Chapter 30

The incident of the Prosperity Meeting of the Nongzhi Mansion was not reported on the news, but Xu Yingxiang heard about it in the parent group, and was terrified.

As soon as Li Yiqi got home, Xu Yingxiang breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that his grandson was safe and sound, and said lovingly, "What do you want to eat for lunch today? Grandpa will make it for you!"


Li Yiqi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Why lie to you?"

"Then I want to eat snail noodles." Li Yiqi said without hesitation.

"Okay... do it!"

Xu Yingxiang gritted his teeth, turned around and went back to the room, flipped through, and turned the gas mask out.

Li Yiqi was opening the refrigerator to drink water, when she turned her head and saw his grandfather wearing a gas mask, almost spit out.

As for? !

Xu Yingxiang started making snail noodles.

Li Yiqi watched expectantly from the side.

The last time his grandfather made snail noodles was ten years ago to teach his apprentices. He tasted all the finished products at that time. At that time, he was very surprised after eating them. Unfortunately, no matter how much he begged his grandfather, he refused to make them again. I was lucky enough to eat it again today.

Grandpa is very particular about making snail noodles. In light of the spices, he prepared more than ten kinds of pepper, lemongrass, cumin, star anise, kaempferen, fragrant leaves, etc., stir-fried the snails with oil, boiled the soup base with tube bones, and squeezed the rice noodles with molds by hand. come out.

Put the cooked rice noodles into a porcelain bowl, add peanuts, sour beans, sour bamboo shoots, dried radish, yuba, fungus, add boiled vegetables, and pour a spoonful of secret red chili oil.

"It smells so good!"

Li Yiqi moved her index finger and moved bowls of snail noodles from the kitchen to the dining table, sniffing the aroma and feeling that life is so beautiful.

And Xu Yingxiang didn't take off the gas mask after cooking, took his clothes, left a sentence: "I went outside for a walk, the smell came back." and ran out of the house in a hurry.

"...Is it really that smelly?"

"Obviously very fragrant!"

Li Yiqi sat down puzzled, picked up chopsticks and ate a few bowls with great appetite, then suddenly remembered something, and carried Da Zui Du out from under the bed.

Because she is now backed by the Geek Association, now Li Yiqi is not afraid to show some things that are different from ordinary people. For example, in the Nongzhi Building, he dared to beat people with a steel pillar, or for example, in the past, he only dared to hide his big mouth secretly on the bed. Underneath, now dare to take it out openly.

"Come on, I'll let you taste the most delicious thing in the world today."

Li Yiqi picked up a small stick of rice noodles and threw it into the leaf clip with her mouth open.

Ye Jia didn't close it for a long time.

After a while, Da Zui Du tilted his head, and the snail powder in the leaf clip fell down.


Li Yiqi stared at it for a while, bent down to pick up the rice noodles, and threw them into its two wide-open leaf folders.

This time, Da Zui Du's head was tilted to the other side.


"Ha, ha ha..."

It was the first time he saw that Big Mouth also had food that he disliked.

"You've become a master, and you can still taste the taste of a pot of plants." Li Yiqi thought it was amazing.

Don't eat it, it's all his.

Li Yiqi buried her head in the noodles, eating every pore to the fullest, and halfway through eating, she heard the neighbor next door saying, "Why does it smell so stinky!"


Li Yiqi felt embarrassed.

Is it really that smelly? It's so fragrant and delicious, right?I am too embarrassed to eat snail noodles after my ears are too good.

After filling her stomach, Li Yiqi went out to pay back the taxi fare paid by the doorman, and then took her broken mobile phone to repair. After learning that the repair fee would cost a full [-] yuan, Li Yiqi decided to beat up any member of the Prosperity Society in the future. one.

"Guest, we are now holding an event with the latest mobile phone. The original price of the [-] mobile phone now only costs [-]. Why don't you just change it?" The clerk sold the mobile phone.

"No, just change the screen for me."

Li Yiqi immediately refused.

The old mobile phone can still be repaired, eight thousand seven and one thousand five, the difference between the two is enough to buy nearly fourteen grams of gold, why spend this money?It's just that the camera pixels have been upgraded.

At this time, Li Yiqi, who already had a huge sum of millions, thought miserly.

It will take some time to fix the phone.

Li Yiqi didn't go home either, so she waited for them to fix it in the after-sales repair shop.There were a lot of people in the store, so he found a chair in the corner and dozed off boredly.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a small space surrounded by metal walls, the light was very dim...

It took a second for Li Yiqi to realize that he was in the elevator.

Suddenly the elevator door opened, and a girl rushed in, pressing the door close button nervously.

The girl's clothes were covered in blood, her face was covered in cold sweat and blood stains, her hair was sticking to her face, and she was gasping for breath, looking completely broken.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Li Yiqi asked her.

The girl trembled and continued to press the door close button. After the elevator door closed, she let out a long breath and grabbed Li Yiqi's arm suddenly.

She grabbed him tightly, looked at him with eyes full of pain and fear, gasped for breath and repeated forcefully: "Run away, run away..."

The girl murmured and gradually knelt down to the ground.

In the end, he fell down, his eyes were open, he was motionless, and there was no sound.

Li Yiqi's heart trembled, and she knelt down to check her breath - there was no breath.

The girl is actually dead.

Then he discovered in horror that her back had been hollowed out by something. Normally, this girl should have died a long time ago, but what kind of obsession made her run into the elevator. expire.


The elevator door opened.

Li Yiqi turned her head and saw a bright red number nine in the upper right corner.

This red seems to have the breath of blood.

The elevator door moved away, and Li Yiqi walked out.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, the thick fog engulfed him. There was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and the visibility was poor. He saw a rice planting fence, and every rice plant had golden ears.

It turned out that he was in the Nongzhi Building.


extremely quiet.

Li Yiqi had goosebumps.

The sound of the soles of the shoes on the ground was too loud, and Li Yiqi stopped walking, but he saw many strings of bacon vaguely hanging in the mist, so he started walking again.

As he walked, he found that what kind of bacon was there, they were clearly bloody corpses hanging upside down.

The hanging corpse wobbled around, the face with two empty blood holes had its eyes gouged out, it was his squad leader Xu Zhiyang!

Li Yiqi was drenched in cold sweat, stepping back on the sticky blood stains, turned her head abruptly, and met a pair of human compound eyes protruding like bunches of grapes!
"Customer, it's fixed."

The clerk woke Li Yiqi softly and handed him the repaired phone.

Li Yiqi slowly opened her eyes and took her mobile phone. His pupils were not focused yet, and his back was covered with white hairs.


He was still in the noisy mobile phone repair shop, and there was an old man opposite him holding a mobile phone and asking the clerk why a certain special beauty effect could not be used on this phone.

The sound of insect wings flying by seemed to still be heard in my ears.

He had a lucid dream.

When he first merged with the bandit biological gene, he had all kinds of chaotic ultra-clear dreams almost every night. Some were messy alien experiences, and some were people he knew from familiar scenes in the dreams. The dreams were so clear and real that they were terrifying.

He called them ultra-clear dreams, and these ultra-clear dreams poured into his sleep like fragments of a kaleidoscope, making him so noisy that he could not sleep well. It was not until a month later that such dreams gradually decreased, until they almost ceased to exist.

Originally, he thought these ultra-clear dreams were just ordinary dreams that were relatively clear and weird, until one day he dreamed that his grandparents who were on vacation abroad were engulfed by an explosion, and when he woke up, he really received a call from the police.

That painful experience made him understand that this kind of dream is related to reality.

This ultra-clear dream can be thought of as a branched tree, reality is the thickest branch, and the remaining branches are the possible future, the possible past, the future that will happen, and the past that has happened.

He knew that what he dreamed this time was a possible past.

If there were no deviations, what happened in the Nongzhi Building would have been such a terrifying nightmare...

Li Yiqi wiped off her cold sweat and decided to visit Luo Ze's mother.

(End of this chapter)

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