lend me your genes

Chapter 36 Extravagant training

Chapter 36 Extravagant training

The waves brushed against the beach, and Li Yiqi ran on the beach against the rising sun.

Three days ago, he was beaten terribly by the old man after he let out that sentence.

To be precise, it is not only miserable but also aggrieved, that kind of aggrieved feeling that can crush the opponent in terms of strength, but can't beat it no matter what.

You swung your fist at the opponent's head, but you were kicked in the abdomen, and you hugged your stomach to hide, but you were hit on the side of the neck with a palm.

You don't know what the opponent's next move will be, whether the opponent will use a fist or a palm, or a leg. The inability to beat Damien in the past is multiplied.

And the opponent seems to have only made three successes.

He understood that he had met a master, and finally understood why the other party laughed.

This is probably, 'Hey, a stupid kid who can't even kick well, actually said that he can beat me now. ’ and was amused.

Li Yiqi understands like never before - she really can only be a weightlifter if she has no strength!

Fighting with intuition without any combat training will not be able to beat those real Lianjiazi.

After running ten kilometers, Li Yiqi began to stretch against the morning breeze.

His strong muscles gave him strength. If he had run ten kilometers on the beach before, he would have been exhausted and paralyzed.But now after stretching, he is a good guy again.

After wiping off her sweat, Li Yiqi stood up.

There are many stone statues beside the beach. They are faceless stone statues of different heights, fat and thin. On the stone statues, the bones and internal organs of the corresponding body size are drawn with red lines.

Zong Hou, who was dressed in a white exercise suit, stood beside him and trained him personally.

"Side kick! Jiuwei point!"

Following Zong Hou's shout, Li Yiqi kicked the stone statue's chest, hitting half an inch below the xiphoid process.


After a loud noise, the hard stone statue was torn apart, and the broken stones burst like shrapnel.

The broken one is a 1.9-meter male stone statue.

Zong Hou: "When kicking, raise your right arm a little more, and stabilize your core. Do you see that your body is crooked when you put it away? Come again!"


Another stone statue burst open.

Li Yiqi is like a humanoid wrecking machine. If someone else is starting to practice legwork, the coach can use a hand target to follow along with him, which is economical and economical.

But Li Yiqi's strength is unbelievable. No one can take it by hand. If it is hard to connect, it will be like those stone statues. The bones will be broken more than the stones.

"Very good! Turn around and kick! Juque acupoint!"

Li Yiqi turned around quickly and kicked a 1.7-meter female stone statue.

"Standard moves but slow! If the opponent is a real person, it will be enough to kill you with three moves! Come again!" Zong Hou shouted.


The third stone statue was kicked and exploded.

Li Yiqi didn't understand that Zong Hou was obviously training him and teaching him, why did he make an excuse to lose money, and he did a good deed, but the result was like punishment.

He told the matter to the white ghost, and the white ghost laughed after hearing it, and pointed it out: "The old man has the idea of ​​taking an apprentice, but I'm sorry to say it directly."

Because of Bai Gui's words, no matter how sinister Zonghou's facial features were, how solemn and majestic his expression was, and how fierce his voice was, Li Yiqi would not be afraid anymore.

"Concentrate on practicing!"

"Double kick!"

"Change the line and kick!"

"False kick!"

"Chop down!"

"Spartan Kick!"

Li Yiqi leaned back, her heel, ankle and calf linked together, and kicked the stone statue's abdomen with her heel. This kick was particularly vicious. A two-meter-high stone statue as thick as a bear was also kicked to pieces.

In the past three days, regardless of martial arts genre, he has learned a total of [-] kicks.

Lu Yuanshan and Yue Jingshi are also by the sea.

Seeing the ferocity of Li Yiqi kicking a stone statue, Lu Yuanshan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "This strength is really... an elephant can be kicked to death."

He could fight Li Yiqi, but if he was kicked, he would be killed on the spot, and he would not be able to breathe.

Yue Jingshi stared at the stone statue forest not far away with an indifferent face, and nodded solemnly.

Such opponents are indeed extremely terrifying. They were clumsy and could be dealt with before, but after being taught by the teacher, it became difficult.They may be witnessing the birth of a humanoid beast.
In a blink of an eye, hundreds of stone statues were completely destroyed, and there were only scattered stones left in the bushes by the coast.

A masseur came over with professional props, opened the box, took out tools such as a fascia gun scraper and began to relax Li Yiqi's fascia.

Li Yiqi grinned extremely sourly.

Zong Hou came over and threw him a bottle of sports drink.

"Thank you, Grandpa Zong."

Li Yiqi thanked her.

Because his identity has not been determined, Li Yiqi has been calling him Grandpa Zong for the past two days.

Zong Hou nodded.

"From now on, you must learn to control the strength of your legs. What I taught you earlier was how to kill the enemy to the maximum extent, but from today onwards, you must learn to restrain your strength. I heard that you are going to take the geek exam?"

Li Yiqi was taken aback for a moment.


The geek exam is less than a month away. Before, Grandpa Zong said he would beat him in a month. It seems that this time is not a coincidence.

He had asked Bai Gui Zonghou's identity before, but Bai Gui didn't tell him after being envious of his good luck. He only said that Zong Hou would tell him himself later, and he whispered that he would eat the dead.

Zong Hou looked around at the gravel and said, "If you don't learn to control your strength, you will definitely kill people every time you fight, but in the geek exam you are facing an opponent, not an enemy, so you must learn to restrain your strength."

Li Yiqi also knew that she couldn't do this, so she immediately said solemnly: "Understood, I will try to control it."

Zong Hou nodded: "I customized a training tool for you before, and I finally finished it today."

"Training tool?"

Li Yiqi was a little curious about what it was.

After relaxing his fascia, he was taken to a training gym.

I saw a tall pure black robot standing quietly in the center of the huge training hall, about 1.8 meters, with perfect proportions, extremely technological sense, and a metallic luster under the indoor lights.

Several workers are holding tools to fix the bottom of the robot to the ground, and they are screwing.

Li Yiqi was stunned.

This is the customized training tool just mentioned?

Zong Hou: "Because you are too strong, the usual training methods are not suitable for you, so this machine is custom-made. Its maximum bearing capacity is [-] pounds. Have you seen the monitor over there?"

Li Yiqi raised her gaze.

There is a display half a meter away from the robot, and there is a red number zero on the display.

Zonghou: "No matter where you hit it, it will show the poundage of the impact on the robot."

Li Yiqi clicked her tongue.

Such a precise and exquisite machine was specially designed for him to practice his leg strength. To what extent have the robots on the market developed?Is it so extravagant for rich people to teach apprentices?
Those stone statues that were as tall as people were enough to burn money every day before, but suddenly a novelty that burns even more money...

Li Yiqi was really embarrassed: "This...isn't it too expensive?"

Zong Hou said calmly: "It will cost more to replace with a real person."

"Okay, the rest time is over, let's start training!"

(End of this chapter)

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