lend me your genes

Chapter 22 Don't be impulsive

Chapter 22 Don't be impulsive

When Wang Yan was so frightened that her mind was disconnected, and Damien was impatient and wanted to shoot another student to threaten him, a loud voice suddenly came out of the thick fog—"I'm here."

Wang Yan turned her head in a daze.

I saw a stocky figure in the mist with his hands raised, walking steadily towards this side step by step.

...not Luo Ze, but Guo Liu.

"I'm Rose."

The 180-pound chubby man raised his chin and forced himself to speak calmly to the two gangsters.

Lu Xiaoxiao also walked out with him.

"I'm her girlfriend."

Lu Xiaoxiao said briefly.

The two came out with their hands raised together, one behind the other.

"You are Rose?"

Wali, with brown skin and nose nails, looked at Guo Liu up and down. They all read Luo Ze's information and knew what Luo Ze looked like. Seeing him, Wali raised his brows in disbelief, "This experimental subject always It's impossible to mutate into a fat pig, right?"

Damien chuckled, amused by his stupid teammate.

What Luo Ze is, they are just two students pretending to be heroes.

When he raised his pistol and was about to kill another person to warn them not to be smart, he saw the beautiful female student looking at him with red eyes: "Who are you? Why did you kill our classmate?"

Damien curled his lips: "Little sister, I won't kill you for the sake of your beauty, just go away."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything." Lu Xiaoxiao's eyelashes trembled, and as he approached, he said, "I just want to ask you how long it took to find my boyfriend..."

In the middle of speaking, the seemingly weak Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly became violent!Her eyes sharpened, and she slashed Damien's wrist with a knife in her right hand. At the same time, she grabbed the gun with her left hand, turned her right leg into a whip, and kicked Valei's chest next to her, with a sharp wind sound as she flew.

Her hand is as beautiful as her person.

Lu Xiaoxiao knows martial arts!
And as soon as he made a move, he wanted to grab the gun and subdue the two of them at the same time!
But the next second...

She was kicked away by a strong force.

Lu Xiaoxiao was like a doll being thrown away. She hit the rice planting fence with her back and stopped. She spat out a big mouthful of blood, her face was like gold paper, and she froze.

"Lu Xiaoxiao!"

Guo Liu yelled, shaking his fat, ran to Lu Xiaoxiao's side in horror and helped her up, with disbelief and panic all over his face, he pressed his voice and asked, "Didn't you say you are sure?!"

Lu Xiaoxiao told him in the dense fog just now that he was sure to subdue the two gangsters, and later they could pretend to be Luo Ze and the other as Luo Ze's girlfriend to approach them, and suddenly attack when the two gangsters let down their vigilance.

Lu Xiaoxiao also disclosed her identity, saying that she came from a family of martial arts.

But he didn't expect Lu Xiaoxiao to be so good that he was kicked away with one move!
Guo Liu wants to cry but has no tears.

If he had known that she was such a good guy, he wouldn't be a hero!

If Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Guo Liu was thinking, he would be so angry that he would vomit another mouthful of blood.

There was a burning pain in her abdomen, Lu Xiaoxiao clutched her abdomen, her expression was painful, her temples throbbed suddenly - that kick not only broke her ribs, but also her internal organs seemed to be ruptured.

Visceral bleeding, she can last at least half an hour now.

If she is not sent to a doctor, she will die.

She didn't lie to Guo Liu, she really came from a family of martial arts. Generally speaking, it is no problem to deal with three or five big guys, but...

Lu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, staring at the person who walked over and trembling slightly, real fear appeared in her eyes.

But these two people are definitely not normal people!They are biochemical humans transformed by high technology!

She might die here today.

Damien walked up to the two of them, looked at them condescendingly, pointed his gun at Lu Xiaoxiao, raised the corner of his mouth and said contemptuously, "You're smart."

"No, don't kill them!"

Wang Yan screamed and rushed over to hug Lu Xiaoxiao and Guo Liu.

The emaciated teacher spread his arms to protect the two students and turned his back to the two assailants.

It's been 2258, and teachers are just a job. No one will ask a teacher according to the standards of saint parents.At this moment, Wang Yan was simply forced to the extreme, and the strings in her mind were broken.

The three teachers and students huddled together and shivered, preparing to face death.

Vale's expression was indifferent and unmoved. He still raised his gun and pointed the black muzzle at them.

Just when the index finger was about to pull the trigger, the teacher and the student fell into despair, thinking that they would die, a steel pillar pierced through the thick fog and struck horizontally!

It was Li Yiqi who arrived holding the steel pillar!

He used ten percent of his strength to smash it.

How terrifying is the force of the five times the strength of the orangutan holding the steel pillar thick as a thigh?The cyborg Vale proved it himself on the spot.

boom! !

There was a dull sound when the body was hit by the steel pillar, and there was also the crackling sound of bone shattering in the middle, just like the sound made when a car hits a person.

The moment Waley was hit by the steel column, his spine was shattered on the spot.

Then this well-known figure in the organization was knocked out like a sandbag, flew far, far, and finally hit the glass wall of the building before falling covered in blood. Strange soft shape, miserable death.

And Damien's reaction was much faster than that of Vale. When the steel pillar hit him, he suddenly fell down, narrowly dodging the death blow, and escaped his life.


Damien yelled angrily.

Wang Yan, who was hugging two students, Lu Xiaoxiao, who was sweating from the pain in her stomach, and Guo Liu, who was waiting to die with her eyes closed, all looked at the person coming.

"Li Yiqi?"

"Li Yiqi?"


The three of them spoke in unison, all shocked.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

Li Yiqi hugged the steel pillar, looked at Damien and said to the three of them.

Several people looked at the steel pillar in his hand, their eyes widened in disbelief.

The steel pillar Li Yiqi was holding in her arms was dismantled from the building. There were many white load-bearing steel pillars in the building, each weighing several tons, but Li Yiqi actually broke it and used it as a stick.

Several people looked at him as if they saw Monkey King holding the Dinghaishenzhen.

Is this a power that humans possess?

Cyborgs aren't that awesome, are they? !
Damien's gun just flew away when he fell down. After he glanced at Li Yiqi, he immediately planned to pick up the gun.

The gun was three meters away from Damien.

And it was only two meters away from Wang Yan and the others.

At this time, Wang Yan and Guo Liu's reactions were also extremely fast, the first reaction was a gun, and the two rushed towards that gun at the same time with unprecedented agility!In the end, Guo Liu took the first step and pressed the gun under his body. His stocky body pressed the gun firmly, as if he wanted the gun and moved him away.

Damien stopped grabbing guns.

He smiled and took off his coat, revealing a white vest.

The muscles on the two arms were knotted and bulged, giving people the feeling of being hard and knotted like a rock.

It's hard to bring firearms from the original country. Damien and the others only brought pistols, but it doesn't matter. Prosperity will never produce gunners who can only shoot, but genetic warriors and...biochemical warriors!
"Are you a geek?"

Damien squatted down, staring at Li Yiqi with falcon-like eyes, and noticed the wisdom glasses he was wearing-the wisdom glasses unique to geeks.

"Not yet."

Li Yiqi also stared at him closely.

The smart glasses quickly retrieve the identity of the person in front of them from the geek database through face recognition.

[Global wanted criminal, member of Prosperity Club]

[Name: Damien Kurakusen]

【Code Name: Rock Man】

[America-Swiss, a biochemical warrior who has been injected with strong stone muscle cells, the internal serial number of the Prosperity Society is No. 89, who once assassinated the American-Swiss state congressman Blake Pearson, and the mayor of Nande City in Ganning, Kross, who once created the famous The Johnson Hotel bombing. 】

[Jianning Kingdom offers a reward order, the highest reward is 55 U.S. dollars for those who provide clues to Damien's whereabouts. 】

[Babanguo's reward order, those who provide whereabouts clues can get up to 55 US dollars, and those who find the corpse can get up to 000 US dollars]

[The United States and Ruiguo offer a reward order, providing clues to the whereabouts can get up to 100 US dollars, and those who find the corpse can get up to 000 US dollars]

The white ghost's urgent warning sound came from Li Yiqi's earphones.

"Boy, there are too many people here this time, and they are biochemical warriors with a ranking of about [-] in the Prosperity Club! You can't beat them, you are a reserve three-star geek, your life is more important than this mission! Get out of here quickly !"

As early as when he entered the building, Bai Gui checked through the monitoring of the Nongzhi Building that five people who were in the top ranks were sent by the Prosperity Association, and then persuaded Li Yiqi to retreat.

But how can Li Yiqi withdraw?

"It can't be withdrawn, they killed two of my classmates." Li Yiqi's voice was cold.

His eyes turned red when he saw the two classmates lying in a pool of blood.

The white ghost was in a hurry: "Don't be impulsive, I know you don't have much combat experience, but all the most wanted criminals in front of you are holding guns! And the fog on the ninth floor is so thick that I can't help you monitor, you... ..."

"We'll talk later."

Li Yiqi took off her earphones, cut off the communication, and put her glasses in her pocket.

At this moment, he cannot be disturbed in the slightest.

"Grass! Smelly brat!"

In the base, the white ghost was so angry that he almost smashed the keyboard.

Li Yiqi hugged the steel pillar and threw it at Damien, shouting angrily: "You murderer, pay for your life!"

The power of the orangutan erupted, and he wanted to use his strength to break all spells!

(End of this chapter)

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