lend me your genes

Chapter 43 Cruel Rules

Chapter 43 Cruel Rules
"Now all candidates have drawn a silver coin."

All the loudspeakers in the subway waiting station sounded at the same time, and the sound was not too fast, clear and loud.

This subway station, which has been abandoned by humans for more than 60 years, reverberates with human voices. Birds that strayed into the station flapped their wings in terror, trying to escape from here, and mice hid in the darkness and looked around vigilantly.

"There are two types of silver coins."

"The first category is scarce coins, and there are four candidates drawn."

"The first category is common currency. A total of 16 candidates were drawn."

"If a candidate who holds rare coins kills a candidate who holds ordinary coins, he will get four points."

"Scarce currency holders can get eight points if they control one candidate who holds common currency."

After this rule was finished, the faces of the people present changed slightly.

On the radio, the slow and clear reading of the rules continued.

"Conversely, if a candidate who holds a common coin kills a candidate who holds a rare coin, he will also get four points."

"If a candidate who holds a common currency controls one candidate who holds a rare currency, he will also get eight points."

"If you kill the holder of the same currency, one point will be deducted."

"Controlling the holder of the same currency will deduct one point."

"The standard of control is calculated based on the fact that the opponent is not seriously injured, but loses the ability to resist."

"The test time starts from stepping on this subway train and ends when the subway arrives at the station."

"At the end of the first round of exams, candidates who scored less than four points will be eliminated. The scores obtained by candidates who have passed the first round will be included in the total score."

"Now, all candidates please enter the compartment."

Li Xiangping, the doctor of Yingguo, turned pale, and looked at his eye-scarred face in fear.

In short, the rules of this round of exams are to kill or control exotic coins.But no one knows what type of silver coins other candidates hold... In other words, whoever shows his silver coins to others is handing over his weakness in advance!

Li Yiqi frowned slightly.

He found that this year's geek exam seems to be different from the previous style.

"Ding Ding Ding-"

Glass screened doors with flashing lights moved away from the sides.

Several doors of the subway were also opened.

When everyone saw a pile of ropes in the subway, they immediately started to rob. In this round of scrambling, everyone was on edge, and someone almost shot.

In the end, everyone roughly divided the ropes according to their heads.

Everyone ignored Li Yiqi and didn't share the rope with him.

Li Yiqi didn't intend to grab it either, she just found a seat, wiped off the ashes and sat down.

Such a weak performance made the observers look down on him again, but it also made people pay more attention-this is a piece of meat that is easy to cut.

"Ding Ding Ding-"

After everyone got on the train, the subway doors closed.

The entire train began to move forward.

The lifespan of this subway is at least 60 years. The interior paint is cracked, the floor of the carriage is full of unknown stains and rat feces, and the damp and cold wind with an earthy smell is poured in from the ventilation system.

Some lights inside the subway were completely off, and some lights flickered because of poor connections.The tunnel lights outside are even more sparse.

There are a total of eight cars in the subway, which is very long.

Everyone is very wary of each other. They form an alliance of small groups, each sitting in a carriage, and guarding each other from a distance.

And the small groups are not monolithic. Some sit close to each other, while others sit farther away from each other.

"It's a good thing we've formed an alliance, otherwise we'd be dead alone like that kid." Freckles glanced at Li Yiqi and whispered to his teammate Zhuangshuo.

"Leave him alone, the point is what should we do?" Hai Li said hurriedly.

Her expression was tense, and while she was holding her gun and looking at the others vigilantly, she lowered her voice and said, "No one has acted yet, but you must know that the rules don't say where this damn subway stops. Down!"

She said: "The subway is not a train. The travel time is very short, and the time we have is also very tight. It is possible that the train will stop after two stops! Then we who have not killed or controlled anyone will be eliminated!"

The freckled man Seth gritted his teeth: "You're right, we have to act... I thought about this time, if we keep on guard against each other, it will be difficult to pass the level. How about being honest with each other?"

He took out his silver coin from his pocket and put it in the palm of his hand.

"Okay." The burly girl Haili also took out her own silver coin.

The two exchanged a look, and at the same time slowly opened their hands, revealing their silver coins.


"Great, the two of us are the same!"

"Thank goodness we are the same currency..."

Both breathed a sigh of relief.

Points will be deducted for killing the same currency, which means that they don't have to be wary of each other, and both of them can't help feeling their good luck.

Hai Li said calmly: "Our next task is to find the candidate of the foreign currency, kill or control him."

"The examiner said when announcing the rules that there are four rare coin holders and 16 common coin holders. We'd better know whether we are holding rare coins or common coins, because it means how much we are facing. enemy!"

Seth: "You're right."

He looked solemn: "If we are rare coins, then we only have two hidden teammates, but we have to face sixteen enemies at the same time."

The two looked at each other.

Seth looked down at the silver coin in his hand and murmured, "Hydrangea...God bless, I hope it's not a rare coin."

Two carriages outside.

Li Yiqi supported the explosion-proof shield on a tungsten steel rod, and sat quietly with her eyes downcast, like an old monk sitting still.

The small group of four in Yuanguo was the first to board the subway.

They snatched a car near the front of the car, which allowed them to lean their backs against the wall and be less guarded against the candidates.

The couple Zeng Jing and Mao Jie sat on the stainless steel bench on the same side, and the other two original Chinese sat opposite.

The people in this team also understand that time is running out and they must take action.

Zeng Jing leaned her head together and asked her husband in a low voice: "Shall we share information with them?"

Mao Jie thought for a while, then quickly made up his mind, and said resolutely: "Share it!" If they don't share it, there are only two of them, and it is difficult to fight against other candidates.

After making up their minds, the two sat across from each other.

The four people put their fists holding the silver coins together, counted one, two, three lightly, and spread their palms at the same time.

The moment the four silver coins were revealed at the same time, the air froze for a moment.

Zeng Jing's back tensed instantly, and she grabbed the gun at her waist.

The others also held their breath nervously.

After a long while, Mao Jie forced a smile and broke the silence: "The three of you are the same. Judging from the probability, I should be a rare coin. But if the two of you attack me, this team will be disbanded. You can start from other teams. Do you survive in your hand?"

Zeng Jing stared closely at the other two teammates. If their reactions were slightly wrong, she would shoot without hesitation!
Bai Jinlong immediately raised his wristwatches to be loyal: "Yes, we should work together to deal with other people at this time. Doing something to your teammates is definitely asking for a dead end!"

The black cat is a thin woman, and immediately said: "Don't worry, I will never do anything to my teammates."

(End of this chapter)

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