lend me your genes

Chapter 39 Family

Chapter 39 Family ([-])

The beige curtains in the study room were drawn down, and the three of them sat facing each other.

Xu Hanzhi and Li Qianhe had very kind attitudes, and they didn't directly ask Li Yiqi where she had been or what she had done this month.

What are "Parents don't care enough about you", "It's because your parents are not good enough to take care of you at home", "Have you met any new friends", "Have you met anything interesting", "Parents spend more time with you How about a few days?" "Do you want to eat oranges?"

Li Yiqi seemed to be interrogated by two Tang monks, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, okay, I'm recruiting."

He took a deep breath: "I plan to join the Geek Association, tomorrow is the exam, and I have been doing special training these days, that's it."

There was a moment of silence in the study after the voice fell.

The kind and loving expression on the parents' faces sank.

Li Yiqi's heart pounded.

Although he said that his decision would not be changed by anyone, but if it caused family conflicts, it would still make him distressed.

After a while, Li Qianhe spoke slowly, with a serious expression: "Is being a geek impulsive, or is your choice after careful consideration?"

"A thoughtful choice."

Li Yiqi is decisive.

If he is not a geek, where can he earn so much money? He earned more than 100 million yuan just by doing three tasks, and there is no higher income than this.He didn't want to be hungry all the time.

Li Qianhe and Xu Hanzhi remained silent.

Li Yiqi looked at his parents anxiously.

Suddenly Xu Hanzhi smiled slightly: "Since you want to do it, go try it, mom supports you."

Li Yiqi was surprised: "Mom, I thought you would object?"

Xu Hanzhi smiled: "Mom naturally hopes that you will be safe and sound and find a stable job in the future, but will you listen to us?"

"Actually, your grandpa hoped that I would inherit Chi Yuzhai and promote food, but your mother liked rockets and the universe since she was a child. I compromised during the college entrance examination. I listened to your grandpa and went to a university close to home. I majored in economics and management. .”

Li Yiqi was stunned.

He didn't know that her mother still had this experience. He thought her mother had always been a schoolmaster who made the family proud, and her journey went smoothly.

Xu Hanzhi's eyes fell into thoughts about the past, and his voice was low: "But my mother was very unhappy that year, and often thought, will I be like this in the future? Take economics and management courses that I am not interested in, and open chain restaurants after graduation. Grow your business, retire, and finally look at the sky and wait for your life to end."

"So after studying in that school for a year, I couldn't take it anymore. I secretly dropped out of school without telling your grandfather, took the college entrance examination again, and went to Beijing to go to the aerospace school I wanted to go to. At that time, I became happy and felt that my life was alive. significance."

Xu Hanzhi glanced at the door and said with a smile, "Actually, your grandfather didn't listen to your great-grandfather and great-grandmother. They were schoolteachers, but your grandfather went to work as a cook."

Li Qianhe smiled and patted Li Yiqi's shoulder, with a strong voice: "Son, although it is a bit literary to say so, Mom and Dad brought you to this world for a trip, I hope your life experience is happy, no matter what, Mom and Dad Support you!"

Li Yiqi's heart shook.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad..."

You are really good parents.

Xu Yingxiang, who had been hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, wiped his eyes, turned around and went downstairs.
Li Yiqi touched the kitchen.

Xu Yingxiang ignored him, turned his back to him and made soup without saying a word.

Li Yiqi hugged the thin old man.

"Grandpa, geeks can make money. Didn't you always want to have a place to grow flowers and vegetables? Do you want a place to put your kitchen utensils and ingredients?"

"I'll earn money to buy you a big house in the future, the one with a huge yard."

Li Yiqi painted big cakes for his grandfather.

"Look, the refrigerator in our house is so small, it can't hold much and it will be full. I'll change you to a refrigerator with more doors in the future! Put it hard!"

This house is indeed a bit small, the kitchen space of less than eight square meters has been utilized to the extreme, and every corner is stuffed with ingredients.

Xu Yingxiang threw the mushrooms into the casserole, and taunted: "Who wants such a big house that the grandson would sacrifice his life for?"

Li Yiqi immediately said: "I can take on missions that are not dangerous!"

Xu Yingxiang frowned deeply and did not speak.

Li Yiqi scratched her head, she was really at a loss: "...Grandpa, I'm actually pretty good."

Xu Yingxiang glanced at him.

At the age of 14, Li Yiqi went to the hospital for an examination because of developmental delay, and found out that she was born with a missing chromosome. This disease cannot be cured, and the doctor just asked him to take more growth hormone.

Later Li Yiqi was sent abroad to his uncle Li Baichuan.

Li Yiqi came back half a year later, and since then his height has grown rapidly, his body has become familiar, but his appetite is extremely large.Xu Yingxiang didn't know what Li Baichuan had done in the past six months, and whether there was anything abnormal about Li Yiqi besides eating a lot.

Li Yiqi looked around, picked up the stainless steel pot next to her, flattened it with her bare hands, and then easily rolled it into a ball like a ball of paper.

"Look, I have great strength!"

Xu Yingxiang was stunned for two seconds, staring straight at the stainless steel pot in Li Yiqi's hand that was balled into a ball.

Suddenly he picked up the spatula and hit him on the head, cursing: "I just bought this pot, it costs more than 700 yuan! You just gave it to me?!"

Li Yiqi stood up straight and was beaten, sweating and said: "It's not a big problem, I'll straighten it for you again..."

The re-kneaded stainless steel pot is full of wrinkles and crooked, even worse than the ones picked up from the waste recycling bin.

So Xu Yingxiang scolded him again.

Xu Yingxiang scolded, but his expression relaxed visibly, and he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, your uncle sent back an egg from abroad two days ago, saying it was a pterosaur egg."

"Pterosaur egg?!"

Li Yiqi is lying.
The pterodactyl egg is hidden in his bedroom.

Li Yiqi opened the door and went in, and saw an egg slightly smaller than an ostrich egg, with many blue spots on the eggshell, and it was placed in an incubator plugged in with electricity.

"Why did uncle send a pterosaur egg?"

Surprised and delighted, Li Yiqi turned to ask her grandfather.

Xu Yingxiang followed him into the bedroom: "He sent it just like that. The note said it was a pterosaur egg, and your uncle couldn't be contacted, and he couldn't ask him."

"When he sent it, he said that there was still about 5 to 10 days of incubation, and now the shell will break in about three days at the earliest."

Li Yiqi opened the incubator, picked up the heavy egg, and took a flashlight to shine on it.

The eggshell was too thick, and he could only vaguely see a flesh-red figure inside, but he could hear a heartbeat inside.

——A pterosaur egg about to hatch.

Li Yiqi couldn't believe it, and was elated.

So although he doesn't have a white tiger, is he about to have a pterosaur?
Xu Yingxiang: "At first, I was still thinking about how to send this thing to Wild Animal City, but since you want to join the Geek Association, this thing should be able to raise it?"

"Yes, it can be raised."

The Geek Association is mighty and domineering, and it is probably no problem for him to raise a group of pterosaurs.

"Leave it alone, I don't know what to feed the pterosaurs after hatching." Xu Yingxiang muttered.

In the evening, because Xu Hanzhi and Li Qianhe rarely came back, their family invited their second grandmother over to have dinner together, and the whole family gathered around the dining table lively.

"Dad, your cooking skills have improved again. I can't even eat the food in the cafeteria after I go back!" Xu Hanzhi boasted.

"Oh, stop flattering, you should go back, or you have to go back."

"Honey, the sweet soup you cook is also very good."

"Thank you, your peeled apples are delicious too."

"Hahahaha, if you can't boast, you don't need to boast."

"Come, Xiaoqi, eat a shrimp."

"Thank you mom."

Halfway through the meal, Xu Huizhong suddenly suggested with a smile: "It's rare that there are so many people and the food is so good, let's take a photo and post it on Moments?"


"Come on, let's take a picture!"

Everyone joined in.

So everyone sat around the dining table and raised their cups, the lights were bright, and all smiling faces looked at the camera together.

With a click, the screen freezes.

(End of this chapter)

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