Chapter 49

The plane flew smoothly.This is a transport plane. There are two rows of wall-mounted seats at the edge of the cabin. All candidates sit facing each other and look at each other.

Everyone is still not sure who Kongmeng is. Everyone's eyes are focused on Li Xiangping, Li Yiqi and Orlando, with different expressions.

"The rules for the second round of examinations are now announced."

The voice of the examiner's nine of spades made everyone's hearts tremble, and everyone focused on the examiner.

"—A total of 33 candidates passed the first round, and the second round is promoted in the form of teams. Every three candidates form a team. The top six teams enter the next round, and the rest of the teams are eliminated."

Someone couldn't help confirming: "The team ranked after No.6, all the members in it will be eliminated? No matter how they perform in the exam?"

Nine of Spades nodded: "Yes, all of them."

Some people were dissatisfied: "This is not fair!"

Nine of Spades said: "Why is it unfair? After joining the Geek Association, there are often team mission leaders. Team missions don't care about your personal ability. If you fail the mission, you are a failure. No matter how good your performance is, you will not get the mission reward." .”

The man was speechless.

The rules of the second round pay great attention to the strength of the team. If the teammates are not good enough, then no matter how strong they are, they may have to admit defeat and be eliminated unfortunately.

Passionate gazes were cast on Yueying, Orlando, Li Yiqi and others.

Nine of Spades turned their eyes slightly, looked at Li Yiqi and the others, and said, "Kongmeng, Orlando, and Yueying, you are the top three, and you have two opportunities to actively invite teammates, and the top fifteen have one opportunity to actively invite teammates. Candidates can only wait to be invited."

Wang Binjiang asked: "Examiner, what should the candidates who have not received the invitation do?"

Nine of Spades smiled slightly, looking around at the candidates.

"Then these people can only enter the examination room alone. Those who are singled out still have the opportunity to form a team in the examination room. Candidates who do not form a three-person team after the examination are considered eliminated."

what? !

Candidates who were ranked after fifteen suddenly sank to the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Binjiang glanced at the LCD screen with an ugly face. He was ranked 20th, and he did not have the right to invite to form a team, so he might be placed alone.

Nine of Spades' voice was clear and loud: "Kong Meng scored 112 points and ranked first in the first round." He looked at Li Yiqi, "Kong Meng, you can invite a teammate first."

It turns out that he is Kongmeng!
The other [-] or so candidates all cast their eyes on Li Yiqi.

This person scored 112 points in the first round, it's crazy!
Nine of Spades said to Li Yiqi: "You can invite other candidates, and the invited candidates can also reject you."

Li Yiqi looked around at the candidates.

The candidates looked back at him nervously.

In their eyes at this moment, Li Yiqi was like a shiny golden thigh, thinking about who to hug.

Who wouldn't want to ride on golden thighs!
Even the alliance of seven that was set to hunt Kongmeng and Orlando at the subway station just now was a little shaken. Some people couldn't help thinking, if Kongmeng chose him...does the alliance treaty still count?

The key to pass the second round is probably not in the examination room, but in this moment!
Li Xiangping was even more nervous. He didn't have enough points, and he was ranked 21st, which meant that he didn't have the right to be invited and could only wait to be invited. If no one invited him, he would be very dangerous...

Just as everyone held their breath and waited for Li Yiqi to choose, Li Yiqi finally spoke.

But he asked the nine of spades: "May I ask about the content of the second round of exams first?"

Nine of Spades pondered slightly.

"It's okay to tell you now."

Everyone's eyes focused on Nine of Spades again.

The young man in his thirties with an unusually fashionable hairstyle said: "The location of the second round of exams is on the island, and all candidates will be scattered in the exam room, and your task is to find a special fruit called red longan. .”

"A red longan is worth one point." He raised his index finger.

"Everyone is not allowed to bring anything except their own clothes, shoes and a small amount of food. However, weapons, food and other materials can be picked up in the examination room."

"The test is not limited in time, and it will end when the first team finds thirty red longan first."

Li Xiangping was slightly taken aback.

This seems to be a bit like the old century game they played on the road.

Someone asked: "Can I wear body armor?"


"The phone?"


"Is the watch all right?"


Li Yiqi touched the submachine gun and rifle she had confiscated, with a look of pity on her face.

Li Xiangping: "..."

Even though my heart was anxious, seeing Li Yiqi's appearance, I couldn't help complaining: Boss, your marksmanship is not good, so it's a pity that you don't have to!

Nine of Spades: "Now that everyone knows the content of the exam, please put the weapons and items you brought into the box with your name on it."

Big silver boxes slid down one by one.

Nine of Spades: "Don't worry, we won't touch your personal belongings, and we will return them to you intact after the exam."

This is the rule, even if the candidates are reluctant, they can only put their belongings in the box.

After the release, there is still an inspection. The nine of spades is responsible for checking the male candidates, and the stewardess is responsible for checking the female candidates. It is as careful as a security check, and everything will be found out for you.Someone tried to pocket a pocketknife in the belt of the shoe, and it all came out.

Nine of Spades see Li Yiqi has a can.

"open to take a look."

Li Yiqi opened the lid and showed him: "Chocolate."

Li Yiqi ate two in front of him.

"Well, you can take it."

Li Yiqi put it in her pocket.

After a quarter of an hour, all the candidates sat back on their seats, and everyone was unarmed.

Li Yiqi should continue to choose teammates.

Candidates hope that Kongmeng can invite themselves after losing their weapons. In the absence of weapons, an absolutely strong teammate can provide a great guarantee.

Pairs of fiery eyes looked at Li Yiqi full of hope.

choose me!

Choose me as a teammate, guarantee 360-degree obedience without dead ends!

Whether it's a 1.9-meter tall man or a petite girl, whether it's an unshaven uncle or a cut-cut iron-blooded woman, they all stare at him.

Li Yiqi felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Yiqi finally said, "I invite Li Xiangping."


Li Xiangping was ecstatic, jumped up as if he had won the lottery, and bowed deeply to Li Yiqi excitedly: "Thank you, Mr. Kong Meng! I will not disappoint you!"

"I believe in you." Li Yiqi said, "Sit down and stop bowing to me."

"Okay, okay." Li Xiangping sat down holding the fabric on his thighs, although it was embarrassing to bow to the younger generation, but he definitely did it from the heart.With Li Yiqi here, it seems that there is hope for the second round!

Li Yiqi chose Li Xiangping out of kindness.

The second round of examinations will take place on the island. The island may be empty or full of dense forests. It is very important to have a sniper with accurate marksmanship in such a large venue.Li Xiangping's low score was just because he didn't show his advantage in the first round.

As for the sniper rifle, he was confident that he could find supplies on the island.

On the LCD screen in the lounge, the No. 20 ranked Kong Meng and No. [-] No. [-] Li Xiangping formed a team and lined up together.

Candidates at the back of the queue couldn't help feeling sorry for Li Xiangping's good luck despite being disappointed.

This is so good that you can lie down and fly!

Nine of Spades nodded, didn't say anything to Li Yiqi's choice, and looked at Orlando: "Then Orlando, who do you want to invite as your teammate?"

The other candidates looked at Orlando again with hope.

Although Orlando may kill everyone, but the rules of the second round are there, Orlando should not do anything to his teammates, right?
Orlando did not hesitate, and looked at Li Yiqi with a smile: "I want to invite Kong Meng."

Li Yiqi didn't hesitate either.

"I reject."

"Okay." Orlando shrugged, looking like he didn't regret being rejected.

Nine of Spades: "Orlando, you lost an invitation, and now you can only invite one more."

Orlando smiled: "It's a pity, otherwise the first three-person team would have come out."

Nine of Spades then looked at Yue Ying: "Yue Ying, you are No.3, and you also have two chances to invite."

Moon Shadow is a delicate and delicate girl with an unhealthy pale complexion.

In the first round of exams, the test scores of No.1 and No.2 dropped sharply, and the test scores of No.2 and No.3 also dropped sharply. Moon Shadow only scored 28 points.

Moon Shadow dropped her eyes and remained silent for a long time.

All the candidates who had formed an alliance in private at the subway station suddenly became nervous.

She won't turn back, will she?

(End of this chapter)

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