lend me your genes

Chapter 58 Who Is The Monster

Chapter 58 Who Is The Monster
Rain rustled.

A dragon beard earthworm suddenly attacked Nini Atti!Nini Atti swung the scimitar and swiftly slashed at its body!Smart like a rabbit in the night.

The moment the blade cut into the opponent's body, she could feel the density of the opponent's muscles.

It is very tough, thicker than the muscle density of a boa constrictor, and it doesn't look like the kind of watery and soft earthworm that can be flattened when stepped on.

After being slashed, the dragon beard earthworm seemed to have no effect at all, and the attack became more fierce.

Nini Atti rolled over to avoid its mouthparts.

It's over, the earthworm is a strange species that has been cut into two parts and can still live, it is not a problem if it is cut with a knife, how can it be beaten!
"This earthworm can't be killed!"

She's going crazy.

Li Yiqi took the time to turn her head: "Don't talk!"

Nini Atti broke down and shouted: "I don't think it makes any difference whether we talk or not now! These things are already eyeing us!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge body lifted up horizontally from the ground, brought up countless wet mud, and twisted towards her like a python.

Surrounded by such things, Nini Atti couldn't hide no matter how agile she was.

The dragon beard earthworm rolled up, and it was oppressed with great force.


She screamed in pain, desperately trying to pull out or raise her arm, but she couldn't even move her hand, and the terrifying and irresistible force firmly suppressed her.

The ferocious mouthparts were on the top of the head, drooling and about to swallow it.

Nini Atti's bones creaked, and the arm bones, sternum, and ribs were about to be crushed together.

Xue Liang's sword flashed across his head.

The dragon-bearded earthworm that bound Nini Atti broke in two instantly, and the mucus gushed wildly, throwing herself all over her.Nini Atti let out a hoarse hiss, and fell to the ground out of strength.

It was Kong Meng who took the time to save her.

Compared with Nini Atti, Li Yiqi seems to be chopping tofu with the Tang Dao.

When the knife fell, a dragon-bearded earthworm was cut in half, and the mucus gushed out crazily.

This Tang knife is three feet and one inch long, and the blade is as clear as a pool of autumn water. It is a very beautiful knife.However, the people who make it do not know how to use a knife at all, just chop and chop violently, which is no different from chopping with a kitchen knife.

But with such a rough chopping, Li Yiqi insisted on propping up an absolutely safe area among the monsters in the forest.

When a dragon-bearded earthworm approaches, Li Yiqi chops it with her hands.Under the blessing of Juli, all those who dared to rush over were divided into two.

After showing how to dig a cave in a quarter of an hour, Li Yiqi once again demonstrated what it means to make a miracle with great strength.You are strong enough to kill monsters!
"Big... big guy is big guy... cough cough..."

Nini Atti got up covered in mud and mucus, and while her chest and ribs were in severe pain, she still didn't forget to flatter her.

The ground seemed to be boiling, and giant earthworms came out continuously, dancing wildly in the dark night.Such a terrifying scene, but because of this person, it seems to be less scary.

"Climb up the tree!"

Li Yiqi shouted.

"oh oh!"

Nini Atti ran towards the big tree like crazy.

The trees here are also the kind with tall branches and smooth trunks that are difficult to borrow.

And Nini Adi very cleverly ran to the tree tied to the giant raptor, stepped on the back of the giant raptor and jumped suddenly.

Nini Adi is not Li Yiqi, the Giant Raptor is not afraid of her at all, and it pecks at Nini Adi unhappily when it is used as a stepping stone.

But Nini Adi was used to climbing trees, so she was very flexible. Using both hands and feet, she quickly climbed up the tree like a monkey, without even getting her skin pecked.

Nini Atti's movement naturally attracted the attention of the dragon beard earthworm.

But these monsters were blocked by Li Yiqi.

However, because Li Yiqi kept blocking and making noises, dragon beard earthworms kept attacking Li Yiqi, and Li Yiqi couldn't find a chance to escape to the tree.

At this time, the ground under Li Yiqi's feet suddenly rose, and another one came out from the ground. The slippery feet made Li Yiqi fall, and Tang Dao was thrown flying.

The second and third dragon beard earthworms drilled out.

Li Yiqi who fell was instantly entangled.

"You are endless, aren't you?!"

Li Yiqi, who had a high fever and hadn't slept well, had a ferocious face, and her irritability suddenly arose. She hugged the dragon-bearded earthworm that strangled him and tried to hang him, with both arms vigorously.


There was a very loud popping sound.

The dragon-bearded earthworm who wanted to strangle Li Yiqi was strangled by Li Yiqi!
Nini Artie on the tree looked terrified. For the first time, she intuitively felt how terrifying the emptiness of No.1 was.

It was like seeing a humanoid monster showing its power, but it was hard to say whether it was these dragon-bearded earthworms that were scary, or this person was more terrifying.

But gradually Li Yiqi showed signs of decline.

A lone tiger can't beat a pack of wolves. If he can beat a pack of wolves, it must be because there aren't enough wolves.

The most important thing is that these earthworms will not die if they are cut into two pieces, and they will lose their attack power only if they are cut into small pieces.

Cutting a carrot in half is easy.

Difficult to cut into small pieces.

Li Yiqi was so entangled by these disgusting dragon-bearded earthworms that she couldn't bear it anymore. After breaking one of the hoops abruptly, she turned over and hugged the rest of her body that was still twisting wildly. Arise as a weapon.

But the human body is too small compared to the dragon beard earthworm. Although he has the strength, he doesn't have the angle.

There are new earthworms coming out from the bottom.

Seeing Li Yiqi surrounded, Nini Adi bit her lip on the tree.

In fact, she found a grenade in the supply box before. This grenade was for her to save her life, but now she can't take care of it anymore.

Nini Atti quickly took apart her meatball head.

I saw an oval turquoise grenade that was only as big as a kiwi fruit hidden in the head of the ball.The model of this grenade is GR-22YU, which is produced in the United States and Switzerland. Because it looks like a kiwi, it is directly called a kiwi.

Nini Atti pulled out the pin, rounded her arms and threw the kiwi far away.


Explosions lit up the night.

The huge explosion not only knocked over the monster, but also caused Li Yiqi to be hit by the air wave, causing her tinnitus for a moment.He shook his ears, broke free from the nearby dragon beard earthworms, seized the opportunity to run towards the big tree, and climbed the tree on the giant raptor.

Gigaraptor, who was used as a ladder again, wanted to get angry, but because it was Li Yiqi, he dared not speak out.

Li Yiqi is not as flexible as Nini Artie in climbing trees.

Nini Atti lay on the branch and stretched out her hand towards him.

The moment she grabbed Li Yiqi, the weight from the other end caused the girl who weighed only 49 kilograms to contort instantly, baring her teeth, feeling as if her arm would be torn off.

In the end, Li Yiqi also managed to climb up the tree.

The two hid on the branches.

They thought that more dragon beard worms would be attracted by the explosion.

But just the opposite.

The rainforest gradually returned to calm.

Those things sank into the soft soil, and they all left here one after another.

The two looked at each other, somewhat unexpectedly.

After a while, Nini Atti said, "Is it possible that these things are sensitive to sound, but the huge explosion made their auditory system unable to bear it, so they left here?"

Li Yiqi didn't know what was going on.

"Never mind it, just leave anyway."

He glanced at Nini Atti with disheveled hair, and instantly understood where the grenade came from just now: "Hiding the grenade on top of your head, you are really talented..."

He leaned his back against the tree trunk wearily.

There must be a lot of bugs hiding in this tree, some of them may be poisonous, but now Li Yiqi can't care about it anymore, his body is covered with mucus and wet mud, and there are still big raindrops falling from the gaps in the leaves, and another bug will fall down He doesn't feel it at all.

Seeing that Li Yiqi didn't mind hiding a grenade for herself, Nini Adi breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "The grenade is actually very safe, as long as you don't pull out the pin, it won't explode. Besides, you can put it in your pocket if you want to blow it up." Do you want to blow it up yourself? It would be easier to blow up the head first."

"... "

It makes sense that I was speechless.

Li Yiqi closed her eyes and said nothing.

The fever made him miserable.

Nini Atti didn't realize that Li Yiqi, who just showed off her power just now, was actually stacked with the negative BUFF of fever, and thought that Li Yiqi would be tired.

After the catastrophe, she was extremely excited.

"When I was entangled by that thing just now, I really thought I was going to die this time, Kong Meng, thank you for saving my life!"

"...I told you to help me repel the insects, and I will keep you safe, and the thunder you just saved my life, so it's cancelled."

"Insect repellent... By the way, do those just now count as insects?" Nini Atti suddenly thought of a question.

This stopped Li Yiqi from asking.

(End of this chapter)

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