I'll go to the vegetable market and the wholesale market later to have a look. The wholesale market can definitely buy it. If we can't buy vegetables, we can eat outside."

When Li Yiqi hung up the video call and went to pay, the crowd in the distance suddenly became noisy.

"what happened?!"

"Why don't you let us out?"

"What are you doing?"

All the gates were closed, and the supermarket was suddenly blocked to prevent customers from going out.

The security guards yelled at the customers near the gate to retreat inside. The iron gates and barbed wire of several gates all fell down. All of a sudden, the customers who stayed in the supermarket became caged turtles.

Immediately afterwards, the supermarket's radio suddenly sounded, and the voice of the female staff came from the loudspeaker, resounding through every corner of the supermarket: "——Dear customers and friends, I'm sorry, due to an emergency, the gate of the supermarket is closed. Temporarily closed, please don't panic, please take care of the elderly and children around you to avoid stampedes."

"Dear customers and friends, I'm sorry..."

The broadcast is repeated over and over again.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and they were at a loss.No one has ever encountered such a situation where a large supermarket suddenly blocked and prevented customers from going out.

The noise reappeared, and suddenly a large number of policemen entered through the emergency passage, separating a passage among the crowd.After a while, a small group of people entered along the partitioned passage.

Each of these people has extraordinary temperament and serious complexion. The most conspicuous one is a red-haired woman walking in the middle. The woman has exquisite facial features. She wears boots and jeans and a classic windbreaker. She has a particularly outstanding figure. I didn't see so many panicked or curious gazes around me, and I walked forward with a calm expression. One step with those long legs can take another two steps.

A group of people hurried past from the side passage without looking sideways, and a gust of cold wind was brought up, brushing past Li Yiqi.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, I have to go to work at nine o'clock, when will the supermarket open!"

"There is still something going on at my house. Is the child lost or something else happened? You have to tell us?"

"When will you open the door and let us out!"

Li Yiqi frowned.

Suddenly such a big battle, will it be a loss of a child?
Giant mosquitoes invaded the community, the female anchor who was hit by a head-dropping technique, the goods that could not be delivered, the supermarket that was suddenly blocked... The fragments that happened in the morning kept flashing across my mind, and when they were superimposed together, it seemed that a storm was about to come. the taste of.

Li Yiqi felt her heart sinking. He didn't know what happened. As an ordinary high school student, he had too little information.Vaguely, there seemed to be a cloud over Ning City.

Perhaps Ning City is about to usher in a downpour.

Had to figure out what was going on.

Li Yiqi made up her mind.

His eyes scanned the crowd, and he was lucky enough to catch a cat bag being carried by a girl on his back. Inside the cat bag was a beautiful white kitten.

Li Yiqi lifted her spirits, and immediately walked over with an empty shopping cart.
Guan Xin was holding up her mobile phone on tiptoe to take pictures around the supermarket.

She is wearing an oversize baseball uniform on her upper body today, cotton stockings and a plaid skirt on her lower body, with curly hair and double ponytails, and light makeup, she is extraordinarily youthful and beautiful.Originally, she planned to take a few beautiful photos of her life in the supermarket, but she didn't expect that it would be used to shoot the scene.

Although he was suddenly blocked in the supermarket, Guan Xin didn't feel panic or irritated, but felt that this was a rare event, and it was a rare occurrence. He had to record a video and upload it on social software, maybe he could get a price increase. wave powder.

Guan Xin concentrated on shooting the video.

She didn't push the shopping cart, because there were very few things to buy, only a bag of potato chips, a small bag of cat food, and a small box of chewing gum. She just held these things in one hand and held her mobile phone in the other.

I was staring at the camera and taking pictures seriously, when suddenly something slammed into my back.

Guan Xin's body swayed and she almost fell down. Fortunately, someone beside her gave her a hand.

After she stood firm, she turned her head and glared at the back, and found an uncle behind him pushing a shopping cart, smiling at her and making an embarrassed gesture.

It seems that the uncle accidentally bumped into it.

Guan Xin looked at the person who helped her up again.

It was a boy who was squatting down to pick up the chewing gum she dropped on the ground. He was wearing an ordinary white sweater and had a nice looking back of his head. What was strange was that this man was still wearing a pair of gloves in April.

"thank you."

Guan Xin thanked him.

As a beautiful girl, Guan Xin has never lacked the experience of being struck up by boys. No kidding, a momentary narcissism flashed in her heart, and if the other party saw her face, she was very surprised, and then struck up a conversation with her to find an excuse to be with her. As a fellow in the supermarket, what excuse should I find for Dumei?Alas, there is no way, as a beautiful girl, that's it...

"It's okay, no thanks."

The boy handed her the dropped chewing gum, looked up and smiled at her.

Guan Xin's mind froze for a moment.


Fuck!So handsome, even more handsome than the school girls in their school!
Now Guan Xin stopped recording the video, and completely forgot that she was still thinking about how to reject the other party just now, and suddenly her brain started to think about how to ask the other party for WeChat, but she did not expect that this little brother took the initiative to talk to her.

"Are you bringing your cat to buy cat food?"

Little brother is really considerate!Guan Xin cheered up: "Yes! I went to the supermarket when I ran out of cat food at home. If I knew this would happen, I would go to the pet store to buy it!"

Li Yiqi looked at her cat bag.

Inside the cat bag is a silver gradient kitten with chubby cheeks, lying on the side of the transparent window of the cat bag, looking out with big eyes.

"it is so cute."

"Yeah, haha, there are quite a few people who like it, it's much more popular than me as a single dog, hahahaha."

"Does it feel stuffy in there?"

"No, no, look, this cat bag has ventilation holes!"

"Can I hug it?" After chatting a few or two sentences, Li Yiqi took advantage of the situation to throw out her purpose.

If other strangers made this request, Guan Xin would have rejected it with a half-faced smile, letting him go as far as he could, but now...

"Okay, it likes people very much!"

Guan Xin enthusiastically put down the cat bag, unzipped the zipper, took out the soft and reluctant kitten, and handed it to him boldly.


Li Yiqi took off her gloves and hugged the chubby kitten.

[Touch Creature, Silver Gradient Shorthair Cat]

There seemed to be a cold voice in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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