Chapter 24
After the loud gunshot, the world seemed to quiet down all of a sudden.

Li Yiqi put down the gun that was emitting white smoke, and pressed the trembling right arm with her trembling left hand. The muscle beating caused by excessive tension gradually calmed down.

He exhaled a long breath.

He didn't miss the two ultra-close range shots.

Li Yiqi shot at the foreheads of the two, but because of his poor marksmanship or being too nervous, even at such a short distance, he didn't shoot the criminals in the forehead, but they all shot in their faces.

Damien and Beard were lying in a pool of blood, their bodies convulsing slightly.

If the two were shot in the chest, legs, or arms, they might still be able to fight, but they were shot in the head.

Such a deadly place, even biochemical warriors can't handle it, one shot is enough to make them completely lose their combat effectiveness.

The faces of the two were bleeding from bullet holes, and their faces that had been blown up by bullets looked in a mess.

Li Yiqi stopped looking at them after confirming that their vital signs had disappeared.

Today is his first kill.

Before this, he had never even killed a fish. He didn't expect that the first time he killed an animal would be a murder, and he even killed five at once, which was so fucking exciting.

Li Yiqi wiped the sweat off her face with her sleeve, picked up the smart glasses and pressed the button to resume the call.

"I killed those five people, I won't go to jail, will I?"

He asked the white ghost a little weakly.

During the period when Li Yiqi cut off the communication, the White Ghost had been furious and powerless in the base, pacing back and forth, and losing his temper with Zhou Yuxi on the phone, scolding her for how she could treat a hot-blooded high school student with no combat experience. Sent to carry out the task.

He originally thought that Li Yiqi was dead, but suddenly the communication was restored, and then Li Yiqi said such a sentence.

"... Huh? You said you killed all five people?"


Li Yiqi scratched the back of her head, misunderstood the meaning of the white ghost's words, and said embarrassingly: "Will killing them destroy your plan? I'm sorry, I'm not strong enough. If I don't kill them, I might die , I can't capture them alive."

The white ghost was dumbfounded.

"Wait... I don't blame you for killing them, I mean, how did you do it?"

There was a lot of fog on the ninth floor, and the monitoring could only hear the sound. Originally, he could guess how Li Yiqi killed them by listening to the sound of fighting and gunshots.

It's a pity that the white ghost thought that Li Yiqi was dead, and didn't want to hear that Li Yiqi was killed by the Prosperity Society, so he decided to turn off the monitoring.

For a group of stateless people like geeks, every member of the geek association is a very important existence. They are friends, companions, and family members.

For a sentimental person like White Ghost, this special feeling also radiates to the juniors who are recognized by geeks. He looks at Li Yiqi as if he is looking at his own thriving chicken cubs.

So the White Ghost didn't want to hear about Yiqi being killed at all.

He had already thought about how to take revenge on Prosperity Society if Li Yiqi was killed, and how to kill those culprits. As a result, Li Yiqi ended the battle alive and told him that he had killed all five killers.

Li Yiqi reconfirmed anxiously: "I won't go to jail, will I?"

"They are all wanted killers. If they kill for the sake of the people, why should they be jailed?"

"That's good."

Li Yiqi breathed a sigh of relief.In order to calm down the fear that he had just killed someone, he was also very willing to talk to people at the moment, so he briefly talked about how he killed him just now.



The fighting stopped, but the students didn't know it, thinking that the killer was still there, they still hid like quails one by one.

Under the isolation of the vast fog.

Where the students couldn't see, a translucent green giant cocoon was stuck to the ten-meter-high ceiling.

That giant cocoon was the disappeared Luo Ze.

Luo Ze's pores are constantly seeping out translucent green mucus, and this mucus gradually turns into a dry film when it meets the air, covering his whole body, and now he is like a leech that is about to turn into a dragonfly— — A giant water slug in the shape of a human.

Inside the membranous cocoon, Luo Ze's body is undergoing palpitating changes.

The eyes under the eyelids split and swelled at a crazy speed, and the eyeballs grew like grapes, and many eyeballs were swollen and piled up together, and the eyelids were stretched to the point where they couldn't close.

The swimming goggles have been propped up by the swollen eyeballs, and they can no longer hide his terrifying appearance.

But Luo Ze still wore this pair of swimming goggles in vain and despair.

He was bent into a ball, with a dull expression, not daring to face the fact that he had become a monster.

Until there was a soft snapping sound, the strap of the swimming goggles was broken, and the swimming goggles fell towards the foggy ground, interrupting his sluggishness.

Seeing that the swimming goggles were about to fall off, Luo Ze waved his hand quickly and hooked his hands. His arms broke free from the shackles of the green cocoon, and he managed to snatch the goggles back.

But a drop of green slime dripped down with his movements.


A large drop fell on Ma Jun's hair impartially.

At this time, Ma Jun was hiding in the mist with other students. They were all frightened by the gunshots, squatting on the ground without even daring to raise their heads.

Suddenly being dripped by something, Ma Jun touched his head reflexively, feeling something wet.

It's raining?
But this is indoors.

I took it off and saw that the green mucus in my hand was disgusting like snot. I took a closer look and smelled it, hey, it still smelled bad.

What is this, fertilizer?
Ma Jun frowned, and looked up suspiciously, but he could only see misty mist, as if he was in a cloud and couldn't see anything.

"What's the matter, what are you looking at?"

The classmate next to him asked him nervously in a low voice.

Ma Jun showed him the green slime on his hand, and whispered, "What do you see? It fell from above."

The classmate also raised his head in doubt, and opened his eyes wide to see what was on top of their heads.

Ma Jun and his classmates couldn't see Luo Ze stuck to the ceiling, but Luo Ze could see through his powerful and strange compound eyes through the thick fog, clearly seeing the two of them with their heads up and looking hard.There was even a moment when they looked at each other inadvertently.

Don't be seen! !

Luo Ze thought nervously in panic.

If they saw him like this, they would scream, treat him like a monster, or take a picture of him with their mobile phone... like they saw in the school stereo projection... no, no...

Plop, plop, plop!
The more Luo Ze thought about it, the more he panicked, his blood surged up, his heart beat like thunder, his eyes began to split and grow at an accelerated rate, his nails grew longer, the itchy part of his back split, and two pairs of huge transparent wings protruded from his spine. The nearby rift was pulled open, and the green cocoon burst open.

Tick, drip.

As the green cocoon broke out, a large amount of green mucus trickled down, and Ma Jun was poured all over his face.He didn't dare to curse out loud, but just squatted in another place.

There are many students hiding here. With such a big movement, all the students around have noticed something abnormal. Everyone looked up at the fog, trying to see clearly what was going on.

Luo Ze, who was looked at by so many people with probing eyes, was even more terrified. He covered his face tremblingly, but found that his hands had become deformed, a bit like insect feet, with dry skin and hard skin.

How to do?
How to do? !

After panicking to the extreme, his rationality was squeezed.

Suddenly, a crazy and bloody thought popped up, and there seemed to be another voice in my heart saying coldly... Wouldn't it be impossible to see if I killed them all?

That's right, wouldn't it be enough to kill everyone? !

Thinking of this, there are countless eyeballs piled up together, bursting out with ferocious red bloodshots, which is so terrifying that it makes people feel like having nightmares just by looking at it.

On the ground, Li Yiqi hurriedly said to the white ghost: "Now I have to send my classmates to the hospital. A girl is injured and needs to be treated immediately. Also, Luo Ze's condition seems to be not very good. She needs to be sent to the genetic hospital for treatment."

He raised his head and looked in Luo Ze's direction.

From the very beginning, he knew where Luo Ze was hiding.

on the ceiling.

Luo Ze saw Li Yiqi through the mist, and also saw the expression on Li Yiqi's face. It was not discriminatory at all, only worried.

The ferocious pupils in countless eyeballs froze at the same time, and those ruthless and crazy killing intents burst like soap bubbles.

(End of this chapter)

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